Please hear our feeble cries oh powerful interjectors of fate. We have suffered enough to be down trodden the remainder of the season. Surely you have humbled us. Reward us for our steadfast loyalty to your great game. Today may our players avoid penalty, our coaches be wise beyond compare, and may the ball adventageously move in a beneficial direction within the same way we are traveling.
Give us this game day our weekly ice cold beer.
Forgive us of our arm chair QBing and allow us to forgive our coaches for their poor clock management
Lead us not into turnovers but deliver us from inept decision making.
For our goal is the win, and the glory, and the hope of victory that we might return to respectability.... Amen & Hogelujah!
Give us this game day our weekly ice cold beer.
Forgive us of our arm chair QBing and allow us to forgive our coaches for their poor clock management
Lead us not into turnovers but deliver us from inept decision making.
For our goal is the win, and the glory, and the hope of victory that we might return to respectability.... Amen & Hogelujah!
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