OT "Affluenza" mom Tonya Couch's bond dropped from $1M to $75,000

I got pulled over the other day for an expired tag(2007).

The officer just wanted to let me know and gave me the money to renew it.
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Lol you must be new on rivals or in denial about white privilege? will me denying reality make you sleep more comfortably?
Nope I have been a member for a long time. I guess the Baltimore, Ferguson, etc incidents were black privilege at there best.
Nope I have been a member for a long time. I guess the Baltimore, Ferguson, etc incidents were black privilege at there best.
what does Baltimore or Ferguson have to do with this? How about the killing of a 12 yr old boy with a fake gun? Show me where this happens in the burbs?

Whatever I'm done. Glad you guys have Obama.
obama was elected by whites. The black vote is like 12% of the electorate. Don't be ignorant your whole life!
what does Baltimore or Ferguson have to do with this? How about the killing of a 12 yr old boy with a fake gun? Show me where this happens in the burbs?

obama was elected by whites. The black vote is like 12% of the electorate. Don't be ignorant your whole life!

It was dumb. He realized it and retreated when I called him out. Let it go and just let him reflect on it. Pushing does not help.
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I wonder what white privilege gets you in Alaska? Free igloos and hunting privileges?

Not much. In fact, being white hurts my hunting privileges. And all igloos are free. They are just temporary shelters made of the ice and snow when you are caught outside. You do not live in them. Just put in the time and anyone can have a free igloo.

Was actually told by an Inupiaq that I would never get a promotion while I lived in Kotzebue because those are "local hire" positions. They only hired me because they needed someone ASAP and nobody local with the skills wanted the job. I have been discriminated against by being white myself. I do not like it and recognize that every race comes with certain privileges. Personally, I think much of the "white privilege" argument is overblown. I have been in searches while at the University of Arkansas and was told to reopen a search because the best qualified candidate did not match the demographics we wanted because he was a white male. Reverse racism also exists and is very real.

That being said, I recognize white privilege and this board often reflects it through its blindness and entitlement. For example, a white guy should be able to walk down the street in any neighborhood at any time without harassment. But many of those same people think it is ok to shoot Treyvon Martin for walking in a gated community. White privilege. Members of this board justify it because he should not have been there. White privilege. You add guns and violence to the equation and it screams at me.

These are patriots exercising their rights in public.


But do you feel the same way when you see this guy?

Many feel this is an excessive use of police force against innocent Americans.

But this is an ok use of police authority because black kids showed-up at a pool in a white neighborhood.


So yes, I think white privilege is often used as a battering ram and exaggerated for a political agenda. But that does not mean it does not exist. When you post that Ferguson and Baltimore are somehow "Black Privilege," that shows a disconnect that exposes the notion of white privilege precisely because of the absence of empathy alone.

As a white person, I do not fear the police when I am pulled over. I do not get harassed by store clerks when I shop. I do not get shot for exercising open carry. I do not get the police called when I walk through a neighborhood or park. And most importantly, I do not expect it. The fact that we do not expect the treatment, but justify its use against nonwhites is precisely what white privilege means. And yes, it exists.
And for the record, I feel that the OP actually reflects the privileges of wealth, not race. Wealth privilege also exists. For example, if OJ did not have the $$$ he did, he would be in jail regardless of guilt or innocence because he would not be able to assemble the same team of lawyers and fund his "experts" needed for acquittal. Instead, he would have had a DA urging him to take a plea. Same for this "affluenza" mom and her son. Wealth creates a disproportionate judicial system due to resources. In this case, they got a lawyer and had the resources to fight for the reduction. They could afford an endless legal fight. In contrast, a poor person would not have a DA willing to take the time to do the same due to caseload. A middle-class could not afford the lawyer to make the argument and work the process.

Regardless, it is sometimes also hard to separate wealth and race when it comes to the notion of privilege.
So I posted that Ferguson and Baltimore were black privilege; that's interesting. I must be a ventriloquist on these pages.

I did not say you did. Reread my post. I did not attribute that post to you at all. I was using "you" in the third person and apologize if it is interpreted otherwise.

This is the quote to which I was referring.

Nope I have been a member for a long time. I guess the Baltimore, Ferguson, etc incidents were black privilege at there best.

I also like the misuse of "their" as "there" in the quote, but I digress.
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