I'll take all 4 of those Bama Felons

Monterey Jack

Nov 16, 2011
We need football players, not humanitarians. 3 of those guys would start from day one, especially the 5 star safety. Sign em up coach.
Well......We are looking for uncommon men........

Seriously though, it wouldn't be the right move for anyone to take them on. Media nightmare since they assaulted other students. Plus it will really mess up a locker room.

But there is someone in Western Kentucky that wants to get to the man behind the player and would be game for giving second chances...ha.
Knocked out two Alabama female students, on campus, and robbed 'em.

Yeah, sure. We need all of those we can get. Real men!!!
Originally posted by BB's Pig Man:

Knocked out two Alabama female students, on campus, and robbed 'em.

Yeah, sure. We need all of those we can get. Real men!!!
They probably used some racial slur towards the players.
Originally posted by BB's Pig Man:

Knocked out two Alabama female students, on campus, and robbed 'em.

Yeah, sure. We need all of those we can get. Real men!!!
We haven't had a defensive player knock anyone out in a while
Originally posted by Monterey Jack:

Originally posted by BB's Pig Man:

Knocked out two Alabama female students, on campus, and robbed 'em.

Yeah, sure. We need all of those we can get. Real men!!!
They probably used some racial slur towards the players.
Yea, they probably asked them to stop beating them, and we all know that is a reference to Chris Brown. Damn racists....
Originally posted by Monterey Jack:

Originally posted by BB's Pig Man:

Knocked out two Alabama female students, on campus, and robbed 'em.

Yeah, sure. We need all of those we can get. Real men!!!
They probably used some racial slur towards the players.
So, you think that would make it ok for man to knock out a woman, then rob her?
Originally posted by Penthouse65:
Originally posted by Monterey Jack:

Originally posted by BB's Pig Man:

Knocked out two Alabama female students, on campus, and robbed 'em.

Yeah, sure. We need all of those we can get. Real men!!!
They probably used some racial slur towards the players.
Yea, they probably asked them to stop beating them, and we all know that is a reference to Chris Brown. Damn racists....
This is not a situation to take lightly or be sarcastic about. It's sad that racism is still such a huge issue in Alabama, I feel for the players. Come to Arkansas, we welcome you with open arms. Coach B will do the right thing.
Originally posted by lsmhog:
Originally posted by Monterey Jack:

Originally posted by BB's Pig Man:

Knocked out two Alabama female students, on campus, and robbed 'em.

Yeah, sure. We need all of those we can get. Real men!!!
They probably used some racial slur towards the players.
So, you think that would make it ok for man to knock out a woman, then rob her?
Never said I was okay with the robbing part. Listen, I just want to give these poor kids a second chance, they deserve one.
MJ must be the scouting director of the penal system inmate football team. Wow! A complete whiff!

This post was edited on 2/12 2:31 PM by TNHOG66
This isnt Australia!!!!!.....Keep them there, I dont want my daughters or nieces going to school with soon to be convicted thugs
Originally posted by Monterey Jack:

Originally posted by lsmhog:
Originally posted by Monterey Jack:

Originally posted by BB's Pig Man:

Knocked out two Alabama female students, on campus, and robbed 'em.

Yeah, sure. We need all of those we can get. Real men!!!
They probably used some racial slur towards the players.
So, you think that would make it ok for man to knock out a woman, then rob her?
Never said I was okay with the robbing part. Listen, I just want to give these poor kids a second chance, they deserve one.
If i am reading this right, you are against robbery, but supportive towards assault? Maybe you should go to Bama....
Originally posted by Monterey Jack:

Originally posted by lsmhog:

Originally posted by Monterey Jack:

Originally posted by BB's Pig Man:

Knocked out two Alabama female students, on campus, and robbed 'em.

Yeah, sure. We need all of those we can get. Real men!!!
They probably used some racial slur towards the players.
So, you think that would make it ok for man to knock out a woman, then rob her?
Never said I was okay with the robbing part. Listen, I just want to give these poor kids a second chance, they deserve one.
Maybe they will show up on campus, and maybe it will be you, or your mom/sister/wife/gf that they give their next beat down too (IF in fact that is what happened). Then you can come back on here and tell the rest of us how "these poor kids" deserve another chance. If dudes layed hands on women and robbed them, only place they need to end up landing for the short term is jail.
for one, you're an idiot! for two your don't pistol whip anyone because they used a "racial slur"! this was a pre-meditated brutal crime. i know they are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law but, I do not want that kind of players on our football team. One bad apple will spoil the entire bunch. I also have you pegged as someone who will stir the water to just get it muddy! I deal with your attention seeking, self absorbed kind every day and have done it everyday for the past 12 years. I only acknowledged your post to say get over yourself.
Listen, I'm just saying there is a good chance these women got out of pocket or used a racial slur. I don't agree with pistol whipping them, but I believe in second chances.
Now, this could be just the start of a cunningly devious pre-conceived plan by little Nicky to frame these guys to be able to get down to the magic number of 85. He hs 6 more to go, it will be interesting to see how he handles the next group to get processed.
Originally posted by Monterey Jack:
Listen, I'm just saying there is a good chance these women got out of pocket or used a racial slur. I don't agree with pistol whipping them, but I believe in second chances.
No, you believe in wanting to win at all costs and don't care about anything else. And that's cool man, your right and you are not the only one on this board that feels that way (God knows we found that out back in April with BP's bike ride). But don't go trying to pass that off by trying to pretend you give a rat's ass about these kids. 2 women got whipped with a pistol, and your concern is the welfare of the athletes that reportedly did it getting a second chance. One of the most incredibly insensitive things I have ever seen posted on this board. I hope Titanhawg, Mrs. Whiskey, or one of the other female posters read over this thread.
Lsmhog, I think you're being a bit dramatic. They probably should of just done an open hand slap instead of the pistol whip and I am sure after some reflection they'll realize that. I don't think it's winning at all costs, it's not like they killed a dog. Just stole some candy. If they get kicked off we should give them a second chance, just my opinion.
Lsm? So you think someone who did not want petrino fired would support these thugs being placed on the team? That is a huge reach. Not even comparable.
Originally posted by thetus:
Lsm? So you think someone who did not want petrino fired would support these thugs being placed on the team? That is a huge reach. Not even comparable.
Let me clarify. There were those that came out and point blank stated they did not care what BP did as long as he won football games. I get that. May not agree with it, but that is their right.

OP used "these poor kids" to describe the Bama kids accused of this act. Believes in second chances. Etc. So, yes, I do compare him to those that said the same about BP (everyone deserves a second chance), when it was obvious then the only reason they wanted him back was........because he wins games.

Just own say. Say a coach or player can assault/rape/cheat/lie/steal, whatever, as long as they help us win. Just don't try and make yourself seem to be some kind of a humanitarian. Two girls were assaulted and robbed, and OP is worried about those accused of the crime?

Hope this helps.
After all the Arkansas players who have been arrested the past two years these are the last type of players we need.
Originally posted by Monterey Jack:
Lsmhog, I think you're being a bit dramatic. They probably should of just done an open hand slap instead of the pistol whip and I am sure after some reflection they'll realize that. I don't think it's winning at all costs, it's not like they killed a dog. Just stole some candy. If they get kicked off we should give them a second chance, just my opinion.
My bad...obviously you have nothing better to do than troll the board and you got me. Well played sir. Too bad we have mods that ban/delete posts because someone is too critical of a coach or player, but let this kind of crap go.
Why do you say the victims were women? I am almost positive they were men. You just make up random 'facts' as you go I see.
Originally posted by Monterey Jack:

Originally posted by BB's Pig Man:

Knocked out two Alabama female students, on campus, and robbed 'em.

Yeah, sure. We need all of those we can get. Real men!!!
They probably used some racial slur towards the players.

As if that would justify it. Pathetic.

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