AtlantaRazorback Letterman Nov 8, 2005 3,448 633 113 Atlanta, GA Sep 4, 2015 #1 The official watch party is no longer in John's Creek, but in Midtown at World of Beer. 855 Peachtree ST to be specific. We need to show we'll turn out to make a location like this successful, so let's go and let them know we're there.
The official watch party is no longer in John's Creek, but in Midtown at World of Beer. 855 Peachtree ST to be specific. We need to show we'll turn out to make a location like this successful, so let's go and let them know we're there.
P PhilipHog Letterman Nov 28, 2005 1,382 479 83 Sep 4, 2015 #2 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view. Reactions: AtlantaRazorback