This could get kinda messy...
"Jonathan Blue's attorney, Ann Oldfather, requested a subpoena for Strong, who will serve as a witness to his wife Tracy Blue's "repeated behavior and activities that are inconsistent with being a role model and responsible caretaker" as Jonathan Blue seeks sole custody of the couple's two daughters.
Along with requests for the subpoena, a motion filed Feb. 19 reportedly asked Strong to turn over his cell phones "for the purpose of downloading all text messages," along with a watch, clothing and jewelry Tracy Blue gifted to Strong."
"Jonathan Blue's attorney, Ann Oldfather, requested a subpoena for Strong, who will serve as a witness to his wife Tracy Blue's "repeated behavior and activities that are inconsistent with being a role model and responsible caretaker" as Jonathan Blue seeks sole custody of the couple's two daughters.
Along with requests for the subpoena, a motion filed Feb. 19 reportedly asked Strong to turn over his cell phones "for the purpose of downloading all text messages," along with a watch, clothing and jewelry Tracy Blue gifted to Strong."