This could be said for both the extreme liberals and extreme conservatives. If you think it is all Democrats, then you are just dumb.
What an incredibly dumb thing for you to say. First, I don't give a crap about democrats and republicans. The run of the mill versions of each are corrupt frauds who use our money to wield power and create personal wealth. They thrive off of people who simply pick one side or the other and defend it. Kind of like wrestlers and their fans. Truth is, they prosper by people taking sides and actually depend on it. They hide their dirty dealings by encouraging their "side" to blame the other. They also get a pass on their own dirty dealings in the process.
I am a conservative. You can use the word extreme if you wish, I don't give a damn how you label me. What I believe is what our founders believed. This includes:
Freedom is the thing that has made our country great. It is what has turned us from a glorified camping trip(the pilgrims) into the most prosperous and free country in history.
Every time we allow the government to gain control over a new aspect of our lives, we give up a freedom. Every new regulation, new agency, new law, and new entitlement program removes a freedom from us.
Whenever we give up a freedom, it is likely lost forever. And while many folks cheerlead b/c that lost freedom helps their agenda, sooner or later, somebody is going to be in power that will use that lost freedom against them too. History has shown that countless times. Freedoms are a lot easier to give up than they are to get back. Liberals don't seem to grasp that there will ever be a time when they have given up enough freedom that those in power won't need or want their input anymore. Very foolish.
The bigger the government, the more corruption lies within it. Our founding fathers understood that. Liberals do not.
Freedom means that anybody can be anything they have the talent and drive to be. Our country is made of rags to riches stories b/c of freedom.
Freedom is also the freedom to do little, amount to little, and accomplish little. Liberals tend to think that is unfair. I think sitting home on your lazy ass expecting others to provide housing, food, clothing, money, cell phones, cable, and internet, etc. is unfair. Freedom includes the freedom to fail and the freedom to not try.
Freedom has always meant kindness to the sick, the crippled, and the helpless. Our country has been on of the most generous and compassionate in history. Liberals believe that failure, laziness, and irresponsibility meet the criteria of being among the helpless. They are wrong.
I believe in equality. By that, I mean that everybody plays by the same rules and also faces the same obstacles. Liberals believe that certain races, sexual preferences, and political leanings require exemptions from equality in the name of fairness. They believe that only certain people should play by the rules while others should not. This kind of thinking creates victims where they don't exist and keeps discrimination alive.
I can do many more, but that is enough to make my point. If you think that makes me dumb, you are part of the problem.