
Yeah Christians are a funny bunch. All he has to do is say he's sorry, right? Like O.J. too. Just odd IMO.
Yeah Christians are a funny bunch. All he has to do is say he's sorry, right? Like O.J. too. Just odd IMO.
All Christians don't think that way. I know it does nothing for many people's opinion on religion, but Christians don't condone sinning knowingly and repeatedly. Most Christians realize people are going to sin, but people like Freeze are the worst, imo
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All Christians don't think that way. I know it does nothing for many people's opinion on religion, but Christians don't condone sinning knowingly and repeatedly. Most Christians realize people are going to sin, but people like Freeze are the worst, imo
Always love the "not a real christian" argument. Reconcile this: Honduras and El Savador are 90% Christian and lead the world in murders per capita. Japan is 2% Christian and experiences almost no violent crime. All those "Christians" killing each other in Central America while the Atheists and Buddhists in Japan peacefully co-exist.
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Every Christian constantly sins and his sin is no greater than yours or mine. Anyone who calls themself a Christian and doesn't know this isn't a follower of Christ's teachings, they only wear a label. Every person is flawed. Don't think for one second that your flaws haven't been exposed in a raw and gut wrenching way. We have all been humbled, that is Gods way of reminding you that you need him and there is a better way. A relationship of honesty with yourself and with God will yield a peace that is stronger than any drama or misfortune that comes along. I pray Hugh and his family finds that peace out of all of this.

Every last one of us is greatly flawed. Everyone here has screwed up something we held dear. So I ask you to honestly look inward before you throw the stone that is the label of "Christian" as an insult. If Hugh encouraged just 1 person to hold tightly to what is just and right then it was worth it to have that conversation. Even if he was battling personal deamons away from the public's eye. Because inside we all have massive struggles and without forgiveness where would that leave any of us.
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Always love the "not a real christian" argument. Reconcile this: Honduras and El Savador are 90% Christian and lead the world in murders per capita. Japan is 2% Christian and experiences almost no violent crime. All those "Christians" killing each other in Central America while the Atheists and Buddhists in Japan peacefully co-exist.
How about I make it plain for you then? I consider myself a Christian and I'm sickened by his constant using of the religion to hide his immoral behavior. Satisfy you? You think I'm the only one? It's possible to be an atheist and not throw hate at religious people. I don't throw hate at atheists every chance I get.
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Mods delete this thread please.
I hope not. The conversation is worth having. And it is one that is directly related to our program. Has our university not fired a HC over moral standing as well? It is a legitimate topic for this board IMO
How about I make it plain for you then? I consider myself a Christian and I'm sickened by his constant using of the religion to hide his immoral behavior. Satisfy you? You think I'm the only one? It's possible to be an atheist and not throw hate at religious people. I don't throw hate at atheists every chance I get.
I'm not an Atheist and I'm not throwing hate. My point is this - instead of trying to create separation from this man and his behavior ("all Christians don't think they way", "You can't generalize", "they only wear a label"), maybe you should just acknowledge that Christians are, on many levels, a very hypocritical group. The data I posted are just one example.
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I'm not an Atheist and I'm not throwing hate. My point is this - instead of trying to create separation from this man and his behavior ("all Christians don't think they way", "You can't generalize", "they only wear a label"), maybe you should just acknowledge that Christians are, on many levels, a very hypocritical group. The data I posted are just one example.
Hypocritical in the sense that we sin when we aren't supposed to? That we aspire to do good and yet fail to be perfect? That is the very essence of Christianity and humanity as a whole. We are built flawed. None are perfect. The notion that Christians will somehow have an easier life than others found it's way into the mainstream when the bible says just the opposite.

Sin is the result of free will. Without free will we would all be God's robots. If we were all mindless robots would we truly love God back or just be doing as we were programmed? In order for there to be a true relationship where God loves his creation and his creation loves him back then we must be given the ability to choose if we want to be a part of that relationship.

But how does one rectify their imperfection with the perfect. This free will delivers the ability of true love returned to God but imposes uncleanliness. Enter Jesus, forgiveness, and salvation.

It is not hypocritical to be a Christian who sins. That's human. Its only hypocritical to call yourself a Christian and not understand that everyone sins. All have fallen short of the glory of God, and will co tinue to do so. Do you do so willingly or is it just a part of your human nature? Only God knows. But rest assured we all have or will be humbled by our imperfections.
I'm not an Atheist and I'm not throwing hate. My point is this - instead of trying to create separation from this man and his behavior ("all Christians don't think they way", "You can't generalize", "they only wear a label"), maybe you should just acknowledge that Christians are, on many levels, a very hypocritical group. The data I posted are just one example.
Not sure why you would require me to admit that. It's an odd request. I'm just one guy and the answer is looking you in the face, why my endorsement of your theory is necessary
Not sure why you would require me to admit that. It's an odd request. I'm just one guy and the answer is looking you in the face, why my endorsement of your theory is necessary
I'm not asking you (and certainly don't expect you) to admit anything. If you ACKNOWLEDGED it, however, you might not feel so compelled to act like he's not one of yours - which was your initial response.
I hope not. The conversation is worth having. And it is one that is directly related to our program. Has our university not fired a HC over moral standing as well? It is a legitimate topic for this board IMO
Not when posters make it about religion.
All Christians don't think that way. I know it does nothing for many people's opinion on religion, but Christians don't condone sinning knowingly and repeatedly. Most Christians realize people are going to sin, but people like Freeze are the worst, imo
It doesn't matter if you condone it or not. A doctor in India that spends his life saving others, be an amazing father, marry one woman and rarely sin according to the Bible would burn in Hell because he was never taught about this Jesus guy, while a guy like Mickey Mantle could sin his whole life, accept Jesus cross on his deathbed and have a seat in heaven. Makes sense.
It doesn't matter if you condone it or not. A doctor in India that spends his life saving others, be an amazing father, marry one woman and rarely sin according to the Bible would burn in Hell because he was never taught about this Jesus guy, while a guy like Mickey Mantle could sin his whole life, accept Jesus cross on his deathbed and have a seat in heaven. Makes sense.
The guy in Inda has heard of Jesus just like you have heard of Buddha, Muhamed, etc. Free will allowes choices Mr. We all choose. I choose a God that made me in his own image and gave me a life of my own. I get to choose to love him. Just like the relationship I have with my children. Made in my image with their own chioce of love for me. And I will always forgive them if they ask for it even if it was when others think is too late. That's what parents do. Recognition of the creator of all things is paramount. How would you feel if your children just decided that you were not their real father and turned away from your love for no reason. If they went to their grave denying you, you would still love them. But you would not be able to reconcile their actions even if they were good people without you in their lives. Being good on its own merits does not justify ignoring your creator.
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It doesn't matter if you condone it or not. A doctor in India that spends his life saving others, be an amazing father, marry one woman and rarely sin according to the Bible would burn in Hell because he was never taught about this Jesus guy, while a guy like Mickey Mantle could sin his whole life, accept Jesus cross on his deathbed and have a seat in heaven. Makes sense.
My response that you quoted had nothing to do with that, it had to do with the goofball who says Christians are hypocrits. As far as what you said, BHF summed it up. I'll add that every soul regardless of race, religion, etc. Gets touched by the holy spirit at times in their life. What they choose to hear and how they handle that is of their own free will, but everyone is exposed to God.
My response that you quoted had nothing to do with that, it had to do with the goofball who says Christians are hypocrits. As far as what you said, BHF summed it up. I'll add that every soul regardless of race, religion, etc. Gets touched by the holy spirit at times in their life. What they choose to hear and how they handle that is of their own free will, but everyone is exposed to God.
There are thousands of religions and hundreds of different "Gods" but the one you just happened to be told to believe in as a kid and never took the time to actually think about who you're worshipping, is real. Ok. Keep believing in a mass murdering fvck all you want. The guy says he killed every man woman and child because they didn't believe in him. That's just stupid to worship someone like that. That's what David Koresh did.
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The guy in Inda has heard of Jesus just like you have heard of Buddha, Muhamed, etc. Free will allowes choices Mr. We all choose. I choose a God that made me in his own image and gave me a life of my own. I get to choose to love him. Just like the relationship I have with my children. Made in my image with their own chioce of love for me. And I will always forgive them if they ask for it even if it was when others think is too late. That's what parents do. Recognition of the creator of all things is paramount. How would you feel if your children just decided that you were not their real father and turned away from your love for no reason. If they went to their grave denying you, you would still love them. But you would not be able to reconcile their actions even if they were good people without you in their lives. Being good on its own merits does not justify ignoring your creator.
Well being that my kids can actually see me, see that I'm not some fictional character I think that's a bit different. I choose not to tell my kids to believe in a murderous asshat that kills women and children because they don't believe in him. But hey, that's just me.
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The guy in Inda has heard of Jesus just like you have heard of Buddha, Muhamed, etc. Free will allowes choices Mr. We all choose. I choose a God that made me in his own image and gave me a life of my own. I get to choose to love him. Just like the relationship I have with my children. Made in my image with their own chioce of love for me. And I will always forgive them if they ask for it even if it was when others think is too late. That's what parents do. Recognition of the creator of all things is paramount. How would you feel if your children just decided that you were not their real father and turned away from your love for no reason. If they went to their grave denying you, you would still love them. But you would not be able to reconcile their actions even if they were good people without you in their lives. Being good on its own merits does not justify ignoring your creator.
My response that you quoted had nothing to do with that, it had to do with the goofball who says Christians are hypocrits. As far as what you said, BHF summed it up. I'll add that every soul regardless of race, religion, etc. Gets touched by the holy spirit at times in their life. What they choose to hear and how they handle that is of their own free will, but everyone is exposed to God.
This God that you both believe in and force on your family and friends, where did he come from? Should be a simple answer if hes such a promising figure in your life. I can tell you where everybody that I love came from. Every single person.
Well being that my kids can actually see me, see that I'm not some fictional character I think that's a bit different. I choose not to tell my kids to believe in a murderous asshat that kills women and children because they don't believe in him. But hey, that's just me.
What is your life? If there is nothing to live for that binds you to decent behavior then why does morality exist at all? Every culture on the planet yearns for more not just an eternal life bit a reason for life at all. And where does our consciousness come from?

Does love exist? In your world of cold science void of religion love is nothing more than a chemical reaction in your brain. Is your love for your children not real? Is it just firing synapses in your brain. Is the pain in your heart real? Emotion is void of any scientific explanation that doesnt dumb down existence to insignificance. But yet here is morality. In every culture, in every language. All of our ancestors and you when you are honest with yourself search for more. Not more time but more meaning. It's the hole God left in you to reach out to him for answers.

I think therefore I am, we exist therefore we have purpose, we have purpose therefore we were created to fulfill it.
What is your life? If there is nothing to live for that binds you to decent behavior then why does morality exist at all? Every culture on the planet yearns for more not just an eternal life bit a reason for life at all. And where does our consciousness come from?

Does love exist? In your world of cold science void of religion love is nothing more than a chemical reaction in your brain. Is your love for your children not real? Is it just firing synapses in your brain. Is the pain in your heart real? Emotion is void of any scientific explanation that doesnt dumb down existence to insignificance. But yet here is morality. In every culture, in every language. All of our ancestors and you when you are honest with yourself search for more. Not more time but more meaning. It's the hole God left in you to reach out to him for answers.

I think therefore I am, we exist therefore we have purpose, we have purpose therefore we were created to fulfill it.
So all of that makes you believe in a fairy tale? It's hilarious how you make it seem like we just absolutely have to believe in some God in order to be a functioning or morally sound human being. There is no such thing as Jesus Christ. The Ark never happened, him walking on water never happened, none of that s*** happened. In today's day-and age where is the scientific proof that it happened? Why won't you answer my question about where did God come from? Why? Because you can't. It never happened. You seriously think the whole Earth was flooded? Seriously? You cannot be that dumb. You believe in a God that killed every man woman and child just to be an Azzhole and you expect me to do the same? No thanks.
So all of that makes you believe in a fairy tale? It's hilarious how you make it seem like we just absolutely have to believe in some God in order to be a functioning or morally sound human being. There is no such thing as Jesus Christ. The Ark never happened, him walking on water never happened, none of that s*** happened. In today's day-and age where is the scientific proof that it happened? Why won't you answer my question about where did God come from? Why? Because you can't. It never happened. You seriously think the whole Earth was flooded? Seriously? You cannot be that dumb. You believe in a God that killed every man woman and child just to be an Azzhole and you expect me to do the same? No thanks.
Dude you are losing it a bit here. There is absolutely historical (non biblical) proof of Jesus' existence. The entire earth has been flooded, has been covered in ice, has been a virtual molten lava ball. Every living thing was killed off at some point. Remember the dinosaurs.

You are acting as if none of this could happen when science tells you it has. As for where God comes from I don't know but I know something material can not be brought forth where mater did not previously exist in the laws that govern our universe. No life can spawn from inanimate material. Where did the first particle come from? Where did the first living cell come from. A cell that needs genetic coding and all the parts to be produced and reproduce it's exact shape and functionality?

There are many questions science cannot answer so don't think for a second that science can give you what you are looking for. There Is no moral code in a life without purpose.
Dude you are losing it a bit here. There is absolutely historical (non biblical) proof of Jesus' existence. The entire earth has been flooded, has been covered in ice, has been a virtual molten lava ball. Every living thing was killed off at some point. Remember the dinosaurs.

You are acting as if none of this could happen when science tells you it has. As for where God comes from I don't know but I know something material can not be brought forth where mater did not previously exist in the laws that govern our universe. No life can spawn from inanimate material. Where did the first particle come from? Where did the first living cell come from. A cell that needs genetic coding and all the parts to be produced and reproduce it's exact shape and functionality?

There are many questions science cannot answer so don't think for a second that science can give you what you are looking for. There Is no moral code in a life without purpose.
Dinosaurs? There's no such thing, right? If so why didn't The Bible mentioned them? Keep believing the Earth is, what 4,000 years old? Jesus is real and kills women and Children for no reason and is this great powerful being that you force your kids to worship. I'll keep laughing at you for doing it.
Dinosaurs? There's no such thing, right? If so why didn't The Bible mentioned them? Keep believing the Earth is, what 4,000 years old? Jesus is real and kills women and Children for no reason and is this great powerful being that you force your kids to worship. I'll keep laughing at you for doing it.
The bible and science are not at odds with one another no matter how much you desire them to. Rember that until (from a historical standpoint) recently evolutions was not centered on fish and birds. Yet some random goat herders 5k years ago said that the stars and then the body of earth were created, then the sky and the oceans, then the land. Then fish, birds, then animals. Then man. Scientists apparently just figured it all out while Sheppard and story tellers had the exact order before they knew the world wasn't flat.
Interesting debate here. I grew up Christian and have raised my children as Christians and mostly agree with you Boss, but I have a really hard time with the main part of Christianity in that the only path to Heaven is through belief in Jesus as the Son of God. Like Mr R says, it is not just for all moral Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, etc.. be denied Heaven. I know this doubt makes me not a true Christian, but I can't make the logic work.
Interesting debate here. I grew up Christian and have raised my children as Christians and mostly agree with you Boss, but I have a really hard time with the main part of Christianity in that the only path to Heaven is through belief in Jesus as the Son of God. Like Mr R says, it is not just for all moral Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, etc.. be denied Heaven. I know this doubt makes me not a true Christian, but I can't make the logic work.
I walked away from my beliefs after HS did not return until I searched out what I believed in my own. I have researched many beliefs. Redemption is the difference between Christianity and all others IMO. A truly loving God gives you a way to atone for our failures.
Interesting debate here. I grew up Christian and have raised my children as Christians and mostly agree with you Boss, but I have a really hard time with the main part of Christianity in that the only path to Heaven is through belief in Jesus as the Son of God. Like Mr R says, it is not just for all moral Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, etc.. be denied Heaven. I know this doubt makes me not a true Christian, but I can't make the logic work.
Because you're thinking logically. I was brain washed just like Bosshogfree kids are now. Being forced to pray, being forced to do things right or "you're going to burn in hell" A few days ago I told my now 5 year old "no one loves you more than me" and she replied, "Well God loves me more than you doesnt he" and I told her no. Now what kind of BS is that? Her mom teaches her that some fake God loves her more than her own father. It's like Santa Claus all-over again. I told her to only believe in the things you see and feel, not just because some book says something happened. If you have doubts, do research. She doesn't understand now but she will later
I walked away from my beliefs after HS did not return until I searched out what I believed in my own. I have researched many beliefs. Redemption is the difference between Christianity and all others IMO. A truly loving God gives you a way to atone for our failures.
You got trolled homie. Lemme guess you tithe too Huh? I laugh at that.
Because you're thinking logically. I was brain washed just like Bosshogfree kids are now. Being forced to pray, being forced to do things right or "you're going to burn in hell" A few days ago I told my now 5 year old "no one loves you more than me" and she replied, "Well God loves me more than you doesnt he" and I told her no. Now what kind of BS is that? Her mom teaches her that some fake God loves her more than her own father. It's like Santa Claus all-over again. I told her to only believe in the things you see and feel, not just because some book says something happened. If you have doubts, do research. She doesn't understand now but she will later
I walked away from organized religion for 15 years. That's hardly brainwashed. I chose my beliefs as a grown man not as a child. And I didn't because someone forced me. The bible is far less my compass than my own heart is. I feel connected with a pure calling that is greater than any one or anything. I hope that love is not restricted by the weak abilities of mankind.
You got trolled homie. Lemme guess you tithe too Huh? I laugh at that.
Not only do I tithe but my church tithes just not in the way you imagine. I attend a non denominational church because there is no "organized church". we don't give our money to a structured man made organization. 15% of what our church takes in is sent out to external services to benefit those in need around the world not associated at all with our church. This is on top of our mission ministries. Every penny donated to our church is deliberated on its use for helping the community, our congregation, and further the mission of Christ.
This God that you both believe in and force on your family and friends, where did he come from? Should be a simple answer if hes such a promising figure in your life. I can tell you where everybody that I love came from. Every single person.
I'm sorry you think any religion has been forced on me. It obviously hasn't happened to you as a non believer. Why then do you think I've been forced to believe in God?
I walked away from organized religion for 15 years. That's hardly brainwashed. I chose my beliefs as a grown man not as a child. And I didn't because someone forced me. The bible is far less my compass than my own heart is. I feel connected with a pure calling that is greater than any one or anything. I hope that love is not restricted by the weak abilities of mankind.
Religion has the same basic principle as Santa Claus. In religion youre taught if you don't do good you are going to Hell. Some of us don't need religions to keep us from doing immoral things. Santa Claus is the same thing. Kids don't understand that they're not supposed to be bad so you tell them that Santa Claus is watching them & if you don't do good you're not in getting anything from Santa Claus. It is the same idiotic thing. Both imaginary creatures made invented by humans to keep the masses from doing evil. And I am still laughing at that link you sent. Was the not available?
I'm sorry you think any religion has been forced on me. It obviously hasn't happened to you as a non believer. Why then do you think I've been forced to believe in God?
It was forced on me. But I did research and found nothing believable. Not a thing in the Bible makes sense, all the contradictions etc. The teachings are solid, but the stories are stupid.

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