Another college shooting


Gold Member
Nov 27, 2012
News is reporting a shooting near Seattle . 10 people dead . Said the the shooter was no longer a threat didn't say whether dead or in custody
I just read about that. Such a horrible deal.

Also so the death toll is around 15 and in these situations likely to rise.
We live in a fallen world where the love of mankind has grown cold. Very sad.
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im all for gun control but also understand why some are not. Maybe America could just make it much more difficult to get a gun. There has to be a solution to contain these types of things

You aren't going to make it difficult for criminals to get guns that's the whole point of it being absurd.

Look at the facts behind cities that put up more gun laws compared to the cities that don't.

People thinking we can get rid of guns or make it harder for criminals to get are in fantasy land. By making it "harder" to get guns you're just punishing responsible gun owners.
Yes we do, Not ok to Pray but ok to be Gay

I try not to get involved with political/ religious discussions on here, but this post is absolutely ridiculous. Who says you can't pray? There is not one single rule or law saying you can't close your eyes and say a prayer where and when you want to. Just because no one is forcing you to pray doesn't mean you aren't allowed to personally pray.
I try not to get involved with political/ religious discussions on here, but this post is absolutely ridiculous. Who says you can't pray? There is not one single rule or law saying you can't close your eyes and say a prayer where and when you want to. Just because no one is forcing you to pray doesn't mean you aren't allowed to personally pray.

Exactly. As long as it doesn't interfere with your job or some situation like that, you can literally pray anywhere at any time in this country.
I try not to get involved with political/ religious discussions on here, but this post is absolutely ridiculous. Who says you can't pray? There is not one single rule or law saying you can't close your eyes and say a prayer where and when you want to. Just because no one is forcing you to pray doesn't mean you aren't allowed to personally pray.
I didn't mean it that way. Was just stating how crazy this world is becoming. I hate politically correctness
The shooter posted a vague message online saying what he planned to do yesterday.

I don't want to link it here, but you can find it pretty easily if you're interested. It is interesting, but also very disgusting and depressing to see all the encouragement and advice he was given.
Very sad. When will this crap stop! BTW it was in a gun free zone - another form of gun control
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Gun control. Smh

Terrible news. In before Obummer blames conservatives in an effort to keep focus off of radical islam.
Gun control is like trying to take crack away from a crackhead! Not gonna happen
Very sad. When will this crap stop! BTW it was in a gun free zone - another form of gun control
It is very sad. I feel for the families of the victims. I wish the victims would have had the option of concealed carry so they could have defended themselves. Maybe a few less tears would be shed today.
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The shooter posted a vague message online saying what he planned to do yesterday.

I don't want to link it here, but you can find it pretty easily if you're interested. It is interesting, but also very disgusting and depressing to see all the encouragement and advice he was given.

Dude that 4chan website or forum...whatever it's full of twisted degenerates who are clearly obsessed with killing "normies"
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News is reporting a shooting near Seattle . 10 people dead . Said the the shooter was no longer a threat didn't say whether dead or in custody
I have two cousins who attend Umpquah. I called to make sure they are ok and luckily, neither had to be at school until 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm respectively, so they weren't on campus when the shooting occurred. My aunt told me that the shooter was asking the victims what their religion was and if their answer was Christian, they were shot. Sounds like another terror incident to me, but the authorities aren't saying yet. Condolences to the victims and their families.
You aren't going to make it difficult for criminals to get guns that's the whole point of it being absurd.

Look at the facts behind cities that put up more gun laws compared to the cities that don't.

People thinking we can get rid of guns or make it harder for criminals to get are in fantasy land. By making it "harder" to get guns you're just punishing responsible gun owners.

I was walking into a hospital tonight and there was one of those no firearms allowed signs on the door. It struck me what an absurd sign that was in the wake of today's event. Anybody bringing a gun to a public place intent on using it is not going to see that sign and say, "Oh heck, I better go somewhere else. They don't allow guns here." All it does is take away the ability of responsible citizens with concealed permits to intervene and maybe save some lives.

Ever notice that these things tend to happen at lib controlled places where the nutjobs know they will be surrounded by unarmed and thus, helpless people? The safest places on the planet are gun shows and shooting ranges. Gun control? The crooks and wacko's would love it. The crooks would make a fortune selling black market weapons and the wacko's would be able to rampage anywhere w/o interruption.
You aren't going to make it difficult for criminals to get guns that's the whole point of it being absurd.

Look at the facts behind cities that put up more gun laws compared to the cities that don't.

People thinking we can get rid of guns or make it harder for criminals to get are in fantasy land. By making it "harder" to get guns you're just punishing responsible gun owners.

You failed with your argument on facts

Britain had 35 gun murders last year
United States had 12 thousand gun murders

That is 1 of many facts that can be brought up on this subject, the United States gun control laws are a joke. The term back ground check in this country to own a gun is taken so lightly that the politicians who are allowing it should be put in jail.

To get something on your record which would disqualify an american from owning a gun is laughable, Federal law requires a court order to determine if someone is mentally stable or if committed to a mental institution will disqualify. That's it... Period... There is nothing else that stands in the way of a gun owner.

It makes no sense to say its punishing responsible gun owners to go through more red tape than simply walking into a gun shop as long as there is no court order against an individual. No reason for gun owners to feel threatened by strict gun control policies. 35 murders vs 12 thousand says you are wrong in your thinking
The safest places on the planet are gun shows and shooting ranges.

Do a Google search for "shooting at gun range" and "shooting at gun show" and you will see that there are plenty of idiots handling loaded guns at those places.

Gun shows have been averaging about 1 shooting a month since 2012. Most of them were accidents...but you can't really say that they are the safest places on the planet.

For The Sixth Time In One Week, Man Shot At Gun Show
Ah.. Your in favor of abortion, gun control and same sex marriage. I guess he would be crazy then..

No, i'm against abortion except for in rare cases like rape, incest, etc.

And Gun control, yes i think it should be harder for people to get guns. It is way too easy these days. There should be more extensive background checks so that only responsible people get guns. I am not totally against guns like you are assuming.

And yes, i am for same sex marriage because all law abiding citizens should have the same rights.

So how does that make me crazy? Sounds like i'm pretty reasonable.

Do a Google search for "shooting at gun range" and "shooting at gun show" and you will see that there are plenty of idiots handling loaded guns at those places.

Gun shows have been averaging about 1 shooting a month since 2012. Most of them were accidents...but you can't really say that they are the safest places on the planet.

For The Sixth Time In One Week, Man Shot At Gun Show

You are taking my point out of context. When I said gun shows are the safest places on the planet, I clearly meant from the murderously insane binge shooters. Nowhere is safe from idiots.

We can't stop idiots from driving, voting, running for office, getting elected to office, getting promoted to positions of power, reproducing, teaching our kids, etc. Idiots are everywhere and come from all walks of life. We can't ban idiocy, there are too many of them in charge.

To clarify my point. People with concealed carry permits must pass an FBI background check, pass a gun safety course, and prove to be proficient enough with a gun to handle it safely. By their very existence, they are law abiders. When places like schools, hospitals, government buildings, and other public places, ban permit owners by placing signs outside their buildings, they are letting nutjobs that want to rampage kill know that they can safely do their killing w/o risk of being shot before they are finished. Ironically stupid aint It?

People hell bent on mass murder aren't going to care what the stupid sign says. They aren't going to care what gun laws say either. Just like banning booze didn't stop drunk driving, gun laws won't take away guns from those seeking to do evil. They will just create a lucrative black market and make crooks a lot of money. And disarm the honest.
No, i'm against abortion except for in rare cases like rape, incest, etc.

And Gun control, yes i think it should be harder for people to get guns. It is way too easy these days. There should be more extensive background checks so that only responsible people get guns. I am not totally against guns like you are assuming.

And yes, i am for same sex marriage because all law abiding citizens should have the same rights.

So how does that make me crazy? Sounds like i'm pretty reasonable.

Well I'm glad you respect Life. I'll never understand how people can can condone ending a completely separate life and call it a woman's health issue as if the baby is their own body.
How much more of an extensive background check do you want? Gun buyers are already checked against the federal records. If they don't have any felonies, guess what, you get a gun. I think they should link the background check system with the mental health systems. If you've been committed, you don't get a weapon. I think you should have to have a spotless record, not just no felonies but nothing more than traffic citations.

I wouldn't be against requiring every gun owner to take a safety class and have some sort of a license. I am not in favor of new legislation on gun specifics. Like limiting mags or banning automatic weapons.

At this point I don't care if they make it "more difficult" because in all likelyhood, already licensed people would be clear. And I am licensed.

I'm going to go buy a new pistol today. I can't wait. And I will carry it everywhere I'm allowed to carry it and truth be told, in some places I'm not allowed to carry it. Because my safety is more important than their rules.
The bigger issue in my opinion is the complete negligence of the mental health problem in this country. We have nothing in place to identify possibly unstable individuals. We don't advertise the warning signs. We dismiss these people as outcasts instead of trying to help them and keep them out of danger.

You can make guns tougher to get but people will still find ways to hurt people if they are disturbed mentally.

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