GOP needs 6 Senate seats in 2014 to end the Owebama Reign of Error


Nov 1, 2013
democrats have conceeded in Republican states South Dakota, Montana, W/Va. All Coal/Oil/gas producers and Owebama has poisoned those states for democrats with his war on coal/oil/.gas & prosperity. That leaves 3 others needed now that the NJ RINO stabbed the GOP in the back and gave that Senate seat to Booker to keep Booker from running against him for Governor.

4 other Republican states have democrat senators-Alaska(seat stolen from GOP by Bush Injustice Dept) North Carolina, Louisiana, and ARKANSAS

What are the chances Cotton beats Pryor and will the working class turn out to try to save this nation from Owebama's communism-lite?
The deal with Pryor is simply the name recognition of holding the same seat his daddy held for years. There are probably 1000's of voters who have never realized they are voting for the son and not the daddy, not that the daddy was any better.
Another thing that has kept him in office is the fact that Arkansas was a staunch democrat state until the last 15 or so years and the older generation of this state still votes that way. A lot of those folks are dying off now and taking their votes with them though, and that should help.

The key to beating him I believe is whether the republicans decide to hammer him non-stop on his vote for obamacare as well as his party line vote on most of the crap Obama has done. If they handle that as poorly as they did national in the presidential election he will have a chance to keep his job. Blanche Lincoln lost her seat due to her support of obamacare and I see no reason Pryor won't be just as beatable if it and his overall record of liberal party line voting are stressed enough over the next year. You have to figure that the same folks in Arkansas that voted against Obama are likely to vote against Pryor too. That doesn't bode well for him.

I would love to see that snake Harry Reid shoved into the same corner Pelosi got shoved in.
This post was edited on 11/13 12:56 PM by rzrbk7777
As a person who has been voting for over 50 years now, I see the potential for the GOP to get the White House and both houses of Congress thie next election.

The GOP in my observation, gets that situation about every 40 years and of course the first thing they do is attack the capital gains tax and taxes on the wealthy in general and get their package in place. But they usually pay so little attention to the average American they soon get swept out of office and the Democrats run things until they are thrown out and we repeat the cycle.

But as one who generally votes for the Democrats, I see a mess in DC that will cost them a lot of votes this next election.

However, as I get older I see no party that really wants to represent the average
American, but we have a very sick political system and the good old USA is headed off the cliff.

I hope I am wrong, but things are not going to get better no matter who wins the next election.
In what nationally recognizes "News Forum', or reporting service have Democrats, or the Democratic Party conceded any Senate seats to republicans Pretty soon, Arkansas can lay claim to being claim to being the home of the First Female President of these United States, and Bill Clinton,. your former Governor, can be proudly called. the "First Man", as well as Ex President Clinton

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