Link to our HawgBeat group:
Group Name: HawgMeatBeaters
Feel free to join. IF we want to get money flowing, lemme know and I will be our treasurer, per usual.
Comment here when you get entered into the group, and if you dont use your HawgBeat name for your bracket entry, post the name you use in your comment.
I am masonchoateligmaballs on D1Baseball Bracket Challenge. 2024 Bracket Challenge Bracket Challenge.
Group Name: HawgMeatBeaters
Feel free to join. IF we want to get money flowing, lemme know and I will be our treasurer, per usual.
Comment here when you get entered into the group, and if you dont use your HawgBeat name for your bracket entry, post the name you use in your comment.
I am masonchoateligmaballs on D1Baseball Bracket Challenge.