I'm interested to see what everyone thinks. For me, I name Rafe as backup for two reasons. One, he obviously has the most upside of the two and for him to be tied with Austin without being able to use the rushing part of his arsenal tells me a lot. Second, because naming Austin the backup only continues to deny Rafe to overcome the only real advantage Austin has over Rafe and that's experience. That could either cause Rafe, who is by far a most talented QB besides Brandon, to transfer or at least hurt your chances of keeping beyond this fall. I think you have to sit down and say, "Brandon is a Senior and this is his last year. Who are we going to commit to being our QB past this fall and let's put that kid in the backup position. If that is Rafe then you go with Rafe and live with the results or pick Austin and live with Rafe possibly transfering. Make no doubt about it, losing Rafe will hurt far more than losing Austin, in my opinion.