OT: This Economy is getting Insane

The Federal government needs to back off. You cant push a product on the American people that the market is not ready for. Ten years from now when gas is 8-9 dollars a gallon, then the market may dictate the need for more battery cars. You can not just create a market. Damn socialists.
'stupid is as stupids does'

We can be some kinda stupid for putting
up with that BS.

The federal government getting into the automotive
industry is a scary thought.

FM , 'that's my money".
In the amount of time it took me to read this, Mitt Romney has flip flopped his position on every key issue other than should this thread be deleted. That is a resounding yes.
It has everything to do with politics. My Romney comment was a joke on the fact that Romney flip flops his position on everything except about whether or not politics should be allowed on this board. In no way said the article had anything to do with him. Surely you understood that before you asked.
Originally posted by ksmathis:
In the amount of time it took me to read this, Mitt Romney has flip flopped his position on every key issue other than should this thread be deleted. That is a resounding yes.
And Obama kept EVERY promise he made when he was running for President in 2008! NOT

You've been reading too much left wing propaganda.
He's not quite the extremist that the Obama camp would like to paint him as. He's a very reasonable candidate. He's especially reasonable when compared to the far left of center policies enacted during the first 4 years of the Obama admin.
I actually see both sides for what they are for your information. I don't want either one in office. Mitt flip flops on everything and that isn't even debatable. He used to be pro choice then he is pro life. He is/isn't going to lower taxes for the wealthiest Americans. He will be proven out to be a liar just like Obama because no way he can be on both sides of these issues. See, I am not Blinded by my feelings for Rep or Dems. I don't believe one is above reproach and the other is stupid no matter what they do. They both aren't desirable. Hell, even the Republican Party itself tried to pimp 5 different candidates b4 "settling" for Romney. We are screwed no matter which one takes office. I am a realist, not a left wing propaganda reader. I avoid MSNBC due to their bias for Dems and FOXNEWS due to their bias for the Reps.

This post was edited on 10/21 1:42 PM by ksmathis
I don't get my info from the Obama camp. I actually do Internet research and get my info from previous articles in which Mitt is quoted in or recorded interviews. He stated during his run for MA gov that he would protect a woman right to choose. Now he is all the way prolife. He says whatever he needs to say to get elected, which makes him no different than any other politician. It just irks me that people view Obama as the oly one who lies or they are just hipocrits and only point out when the other party does it.
BTW, saying I have been reading too much left wing propaganda would be like me saying you watch too much FXNWS and are brainwashed by their broadcasting. Pretty immature and childish to do that though. Just because you dont necessarily share the same views as me or vice versa doesn't mean you are smarter or I am smarter. It definitely doesn't mean one of us has been brainwashed. Way too easy of an out to just say I read too much propaganda or you feel like anyone who feels Romney is less than desirable as a Pres. Candidate (never did I say less desirable than Obama) isn't very intelligent.
As to the original linked article. The Obama admin has taken the path to the left and tried to appease their progressive Obama base. Their dream is a government controlled economy with gov controlled energy. The dream of a world without fossil fuels is wonderful but the world has found out that we are not ready to rely on an electrical world driven by solar and wind. They have their place as a supplemental source of power but they will not replace the burning of fossil fuels. Even the Chinese companies that many in the US have pointed to as the model for a government supported solar industry have gone under in a world market not ready to buy an inefficient product that cannot pay for itself with savings before it needs to be replaced.