Coach does a good job and guy running them is good doing his best to move it along.
Nothing here a big deal. Just some friendly suggestions for the media:
Nothing here a big deal. Just some friendly suggestions for the media:
- Coach should be addressed as “Coach” during the press conference. Even if you are friends with Sam Pittman and I am sure he does not mind, but at a press conference you should use the more formal “Coach”.
- Do not wear a hat. Hutch does this on occasion. The lighting is usually bad and wearing a hat hides your eyes and puts your face in shade.
- Do not put your face 4 inches from the camera. Is it Nate Allen who does this? Scary!
- I prefer the real backgrounds to the virtual even if we see your messy bedroom and bad curtains. It is subtle but it helps you look like a real person instead of a cartoon.
- Do not use extreme camera angles. I have seen looking from below at the bottom of your chin and looking down on top of your hat. Both bad.
- It is obvious the women are more attuned to looking good and presentable. Some of the men look like bums. I only remember seeing him once, but there was one guy dressed to the nines. Was his name Jackson? More of him would be fun.