Not to post political but America needs to wake up this is too close

You are about 10,000 times more likely to be murdered by a fellow American than you are to be killed by a Muslim terrorist in America.

I'm not saying we shouldn't worry about terrorism...just don't lose your mind about it.

Doesn't make any difference...if we import 10,000 refugees and one of them kills 1 American citizen, that's 1 too many. They can go to Arab countries if they want to leave...only reason they want to come here is for our welfare system. Sick of em
Should we worry about terrorism in the United States? Definitely. However, we CANNOT change our daily routines in life or the terrorists win. It's as simple as that ladies and gentlemen. Continue to live free and enjoy being an American, or hide and be afraid. I refuse to hide. I will continue to live my life on my terms.
Almost 50 years ago a teacher that grew up in NO told our class that students used to call each others schools with a bomb threat to get them out of class for a day. Terrorists usually do not warn anyone.
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If we bring 10,000 Syrian refugees in here they will all need housing and welfare to live. We have almost that many homeless veterans living in the streets. Why should they get all that assistance while our veterans, who served our country, live the streets. Anyone who disagrees with this please explain your rationale. tia
One of the reasons our Veterans are living on the streets is,

1. They do not want to live a normal life.
2. They are uneducated about what the VA can do for them.
3 They simply do not care to be a part of our society.

There are programs for Homeless Vets all over the country. They can bring them in get them clothes and help them get a job. I know this because I just went through all the briefings that today's Vets go through when they get out of the military. And believe it or not half of them that claim they are veterans are really not veterans at all but use it to get help from people by panhandling. I am a Veteran as you all know but instead of feeling sorry for them when I see them on the street I talk to them and refer them to the nearest Vet Center.
Doesn't make any difference...if we import 10,000 refugees and one of them kills 1 American citizen, that's 1 too many. They can go to Arab countries if they want to leave...only reason they want to come here is for our welfare system. Sick of em

thats odd, where is your disdain for right wing fundamentalist, who have killed more people in the US and abroad than Muslims.
Doesn't make any difference...if we import 10,000 refugees and one of them kills 1 American citizen, that's 1 too many. They can go to Arab countries if they want to leave...only reason they want to come here is for our welfare system. Sick of em

Yeah, I'm sure all of the Syrian refugees have read all about our welfare system on their iPads. There are valid reasons to be weary of refugees, but you making hyperbolic statements like this does not help the situation at all.
I graduated from a rural (senior class was like 43 kids) Arkansas high school in the mid 90s. We had a bomb threat once a month it seemed. This was before cell phones. Once, a buddy and I got sent to the principal's office for something, can't remember what, and we were put in a side office to wait. My buddy called in a bomb threat from the phone in the office. Spent the afternoon in the bleachers at the football field. It was a spectacle because our school was centrally situated among other small towns and was miles away from nearest town. We would have to wait for the fire department to come and check the school. Every bomb threat was hour and a half to two hours out of class minimum.
It's just funny hearing people talk about how bad the world is getting now. It's actually better than it ever has been. I remember b*mb threats 5-6 times a year, gangs banging on windows at our school daily trying to get a kid (they did) and all kinds of stuff.
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Yeah, I'm sure all of the Syrian refugees have read all about our welfare system on their iPads. There are valid reasons to be weary of refugees, but you making hyperbolic statements like this does not help the situation at all.

They've heard about it. Free housing, food stamps and welfare money. We have 100,000 homeless vets...I say give them the free housing, food stamps and welfare. They deserve it much more than these folks.

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