If college kids neil at the National Ant.

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do we just get use to it and move on? I am not going to make a big deal or small deal out of it but just realize it is a part of the current culture. If they kneel or not, I am thinking the newness has worn off.

Since it is not going to change the police or people that encounter the police....I am just letting people do as they wish at least UNTIL some grownups speak out and educate everyone on the subject matter. Really need to talk it out. I am not going to let it bother me in sports.

Anybody heard anything about some girls doing this?
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Those girls that were kneeling need to take OUR ARKANSAS RAZORBACK OFF OF THEIR Chest....Our Great State does not stand for least not 99 percent of it!...such a disgrace to our State, our USA and the Men and Women that have served and given their lives for OUR FLAG!....I'm disgusted!...If Jimmy Dykes doesn't "do what he can" for respect regarding that then I don't respect him either....although, I really like him!....Didn't a football or hockey coach say a month or two ago that if you kneel for The Anthem then you will be on the bench?.....Why can't Jimmy do that?...
it is dumb to just say it is simply stupid to do it without letting these young people have some freedom to express something that is really bothering them.

Since it seems somewhat illogical to most fans , it is not going to be understood very well. If we continue to go crazy over it being unpatriotic it will get worse before better.

The number ONE problem is many fans think these young folks were raised with the same understanding of America as them and are totally disrespecting our veterans. They are coming from a different place so we should try and understand even while not really accepting it

something like that :)
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saw this
Jerry Jones on Anthem protest ..."I got to give a big pat on the back to our entire team, our coaching staff, our entire organization," Jones said Tuesday morning on 105.3 The Fan's Shan and RJ show [KRLD-FM]. "We strongly, strongly support the flag. In every way, we support -- it's almost ridiculous to be saying it -- the people that for generations and generations have given it all up so we can get out here and show off in front of millions of people on television. We respect that so much. That's the real business.
"The forum of the NFL and the forum on television is a very significant thing. I'm for it being used in every way we can to support the great, great contributors in our society and that's people that have supported America, the flag, and there's no reason not to go all out right there. For anybody to use parts of that visibility to do otherwise is really disappointing."

Coach Jimmy Dykes on anthem protest: "We are extremely proud of our young ladies. They have strong, well educated opinions, based on their real life experiences...I'm very proud of them. I have their back, because we live in the land of the free and the home of the brave."
wow....agree with Jerry Jones and not Jimmy Dykes on that....I had an uncle die for THE FLAG in WWII, he helped to continue "the land of the free and home of the brave"....NOT ever imagining that AMERICANS would disrespect OUR FLAG and OUR COUNTRY...
as I said.....we are wrong to judge people that were not raised to think like we were. Try and understand that to THEM they are just taking a stand to help right a wrong. For YOU to do what they are doing would be wrong but they don't have your background.
Do not blame these kids....this is caused by Washington DC leadership
wow....agree with Jerry Jones and not Jimmy Dykes on that....I had an uncle die for THE FLAG in WWII, he helped to continue "the land of the free and home of the brave"....NOT ever imagining that AMERICANS would disrespect OUR FLAG and OUR COUNTRY...
Personal Opinion:

To NOT allow someone to PEACEFULLY protest is downright UNAMERICAN. It is NOT an indictment against the American flag, nor the MILITARY. I think it's been SENSATIONALIZED and that's part of the reason it has crossed into so many MEDIUMS. Do I think it's impactful? Not really. Do I think it heightens awareness? Yes, a little. I think too many people get behind the betrayal train and feel like these people are disrespecting you or what you believe in, but to an extent isn't that their primary message? That they feel there is a group of people that are betrayed and disrespected is a tough point to argue against. I feel if you really believe in what the country stands for then you should, maybe not support, but at least understand the questioning of authority and the ability of a group of people to express their views and bring attention to their message, peacefully and with restraint.
as I said.....we are wrong to judge people that were not raised to think like we were. Try and understand that to THEM they are just taking a stand to help right a wrong. For YOU to do what they are doing would be wrong but they don't have your background.
Do not blame these kids....this is caused by Washington DC leadership
Hard no. Did you pull that quote from Rush Limbaugh?
Cops killing blacks. As I said it does seem like it won't do any good but when I was in college we felt very deeply about issues and were frustrated we had no outlet.

Where did the Rush deal come from? That was odd
My stance on this has always been find a better way to communicate your protest. You are disrespecting the flag and all those who have given their life for that flag. You are disrespecting the country that affords you your platform. It's idiocy
My stance on this has always been find a better way to communicate your protest. You are disrespecting the flag and all those who have given their life for that flag. You are disrespecting the country that affords you your platform. It's idiocy
Exactly, and well said "HogWilly"!!!
Yes but in their minds it could be them next. If you try and make them come from the way you think there is no hope to work this out. It sounds threaten them but they just do not see it that way.
....I compare it to saying Okay to somebody in a country where that is a curse word. We did not mean it like that but that is what they heard.....thus feelings are hurt but both sides are really good people.
If people would focus on the people putting this in young folks minds instead of the kids....we would get closer to coming together. Some folks are trying to stir up trouble.......don't let them
I hate what they did but that does not help so try to figure a solution.
BTW if Hillary wins I am leaving all sports boards so you may only have me to fight with until Wednesday morning :)
Still can't figure out why so many people value a song and a flag so much more than the actual rights of American citizens that the flag and anthem represent. Whatever the reason, it is issues like this that create such a negative perception of Arkansas nationally.
Still can't figure out why so many people value a song and a flag so much more than the actual rights of American citizens that the flag and anthem represent. Whatever the reason, it is issues like this that create such a negative perception of Arkansas nationally.

Symbolism like flags and anthems are simple symbols on which people can emote and identify. Things like constitution, democracy, and civil rights are much more complex and nuanced. Symbols operate on emotion. Like it or not, put a simple emotional problem against a complex problem that requires thought and many people will rally around the symbol every time.
He's not from here. He doesn't understand. Drop his azz in northeast Arkansas for a week and tell him to get back to me.
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do we just get use to it and move on? I am not going to make a big deal or small deal out of it but just realize it is a part of the current culture. If they kneel or not, I am thinking the newness has worn off.

Since it is not going to change the police or people that encounter the police....I am just letting people do as they wish at least UNTIL some grownups speak out and educate everyone on the subject matter. Really need to talk it out. I am not going to let it bother me in sports.

Anybody heard anything about some girls doing this?
WNBA and Professional Soccer had it happen that I know of. We have had several teams in Alaska do this on the HS level this FB season. Too soon to see it in women's sports on the HS level yet.
Yes but in their minds it could be them next. If you try and make them come from the way you think there is no hope to work this out. It sounds threaten them but they just do not see it that way.
....I compare it to saying Okay to somebody in a country where that is a curse word. We did not mean it like that but that is what they heard.....thus feelings are hurt but both sides are really good people.

I was driving through SW Arkansas a few years ago coming back from the Cotton Bowl I think. I was driving a late model 4 door Jag I borrowed from me and my son's pet used car wholesale operation with my wife, our daughter and my 2yo grandson on board. It was Americana on steroids. Somewhere north of Waldron I had made it to the middle of nowhere and was enjoying the cool, clear fall day and lack of traffic when I met a state trooper heading south.

I checked my speed and it showed 59 in a 55 zone so I breathed a sigh of relief and carried on. A few minutes later I noticed a car way behind me and closing fast. As it got closer I could tell it was a police car. He came screaming up behind me and hit his brakes and his blue lights at the same time. I really had no idea what the deal was.

I could see two people in the car and they sat behind me for several minutes before this young kid exits the driver's side and heads my way. He tells me I was speeding and asks for my license. I asked how fast I was going and he said 60 in a 55. I politely asked why 5 mph over in no traffic in the middle of nowhere on a clear day was worthy of turning around and performing a high speed pursuit? He pointed at the car and said that was his trainer's decision. He then went to run my license.

He is gone for what seems like forever and when he finally heads back he looks really nervous and has his right hand on his gun. He asks me to exit the car and tells me to keep my hands where he can see them. As I slowly got out of the car I glance back and notice his trainer has gotten out of the car and has assumed the position behind his open door with his gun drawn. He wasn't pointing it at me but he surely wanted me to see it.

I asked the kid what was going on and he replied that they found I had a concealed carry permit. He then asked if I had a weapon. I told him I did but it was in the car. I asked him if that was the reason he made me get out and he said it was. I asked if his trainer told him I was a threat and he said he told him that you always approach an armed person with caution and ready for anything.

I was a 50 something man in a nice car with a very middle class looking family. We were all wearing Hog stuff and the car was decked out in Hog stuff too. It was obvious we were coming back from Dallas. I had dealer tags(issued by the state police) in my name and I was clearly sober. In order to get a concealed permit I had to pass an FBI background check and take a gun safety course. I explained to the kid that all of that pretty much meant that I was a really weak candidate for subjecting my family to a police shootout over getting stopped for doing 5 mph over. The little shit handed me a speeding ticket and my license back and told me to have a safe trip.

I'm as white middle American as it gets and these guys acted very freaked out over what should have told them I was no threat. AND ONE WAS A TRAINER.
Had I been anything but matter of fact and cooperative, that situation could have gotten out of hand pretty easily.

The lesson to be had here is simple. Don't make cops nervous and if they act nervous anyway, adjust to the side of caution. It aint about color as cops have been shot on routine stops by people of all races. It's good to keep that in mind when dealing with them on the streets.
saw this
Jerry Jones on Anthem protest ..."I got to give a big pat on the back to our entire team, our coaching staff, our entire organization," Jones said Tuesday morning on 105.3 The Fan's Shan and RJ show [KRLD-FM]. "We strongly, strongly support the flag. In every way, we support -- it's almost ridiculous to be saying it -- the people that for generations and generations have given it all up so we can get out here and show off in front of millions of people on television. We respect that so much. That's the real business.
"The forum of the NFL and the forum on television is a very significant thing. I'm for it being used in every way we can to support the great, great contributors in our society and that's people that have supported America, the flag, and there's no reason not to go all out right there. For anybody to use parts of that visibility to do otherwise is really disappointing."

Coach Jimmy Dykes on anthem protest: "We are extremely proud of our young ladies. They have strong, well educated opinions, based on their real life experiences...I'm very proud of them. I have their back, because we live in the land of the free and the home of the brave."
Maybe Jerry should withhold his donation if he doesn't agree. That might get their attention.

Seriously he makes a good point...It's a disappointment that they are able to use the visibility that the UofA provides them. They are there on tax payer $.
do we just get use to it and move on? I am not going to make a big deal or small deal out of it but just realize it is a part of the current culture.

Since it is not going to change the police or people that encounter the police....I am just letting people do as they wish at least UNTIL some grownups speak out and educate everyone on the subject matter. Really need to talk it out. I am not going to let it bother me in sports.

Anybody heard anything about some girls doing this?
Check out the Grimm
Personal Opinion:

To NOT allow someone to PEACEFULLY protest is downright UNAMERICAN. It is NOT an indictment against the American flag, nor the MILITARY. I think it's been SENSATIONALIZED and that's part of the reason it has crossed into so many MEDIUMS. Do I think it's impactful? Not really. Do I think it heightens awareness? Yes, a little. I think too many people get behind the betrayal train and feel like these people are disrespecting you or what you believe in, but to an extent isn't that their primary message? That they feel there is a group of people that are betrayed and disrespected is a tough point to argue against. I feel if you really believe in what the country stands for then you should, maybe not support, but at least understand the questioning of authority and the ability of a group of people to express their views and bring attention to their message, peacefully and with restraint.[/QUOTE
Brilliantly spoken. I'm amazed that people don't understand this!
I got a call while at work that my mom had a heart attack and should meet them at the hospital. I'm in my work uniform with a bandanna on my head. While enroute they called and said my mom is on her way to Memphis. I turned down a side road going home to get my car because I enter my driveway this way I stopped starting to back into my driveway and bam hit a car behind me which turned out to be an unmarked police car. The officer got out with gun drawn ordering me to put my hands on the hood of his car. by then I'm surrounded by policemen. The car I hit had been following me since I turn down the back road because I looked suspicious. I explained what was going on to deaf ears. I was taken to jail and my truck was towed. I asked them to call the hospital to verify my story. Three hours later and after twice blowing in the BAC machine they uncuffed and released me. Later they came after me with threats trying to intimidate into paying for the damage done to their car, the police chief left a card in my door to come by his office asap. This lasted until the investigation proved he had his headlights off.
Personal Opinion:

To NOT allow someone to PEACEFULLY protest is downright UNAMERICAN. It is NOT an indictment against the American flag, nor the MILITARY. I think it's been SENSATIONALIZED and that's part of the reason it has crossed into so many MEDIUMS. Do I think it's impactful? Not really. Do I think it heightens awareness? Yes, a little. I think too many people get behind the betrayal train and feel like these people are disrespecting you or what you believe in, but to an extent isn't that their primary message? That they feel there is a group of people that are betrayed and disrespected is a tough point to argue against. I feel if you really believe in what the country stands for then you should, maybe not support, but at least understand the questioning of authority and the ability of a group of people to express their views and bring attention to their message, peacefully and with restraint.
I agree. Thank you.
Those girls that were kneeling need to take OUR ARKANSAS RAZORBACK OFF OF THEIR Chest....Our Great State does not stand for least not 99 percent of it!...such a disgrace to our State, our USA and the Men and Women that have served and given their lives for OUR FLAG!....I'm disgusted!...If Jimmy Dykes doesn't "do what he can" for respect regarding that then I don't respect him either....although, I really like him!....Didn't a football or hockey coach say a month or two ago that if you kneel for The Anthem then you will be on the bench?.....Why can't Jimmy do that?...
What did Jimmy and Jeff think was gonna come from this. Kapernick made the point over a month or two ago and now it's like beating a dead horse. Find another way to get the message out.
I got a call while at work that my mom had a heart attack and should meet them at the hospital. I'm in my work uniform with a bandanna on my head. While enroute they called and said my mom is on her way to Memphis. I turned down a side road going home to get my car because I enter my driveway this way I stopped starting to back into my driveway and bam hit a car behind me which turned out to be an unmarked police car. The officer got out with gun drawn ordering me to put my hands on the hood of his car. by then I'm surrounded by policemen. The car I hit had been following me since I turn down the back road because I looked suspicious. I explained what was going on to deaf ears. I was taken to jail and my truck was towed. I asked them to call the hospital to verify my story. Three hours later and after twice blowing in the BAC machine they uncuffed and released me. Later they came after me with threats trying to intimidate into paying for the damage done to their car, the police chief left a card in my door to come by his office asap. This lasted until the investigation proved he had his headlights off.
I don't pretend to know how it feels to get treated like that but I don't know what kneeling during the National Anthem does to help that. People that are racist white/black or any other color is not going to change the way they are because some Athlete kneeled and disrespected our Flag. In my opinion it does more harm than good. There are other ways to make endroads, Jimmy should have taken his team around to the local police stations and met with the officers and told them of their concerns but I guess that doesn't get attention!

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