Get out and vote today!


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Gold Member
Sep 22, 2005
The talk is over. Time to cast your lot.

Remember if you dont vote you lose your right to complain. And ive got a feeling we will all have something to complain about after this one no matter if you lean left or right.

Vote, because billions on this planet can only dream of voting and brave men & women fought/died for you to have a say in our leadership. Its as simple as that.
I'm on the Mike Rowe opinion on voting. Just because you have the right doesn't mean you should. If you are NOT well informed and studied both candidates, then your vote could be dangerous to our country.

We have "the right" to bear arms and buy guns. But not everyone should go out and start buying guns if they don't have proper training in handling guns correct? That would be dangerous.

I appreciate your stance on exercising your rights that people have sacrificed much, so you can vote. My point is DONT vote if you don't know WHY you are voting for a certain candidate. I think that's part of why we are in a mess now. I'm only 38, so what do I know?
Too bad majority vote means absolutely nothing anymore. Electorals vote how they want, regardless of the people
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I've voted since 1970,and never missed an election. As BHF said,it doesn't make any difference how you vote[it's your vote,not mine],just get out and do it. Even if you disagree with somebody,respect their right,like you would want them to respect yours.
Be sure to vote for someone and not just against someone.

Know what policies your vote is going towards and not just bc you hate "x" candidate.
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Too bad majority vote means absolutely nothing anymore. Electorals vote how they want, regardless of the people

Not sure where you're getting your information. Of the 51 districts with electoral college votes, 49 of those go with the popular vote from their district. Only Nebraska and Maine do not have that in place. Also, none have strayed since the 1870 election or some year like that.
If you lose your right to complain by not voting then you also lose your right to complain by voting. If whoever you vote for runs this country in the ground then you can't complain because that's what you voted for.
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Not sure where you're getting your information. Of the 51 districts with electoral college votes, 49 of those go with the popular vote from their district. Only Nebraska and Maine do not have that in place. Also, none have strayed since the 1870 election or some year like that.
How about the guy from Oregon, that said no matter what, he will not give electoral votes to Hillary. When it boils down to it, they can vote however they want, regardless of majority vote from the state.
I've voted since 1970,and never missed an election. As BHF said,it doesn't make any difference how you vote[it's your vote,not mine],just get out and do it. Even if you disagree with somebody,respect their right,like you would want them to respect yours.
Electoral college is actually a positive for small states like Arkansas. If it was a strictly popular vote, then candidates could just focus on major urban areas to win an election.
The talk is over. Time to cast your lot.

Remember if you dont vote you lose your right to complain. And ive got a feeling we will all have something to complain about after this one no matter if you lean left or right.

Vote, because billions on this planet can only dream of voting and brave men & women fought/died for you to have a say in our leadership. Its as simple as that.
Mustve missed that in Constitution class.

Its like saying if you dont pray, you lose your right to complain, too.
Over 587,000 of 1.7 million registered Arkansas voters had voted as of Monday afternoon. Could be a record turnout. Previous high was the last election, 66.5% in 2012.
The talk is over. Time to cast your lot.

Remember if you dont vote you lose your right to complain. And ive got a feeling we will all have something to complain about after this one no matter if you lean left or right.

Vote, because billions on this planet can only dream of voting and brave men & women fought/died for you to have a say in our leadership. Its as simple as that.
I voted two two Saturdays ago.
I've seen the way some of you vote in Razor's Edge polls. Worse, I've seen how some of you ask poll questions.


JK. Voted.
I hope yall are voting for the medical MJ. People that want to smoke weed already are. This if for the folks like my aunt that is battling pancreatic cancer that needs it to help her rest and gain wt to fight the terrible disease. It isn't about stoners getting weed, they already are.
I hope yall are voting for the medical MJ. People that want to smoke weed already are. This if for the folks like my aunt that is battling pancreatic cancer that needs it to help her rest and gain wt to fight the terrible disease. It isn't about stoners getting weed, they already are.
Only the bible thumpers are voting against it really.
Not sure where you're getting your information. Of the 51 districts with electoral college votes, 49 of those go with the popular vote from their district. Only Nebraska and Maine do not have that in place. Also, none have strayed since the 1870 election or some year like that.

That's actually wrong. The individual states govern this through each states constitution. 29 of the states electorial votes do not have to be cast with the majority vote per those states constitution.
Of course it's rigged. Hillary has this locked up. I've got her certified autograph in a book that I'll list on Ebay in the AM. Cha Ching!!! Oh, and Fvck Hillary.
BS, and you should refrain from political comments on here
I have a feeling there was a lot of votes cast for Hillary that the actual person is no longer with us or never was.
Yeah believe all the trash The Donald spews!

This thread belongs in The Grim Bottom.
It's all rigged from the ground up, so wouldn't be suprised if the election is. The number one thing that a politician needs to be to make it up the ladder is a great fund raiser, which is just so wrong. With a two party system, the electoral vote, insane campaign donations, I fear things are getting worse, not better, just look at who we have to choose from. With that said, I got out and voted a week ago simply because it is my civic duty.
How about the guy from Oregon, that said no matter what, he will not give electoral votes to Hillary. When it boils down to it, they can vote however they want, regardless of majority vote from the state.

That happens from time to time. It's rare though and has never decided an election.

I don't think Arkansas has ever had an unfaithful elector though, so if you're voting in Arkansas history says that our electors have always voted the will of the people of the state.

I'm with you though on Electoral College reform. It's a relic of a time where technology limitations made it a better option, and it should probably be done away with or at least modified.

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