Our Bill Clinton has Hillary positioned to be President

BB's Pig Man

Gold Member
Dec 16, 2008
...of the United States of America in 2016. No ifs, ans or butts.

Don't laugh. Hillary's a cinch to win the Democrat nomination in 2016. It'll be interesting to see who she selects as her VP running-mate.

Bill and Hillary are slick!
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Originally posted by Pigtrino 1:
...of the United States of America in 2016. No ifs, ans or butts.

Don't laugh. Hillary's a cinch to win the Democrat nomination in 2016. It'll be interesting to see who she selects as her VP running-mate.

Bill and Hillary are slick!
Bill and Hillary have certainly built up a huge war chest of favors they will be calling in...

Not to mention the press will be pulling for her 100%.
This post was edited on 11/7 9:40 PM by original hambone
Original, Hillary will have 95% of the media support, 65% of the female vote, 75% of the minority vote and the vote of 35% of the white men.

Ronald Reagan couldn't beat her now. Even her sexual preference will be a plus.

This post was edited on 11/22 3:04 PM by Pigtrino 1
That's kinda funny. Evita and Clyde thought of as special people

Especially since the majority of Americans voted against him in both elections(a record all his own)

Since the founding of the democrat party, only Martin Van Buren and Harry Truman followed a democrat president that served 8 years.
That's twice in 184 years

Nation gets sick of democrats screwing up the country eventually.

Besides, Since Truman, only GHWB followed an 8 yr President of the same party.

Nation gets tired of Republican Prosperity and needs some bad governance.

Willie the Clod's greatest achievement was getting democrats defeated in record numbers in 1994 and having Newt and Co. save his ass by fixing the economy.
MDVOL: Sir, you are both funny, predictable and unaware of the status of the feelings of a clear majority of Americans.
That would include white Women 18-50, both female and male Hispanics and African Americans of all ages, and certainly 40% of white males under 40. Unfortunately, for those men and their surrogate spouses, 95% of which live in the 10 or so"Confederate"States, that fail to realize that they lost the War over Slavery [called States Rights in the history books in these states], they fail to realize that Rich [or racist] Old White White Men no longer control the Country. Women who want to control their reproductive choices, their education, and their professional careers will no longer be dictated to by the aforementioned group of ROWM.
Get used to the name of Hillary Rodham Clinton in major leadership roles i.e. POTUS. Having men like Romney [who
by the way was pro-choice,pro gay- union,pro government health, while Governor of Mass.] , Sarah Palin [who quit as Gov.
of Alaska less than 1/2 way thru her term, and Herman Cain a MARRIED "BLACK CONSERVATIVE" having an Affair with a very white women that he supported, and flew all over the Country on the expense acct of the National Restaurant Assoc
will help pave the way for the Tea Party to ensure both the reelection of America's first Black POTUS, and next the TP will ensure the election of the first Women POTUS
Originally posted by drydoc:

MDVOL: Sir, you are both funny, predictable and unaware of the status of the feelings of a clear majority of Americans.
That would include white Women 18-50, both female and male Hispanics and African Americans of all ages, and certainly 40% of white males under 40. Unfortunately, for those men and their surrogate spouses, 95% of which live in the 10 or so"Confederate"States, that fail to realize that they lost the War over Slavery [called States Rights in the history books in these states], they fail to realize that Rich [or racist] Old White White Men no longer control the Country. Women who want to control their reproductive choices, their education, and their professional careers will no longer be dictated to by the aforementioned group of ROWM.
Get used to the name of Hillary Rodham Clinton in major leadership roles i.e. POTUS. Having men like Romney [who
by the way was pro-choice,pro gay- union,pro government health, while Governor of Mass.] , Sarah Palin [who quit as Gov.
of Alaska less than 1/2 way thru her term, and Herman Cain a MARRIED "BLACK CONSERVATIVE" having an Affair with a very white women that he supported, and flew all over the Country on the expense acct of the National Restaurant Assoc
will help pave the way for the Tea Party to ensure both the reelection of America's first Black POTUS, and next the TP will ensure the election of the first Women POTUS
I agree with you that the dumbing down of this country has certainly picked up alot of steam over the last 4 years and thus, there is merit to your post.

I agree on Romney. The republicans need to stop letting the liberal media and the blue states nominate their candidates by having early primaries and the momentum that goes with them begin in liberal northern states. Bush, McCain, and Romney were easily the most liberal candidates and thus the least electable by the right. But, by the time the primaries had progressed from the states that would be blue in November anyway and the media had repeatedly pummeled the candidates they actually feared as threats, the lib republican candidates had all the momentum and the press kissing their butts. Conservatives have been forced to hold their noses and vote for the lesser of evils. We haven't had a candidate that truly represents our beliefs since Reagan.

Your comments on Cain are laughable considering your obvious love for the Clintons. Bill was a well known whore monger as governor and as president. Hillary? Well, at least she is discreet with her sexual leanings. No need to go into their financial dealings past the point that Bill left office with a net worth that exceeded his lifetime income as gove and prez.

Your thing about women's reproductive choices is beyond silly. It's not about that and hasn't been in decades. It's about whether it's my place to pay for them. Personally, I don't give a crap what women do as long as I don't get stuck with the bill. That said, we all know where babies come from and women that lack the individual responsibility to avoid making one when they don't want one should have made that choice before the fact and not after. For you to call bailing somebody out of personal irresponsibility by calling it a "reproductive choice" is laughable too. Nobody has tried to take away birth control from women and abortion is not a form of birth control, it is pregnancy termination. Not the same thing. Myself, I am for birth control, especially for those whose children will end up being supported by the government untill they reach the age of creating their own welfare recipients. For those folks, PLEASE USE BIRTH CONTROL. And could you bother to tell me exactly what educational options are denied women these days? How their professional careers are being dictated by anything but their own limitations?

And I love how you consider those who don't agree with you to be biggotted yet you label those folks as rich old white men. You don't see the bigotry in that????? And BTW, all of these government programs to support all of these lib agendas, who are you depending on to pay for that? Oh yeah, the ROWM you loathe so much. Why would you want anything from them except to be left alone?

Clear majority? You call 51% a clear majority? With the lib media clearly ignoring Bengazzi(would have been plastered on the news daily had it happened to a Rep president right before an election) and the same media acting like the fallout from Sandy was smooth and seamless(which it wasn't), 51% aint real clear. With the best weapon in the republican arsenal(the unpopularity of obamacare) being effectively neutered by throwing a candidate out there that wrote the formula as governor, 51% aint real clear. I will give the libs this, they used the media bias and the current primary schedule well and squeaked out a win against a rep nominee they helped hand pick. But that does not a clear majority make. And as obama is no longer restrained by re-election worries for the next four years, I wouldn't bet my life savings on the dems being able to get that 51% in 16 if I were you.

This post was edited on 12/19 2:48 PM by rzrbk7777
I'm more confident than ever that Hillary Clinton has the US presidency locked up in 2016. The only two things that would keep her from landing the US presidency in 2016 would be poor health or expiration, neither of which I would wish for her.

A white male president is no longer acceptable to a significant slice of America.
Originally posted by BB's Pig Man:
I'm more confident than ever that Hillary Clinton has the US presidency locked up in 2016. The only two things that would keep her from landing the US presidency in 2016 would be poor health or expiration, neither of which I would wish for her.

A white male president is no longer acceptable to a significant slice of America.
I don't think her health is going to let her fun.

Are you saying that America is overwhelming racists and sexists?

When do white males start getting the benefits of affrmative action?
Originally posted by BB's Pig Man:
...of the United States of America in 2016. No ifs, ans or butts.

Don't laugh. Hillary's a cinch to win the Democrat nomination in 2016. It'll be interesting to see who she selects as her VP running-mate.

Bill and Hillary are slick!

It depends on Biden still. FWIW, He is definitely an underdog, but he and Obama are tight and Biden can make the primary painful. Unlike 2008, people know who he is how and he would run better in states like Ohio, Penn, and the South than Hillary.

I think Biden would be happy as VP 8 more years or Sec of State though.
...IF... the mishandling of our US embassy terrorist threat at Benghazi, Libya isn't pinned to Hillary's britches.

Right now our man Bill has Hillary layin' low and out of the line of fire.
OK! Bill and Hillary are now both armed with their latest new set of facelifts, and are good for another four or five years.

Hillary Clinton has a very "grim bottom" but she's extremely well positioned to be the next president of the United States, no if's, an's or butts. She and Bill will again have the support of the 60% of Americans who want and expect government help of some kind.

Crisis in Arkansas!!! I'm surrounded by "FOB" here in Hillcrest, and the Pulaski Heights liberals want a woman president next time around.
This post was edited on 7/14 11:24 AM by BB's Pig Man
Sept. 4, 2014. Hillary vs. Putin will be fun to watch when she levitates to the American presidency on the shoulders of nearly every demographic group in America...except white males over 40..

She remains perfectly "on schedule".
Tell me I didn't call the Hillary Clinton shot in this thread over two years ago!

Hillary's a lock.

Bill's the master manipulator of all time...among other things. He'll get to call the shots for two more terms.
Hillary would be a small upgrade to Obama and the second biggest disaster for our country. The country has got to put a president in office that freaking gets it! Hillary like Bill would sell her soul to be President. So, when you say "Don't Laugh"....I'm not laughing. You are right she will get the Dem nomination and that is sad. She like Obama could not polish the shoes of JFK. Even Carter would be a better choice than either.
Originally posted by GoHogs3:
Hillary would be a small upgrade to Obama and the second biggest disaster for our country. The country has got to put a president in office that freaking gets it! Hillary like Bill would sell her soul to be President. So, when you say "Don't Laugh"....I'm not laughing. You are right she will get the Dem nomination and that is sad. She like Obama could not polish the shoes of JFK. Even Carter would be a better choice than either.
My Labrador would be an upgrade to Obama. Never in my life have I seen a people so crazy with P.C. that this fool ran the most powerful country in world for so long .

Hell the worst dictators in history have done better for the people then he has (they were already worse off and the change was nowhere near as bad as it is with Obama).
The Clintons

Woops! Hillary has no public computer records from her time as Secretary of State. She and Bill are free to make her record up as they again run for president on billions of foreign government money.

Slick Willie and Hillary want the presidency some more. The pay is too good.
...of the United States of America in 2016. No ifs, ans or butts.

Don't laugh. Hillary's a cinch to win the Democrat nomination in 2016. It'll be interesting to see who she selects as her VP running-mate.

Bill and Hillary are slick!

November 7, 2015 update. See, I told you so. Hillary and Bill have it cinched...and Bill can call the shots for eight more years.

Jesus Wept.

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