National Anthem

Disgusting! What makes it worse is statistics don't support their protest. Democratic Party and media spew this propaganda..........and morons like these believe it and run with it. Dykes should be fired yesterday! If one of these idiots is a victim of a crime, don't call the police.....I hope they get beaten every game. Pathetic
Sad to see people supporting criminals like this, but considering colleges are mostly staffed by liberal professors you have to expect the kids to react to the BS they're fed all day every day.
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The sickening display of disgrace of our National Anthem by your women's BB team has gone viral as you probably know. I came here hoping to find a "lady basketball" forum...and yes I wanted to blast the team and tell them I hope they lose every game. I disowned my own NFL team I had followed since a child...I disowned an NFL team in which I once proudly wore the jersey (albeit for a very short time)...finally, I just decided there are better things to do on Sunday afternoons and I wrote off the NFL. This is disgusting, and I will root against the lady Razerback BB team...But I will also root against any and all other teams that take this pathetic stance, including any or all of MY "favorite" teams, lifetime fan or not. I hope this doesn't spread to NCAA FB!
It already has spread to college football. I don't like it either, but this is America and they do have the right to have and express their own opinions, even when they are so radically different from my own.
Want to say proud to hear Mike Anderson and Keith Jackson stand up for America, our flag, and National Anthem. Fine to have an opinion and make statements but there are right ways to do it. No one wants any innocent citizen shot by police but at the same time these police have to be able to enforce the law. If there is a bad policeman which is actually pretty rare breaks the law it should be handled in court. And he should be punished. Not handled in the liberal, devise media or in the streets of our city.
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I think we can support the troops by making sure they are not homeless and jobless. I think they might appreciate that more, than just standing for the anthem. I see some of them walking the streets homeless and jobless and pissed at the government. Also in world war two, when the German officers were captured they were allowed to eat in the same mess hall with American officers and they were supposed to be enemies. But the black American troops were not allowed in that mess hall unless they were washing dishes or scrubbing floors. So some people view the anthem in a different way and feel they have a reason not to stand. See the book Without Sanctuary and you might have a better understanding.
You don't have to like it but it is their right in this country.

All of us are quick to judge our fellow man without any real understanding of them. It's if we expect others to think as we do and if they don't they are wrong! That can be dangerous to the freedom we all cherish and is one concerning thing you see in our country all the time. Whether we want to admit it or not, our country has issues we need to improve to be a better America for all races and creeds not just those we represent!

I personally wish those girls would use some other way to express their protest other than disrespecting the flag, but I can acknowledge their right to do so.
Sickening seeing Lady Razorbacks not stand for our national anthem.

I do not, by any means, endorse the message they are attempting to send. However, they are college kids and doing stupid things during those years is not surprising. Most of us grow up eventually, and some of us even learn to have regrets.

One philosopher said - "Celui qui n’est pas républicain à vingt ans fait douter de la générosité de son âme; mais celui qui, après trente ans, persévère, fait douter de la rectitude de son esprit."
I think we can support the troops by making sure they are not homeless and jobless. I think they might appreciate that more, than just standing for the anthem. I see some of them walking the streets homeless and jobless and pissed at the government. Also in world war two, when the German officers were captured they were allowed to eat in the same mess hall with American officers and they were supposed to be enemies. But the black American troops were not allowed in that mess hall unless they were washing dishes or scrubbing floors. So some people view the anthem in a different way and feel they have a reason not to stand. See the book Without Sanctuary and you might have a better understanding.

AMEN!!! The same azz-wipes that state it is "sickening" or blame liberal college professors, I can easily bet do not nor will not lift a finger to help the homeless vets!!! Personally, I will ALWAYS stand for the National Anthem....not because the above bastards and their typical uneducated narrow minded rants but because it is MY RIGHT to stand for the National Anthem as it is anyone's right to kneel for it. Get The F* Over It and move on!!! There are a lot more important issues than this overly regurgitated CRAP!!
Doubt you attend any games or you would know no problem to get tickets for Lady Razorbacks.
AMEN!!! The same azz-wipes that state it is "sickening" or blame liberal college professors, I can easily bet do not nor will not lift a finger to help the homeless vets!!! Personally, I will ALWAYS stand for the National Anthem....not because the above bastards and their typical uneducated narrow minded rants but because it is MY RIGHT to stand for the National Anthem as it is anyone's right to kneel for it. Get The F* Over It and move on!!! There are a lot more important issues than this overly regurgitated CRAP!!

Good ole keyboard warrior on our hands, folks. Probably upset his president is out soon, I would imagine.

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