My daughter is 7 and loves softball. Not to sound boastful, but she is pretty good. We only play in the local league. I am coaching her 8u team. She loves playing catcher, but that is a wasted spot during league play. Would you play her there? She is one of the few that can catch a ball, and throws pretty good. She does look natural at catcher, and is not afraid of the ball.
I have only been around baseball all my life. Are there any diff in catching equipment between baseball and softball? Most websites I have looked at only tell you if its youth, etc. If she continues to beg me to be catcher, and likes it that much I would like to get her own set of gear. Thanks..
I have only been around baseball all my life. Are there any diff in catching equipment between baseball and softball? Most websites I have looked at only tell you if its youth, etc. If she continues to beg me to be catcher, and likes it that much I would like to get her own set of gear. Thanks..
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