Sad day to be from Arkansas


Aug 26, 2013
Simply embarrassing that our government feels the need to force their beliefs on others.

Now we just need a Baphomet statue to naturalize the situation.

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Less than 24 hrs after being put up, the 10 commandments were run over at 5 am this morning
I'll bet Jason Rapert wet his pants over this.

Actually it's rumored that the lawsuits might have been part of his scheme.

His best friend from college is one of the lawyer's for the state in which folks were being steered in reference to filing a lawsuit. You can probably figure out the rest. He is a crooked politician to say the least

Just unsettling that the Arkansas tax payers will be paying for the lawsuits. Something none of us ask for.
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The funny thing about all the separation of state and religion is that it took a majority of liberals on the supreme court to tell us what the founding fathers really meant. I wonder why prayer in public schools was never questioned for like 150 years, also wonder why some of those same folks who wrote and signed the constitution didn't jump on their horses and ride down to the local school house and let those teachers know they were not allowed to say a prayer before starting class for the day. Seems to me they meant exactly what they wrote. The government does not have the right to ESTABLISH a religion. As long as the Supreme Court (whether conserative or liberal) is allowed to INTERRUPT (give their OPINION of what legal lawmakers actually meant) as a means of determing whether the law is constitutional or not, the law will become whatever they want it to be. The Supreme court has no law making authority what so ever under our constitution. In other words they have the constitutional authority to INTERRUPT a law but not to change or make law.
The funny thing about all the separation of state and religion is that it took a majority of liberals on the supreme court to tell us what the founding fathers really meant. I wonder why prayer in public schools was never questioned for like 150 years, also wonder why some of those same folks who wrote and signed the constitution didn't jump on their horses and ride down to the local school house and let those teachers know they were not allowed to say a prayer before starting class for the day. Seems to me they meant exactly what they wrote. The government does not have the right to ESTABLISH a religion. As long as the Supreme Court (whether conserative or liberal) is allowed to INTERRUPT (give their OPINION of what legal lawmakers actually meant) as a means of determing whether the law is constitutional or not, the law will become whatever they want it to be. The Supreme court has no law making authority what so ever under our constitution. In other words they have the constitutional authority to INTERRUPT a law but not to change or make law.

It's extremely frustrating to say the least. After our sneaky legislation got the stone approved, Our legislation inacted new legislation to block other religious groups from putting up their rock.

I have no problem with religious freedom but this certainly isn't religious freedom, plus it's on government property
If politicians want to pander to their base, so be it. A monument on the state capitol lawn isn't going to affect anyone's day.
Its truly funny how little liberals know about our governments relationship with God. Our government is founded on the belief of 1 God who ordained our laws and freedoms. Our very existence as a nation is based upon this knowledge and remembers it while also allowing all to freely worship as they may. There is no imposed religion. And no-one is forced to view, read, or follow the 10 commandments even if it is on the lawn of the state capitol. What a sad state indeed bit it isn't Arkansas I speak of its the mental disability that is the progressive left.

I give you the US house of representatives. Above the rostrum it reads "In God we trust". Every day on the floor the session is opened with prayer. And you folks are ready for war over a statue that you can freely choose to not read. How absurd


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