Displaying ignorance on this board...willingly


Certified Badass
Gold Member
May 19, 2004
Rogers, AR
Why do one or two posters insist on being such hard-headed dumbasses on this board. Sure, we talk more than sports but they act like this is some sort of platform to spout their lunatic nonsense.

Wish that thread hadn't been locked so I could troll @SOPA's ass to Bolivia. Never been easier to rustle a set of jimmies.
Just his "why do humans think they're superior to animals" bullshit.

Thread below was locked. He got his balls trolled off all weekend by hunters and was crying in his tofu over it.
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Why do one or two posters insist on being such hard-headed dumbasses on this board. Sure, we talk more than sports but they act like this is some sort of platform to spout their lunatic nonsense.

Wish that thread hadn't been locked so I could troll @SOPA's ass to Bolivia. Never been easier to rustle a set of jimmies.

It's "oblivion," Champ.
It's "oblivion," Champ.
He knows bro

I think it's hilarious when the lunatic fringe demonizes people who don't think like them and then seeks to change their views. I think he's retarded, but I'm not gonna stop him from being retarded

If you think you're inferior to animals, go right ahead and think that. But don't ever get in anybody's face for having common sense that you clearly don't have
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We just had a Grandma's Boy reference in another thread and I thought we had a Slammin' Salmon reference in this one.
Why do one or two posters insist on being such hard-headed dumbasses on this board. Sure, we talk more than sports but they act like this is some sort of platform to spout their lunatic nonsense.

Wish that thread hadn't been locked so I could troll @SOPA's ass to Bolivia. Never been easier to rustle a set of jimmies.

Why do some insist on creating post encouraging pictures dead animals. They act like this is some type of platform to spout their lunatic non-sense. See how that works?
I probably shouldn't reply as it will be a waste of time, but, I am a liberal and I think I am a humble type of person and I definitely know that I am not superior in intelligence. To me, the liberal and conservative place names are much too big and actually represent several groups such as moderately, radically, etc.. Also, I find that I am liberal on certain issues and conservative on others. Concerning the hawgs, I am very radical!!!!!! I also have no problem with hunters as long as they obey the law.
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Why do some insist on creating post encouraging pictures dead animals. They act like this is some type of platform to spout their lunatic non-sense. See how that works?

Don't like it, steer clear would be my advice for you sir.

Additionally, there is only a single lunatic viewpoint here.
Let's steer this is another direction. The bible says to feed the hungry, give them clothes and shelter, etc. But yet the christians want to turn away the Syrians. That's extremely hypocritical, but I'm not surprised.
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Why do some insist on creating post encouraging pictures dead animals. They act like this is some type of platform to spout their lunatic non-sense. See how that works?

Let's steer this is another direction. The bible says to feed the hungry, give them clothes and shelter, etc. But yet the christians want to turn away the Syrians. That's extremely hypocritical, but I'm not surprised.
So you want to let people in that would like to blow you and your family up.. Ask France how that worked out
Our evolutionary ancestors were hunting millions of years ago. We're not just going to suddenly lose what has been a critical inherited instinct because Kroger exists now.
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Vegantarianism: a personal diet choice

Veganism: a moral crusade

I'm not a hunter. Don't have the heart or the patience, and I think you should only be allowed to call it hunting if you're only using a knife, spear, and bow and arrow. But, if one of my redneck cousins wants to put Bambi on a pike and roast her in front of the wood land critters, I'll certainly be in line with a plate.

Herbert Spencer approves this message.
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Don't like it, steer clear would be my advice for you sir.

Additionally, there is only a single lunatic viewpoint here.

You believe in an invisible magic man up in the sky in the year 2015. You should NEVER EVER call someone's viewpoint lunatic. Kinda like calling the kettle black so to speak...
Let's steer this is another direction. The bible says to feed the hungry, give them clothes and shelter, etc. But yet the christians want to turn away the Syrians. That's extremely hypocritical, but I'm not surprised.

You believe in an invisible magic man up in the sky in the year 2015. You should NEVER EVER call someone's viewpoint lunatic. Kinda like calling the kettle black so to speak...

You tried to push brain pills on this very board. That should absolutely give you a lifetime gag order on this board questioning anyone else's intelligence.

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Our evolutionary ancestors were hunting millions of years ago. We're not just going to suddenly lose what has been a critical inherited instinct because Kroger exists now.

Humans were not on the planet millions of years ago but point understood, however, this is the dumbest viewpoint i have read since razrbck5 last posted.

Let me help you, what you're really tying to say is since human species used to swing from tree to tree back in the day, why the hell would we stop doing it thousands of years later
Humans were not on the planet millions of years ago but point understood, however, this is the dumbest viewpoint i have read since razrbck5 last posted.

Let me help you, what you're really tying to say is since human species used to swing from tree to tree back in the day, why the hell would we stop doing it thousands of years later

Homosapiens weren't around millions of years ago. I said our evolutionary ancestors- Homo Erectus and Homo Habilis.
You tried to push brain pills on this very board. That should absolutely give you a lifetime gag order on this board questioning anyone else's intelligence.


I didn't question anyone's intelligence but i do question your sanity. Maybe you should go pray for me to stop posting.
Humans were not on the planet millions of years ago but point understood, however, this is the dumbest viewpoint i have read since razrbck5 last posted.

Let me help you, what you're really tying to say is since human species used to swing from tree to tree back in the day, why the hell would we stop doing it thousands of years later
If you're going to mention me, at least tag me @SOPA

And I couldn't be more pleased to be thought of that way by yourself. I'd be ashamed and embarrassed if it were the other way around.

Hope you have a great night buddy.
Homosapiens weren't around millions of years ago. I said our evolutionary ancestors- Homo Erectus and Homo Habilis.

Understood. Your point is a complete failure though, why would we stop doing something that we did thousands of years ago because our little minds cant adjust accordingly. You my friend are a complete failure, go slap your parents and tell them to start over cause they screwed up on you
Understood. Your point is a complete failure though, why would we stop doing something that we did thousands of years ago because our little minds cant adjust accordingly. You my friend are a complete failure, go slap your parents and tell them to start over cause they screwed up on you

Seriously, how old are you?
Understood. Your point is a complete failure though, why would we stop doing something that we did thousands of years ago because our little minds cant adjust accordingly. You my friend are a complete failure, go slap your parents and tell them to start over cause they screwed up on you
There you go patronizing people to your self-entitled superiority. Yet you start a thread bashing people for thinking they are superior and here you are crowning yourself. How unsurprisingly unsurprising of you. Way to go @SOPA you contradicted yourself again.

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