Clay Travis: Brilliant...Moron...or both?

Im betting this beautiful host, and she is beautiful, has never used her looks to her advantage in her career either. Haha, and she is disgusted by a man who likes boobs. Its glorious
He said it was a fireable offense based on ESPN's firing of Curt Schilling for tweeting his conservative views and then feeling it made the network look bad. He even stated she had the right to say what she did.
That makes sense. So his view is that neither should be fired?
Guess I am still confused why he wasn't more outraged by the government essentially trying suppress free speech by saying it was a fire ale offense?
For the record I could go either way on this issue. I think Hills comments were really dumb but I think this is a really childish way to go about defending the 1st admendment but I am not up in arms ab it
I could watch a 24 hour mash up of CNN reporters and their feigned disgust at things said by others. Always playing the victim. This was glorious and i disagree with only 1 thing Clay said. Jamelle should absolutely be fired for her racist remarks, its not like its the first time she has said controversial things
For the record EVERYONE plays the victim these days. Right. Left. Media. President. Every single one are experts in playing the victim. It is really annoying and counter productive.
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This one simple statement "I believe in 2 things fully the first amendment and boobs" he fully exposed the hypocrisy of the average leftist media member as it relates to the 1st amendment. They support the first amendemt except when discussing any topic that makes them feel uncomfortable. Yes there are plenty of hypocrisies on the right as well. But this is one of the most glaring that the left has. As a favorite pundit of mine says often.... "facts don't care about your feelings, they will still be facts"
I think you are confused about the 1st admendment. CNN being offended or even cutting his interview off does not violate his first admendment rights in any way. They are a private company and have that right, whether you or Clay Travis agree. First admendment protects free speech from government interference like an employee implying someone should be fired for their criticism of the president.
I think you are confused about the 1st admendment. CNN being offended or even cutting his interview off does not violate his first admendment rights in any way. They are a private company and have that right, whether you or Clay Travis agree. First admendment protects free speech from government interference like an employee implying someone should be fired for their criticism of the president.
Somehow you believe that I suggested CNN didnt have the right to cut him off or feign being offended. Typical liberal behavior to deflect attention from rational and fact.

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