some can not help themselves but find fault and to continue to be disgruntled. Auburn is littered with playmakers on offense and some good talent that hasn't materialized on defense, but yet, we still act like we lost or like we were playing Toledo again. Bottom line is this.....we won. BA made 2 or 3 plays, in the 4th qtr, to help us win. The defense finally made a play to help us win. All things the detractors have been
ing about on this team. Yet, even in victory, after those complaints are overcome today, we still have those who just want a change so bad that they can not allow themselves to give credit or to be happy with a victory over Auuburn. I think Auburn is starting to find their stride, their offense is good. Their defense played better today than they have with another game under their younger players belts. Why wouldn't you expect improvement from a Gus and Muschamp coached team? I thought we played well enough to win and should have absolutely won in regulation sans a screwy booth call. I don't see how you reverse that call. Ridiculous. However, we overcame the circumstance. Be happy, we won!!!!