Originally posted by b0ne5:
It makes the board better as a whole. I get sucked in at times and it made me realize how much it divides an otherwise civil place.
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Rivals Mobile
Otherwise civil place? I guess you haven't read many threads on Gus, Nutt, the GSD, Petrino, Anderson, Long, instate kids that leave, kids that don't live up to their hype, Nolan, John White, JFB, various coaching candidates, threads griping about thread topics, how recruiting is going, whether other schools cheat, officiating, places to eat, vacation spots, music, movies, uniforms, rules, discussions on the greatest this or the worst that, and on and on. Pick a subject and you can get into an argument on here.
Do some people actually open every thread on the board? I've never thought about it before b/c I just always assumed that everybody just opens the threads that fall in their realm of interest and ignores the rest. Are there really people who open every thread and read every post in it? I just really struggle how folks get upset about threads that they don't like to the point of wanting them stifled. It is so easy to just skip over them.