About to share my experience. And boy has this been an experience.
Started running fever December 3rd, got tested that night. (Didn’t want to expose my mother in-law whose not in the best health). Tested Positive. Had just fever for 2 days. Then on December 6th I started going downhill. Couldn’t keep fluids or food down. Zofran, Phenegran, suppositories didn’t work. December 7th tried to get into UAMS and couldn’t. Went to Cabot Emergency Room. Got Fluids and Zofran through the IV. Pulse ox was at 94. So they sent me home. Tried to toughen through it that Tuesday. Ate pudding and drank water when I could. By Tuesday night I’m throwing up. Then my pulse ox dropped to 86. Go back to Cabot they get me stabilized. Steroids, Oxygen, fluids, Zofran, and start the process to get me into Springhill. The chest X-rays showed Covid pneumonia in both lungs. Spent Wednesday in the ER waiting on a room and then they started me on remdesivir, plasma and more steroids. Was there from December 9th through the 14th fighting this terrible stuff. Ended up on 4 liters of oxygen. I’ve spent the last week trying to get stronger, still on oral steroids and a steroid inhaler. Also abuterol, vitamin c, and baby aspirin. I’m blessed though. I’m getting stronger each day. But this stuff is no joke. I’m 29 and a healthy person. The biggest thing is how quick Covid can turn on your lungs. That’s why everyone should invest in a pulse ox meter. And my wife never got a cough. Never ran a fever or had a symptom and she tested positive on December 9th.
Update as of today. Our son started running fever last night and then throwing up. Took him to the doctor today thinking it must be strep. Nope he has Covid. These guidelines for quarantine and how long the incubation period is are shit. They don’t have a clue. He was first exposed 25 days ago at the least. And my wife tested positive for Covid 19 days ago. We followed the guidelines, got him tested on the 9th. Negative. Got him tested on the 21st. Negative. Now he has it. And he’s exposed his grandparents. I’m mad as hell. We followed the damn guidelines. But they’re not effective.
Started running fever December 3rd, got tested that night. (Didn’t want to expose my mother in-law whose not in the best health). Tested Positive. Had just fever for 2 days. Then on December 6th I started going downhill. Couldn’t keep fluids or food down. Zofran, Phenegran, suppositories didn’t work. December 7th tried to get into UAMS and couldn’t. Went to Cabot Emergency Room. Got Fluids and Zofran through the IV. Pulse ox was at 94. So they sent me home. Tried to toughen through it that Tuesday. Ate pudding and drank water when I could. By Tuesday night I’m throwing up. Then my pulse ox dropped to 86. Go back to Cabot they get me stabilized. Steroids, Oxygen, fluids, Zofran, and start the process to get me into Springhill. The chest X-rays showed Covid pneumonia in both lungs. Spent Wednesday in the ER waiting on a room and then they started me on remdesivir, plasma and more steroids. Was there from December 9th through the 14th fighting this terrible stuff. Ended up on 4 liters of oxygen. I’ve spent the last week trying to get stronger, still on oral steroids and a steroid inhaler. Also abuterol, vitamin c, and baby aspirin. I’m blessed though. I’m getting stronger each day. But this stuff is no joke. I’m 29 and a healthy person. The biggest thing is how quick Covid can turn on your lungs. That’s why everyone should invest in a pulse ox meter. And my wife never got a cough. Never ran a fever or had a symptom and she tested positive on December 9th.
Update as of today. Our son started running fever last night and then throwing up. Took him to the doctor today thinking it must be strep. Nope he has Covid. These guidelines for quarantine and how long the incubation period is are shit. They don’t have a clue. He was first exposed 25 days ago at the least. And my wife tested positive for Covid 19 days ago. We followed the guidelines, got him tested on the 9th. Negative. Got him tested on the 21st. Negative. Now he has it. And he’s exposed his grandparents. I’m mad as hell. We followed the damn guidelines. But they’re not effective.