I actually see both sides for what they are for your information. I don't want either one in office. Mitt flip flops on everything and that isn't even debatable. He used to be pro choice then he is pro life. He is/isn't going to lower taxes for the wealthiest Americans. He will be proven out to be a liar just like Obama because no way he can be on both sides of these issues. See, I am not Blinded by my feelings for Rep or Dems. I don't believe one is above reproach and the other is stupid no matter what they do. They both aren't desirable. Hell, even the Republican Party itself tried to pimp 5 different candidates b4 "settling" for Romney. We are screwed no matter which one takes office. I am a realist, not a left wing propaganda reader. I avoid MSNBC due to their bias for Dems and FOXNEWS due to their bias for the Reps.
This post was edited on 10/21 1:42 PM by ksmathis