OT Supreme Court Justice Scalia Found Dead


Gold Member
Jan 5, 2013
In Big Bend, Texas. Reported to have died in his sleep. Going to be an interesting situation with replacing him with less than a year left in Obama's term and a Republican controlled Senate.
Glad that we will have a more moderate replacement, but people need to separate the person fro the position. I do not think he was not a bad person. Liberals celebrating his death and conservatives thinking about the political loss before the death of the man should be ashamed.

Thank you Mr. Scalia for your service. I rarely agreed with you, but respect you and your service. RIP.
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Glad that we will have a more moderate replacement, but people need to separate the person fro the position. I do not think he was not a bad person. Liberals celebrating his death and conservatives thinking about the political loss before the death of the man should be ashamed.

Thank you Mr. Scalia for your service. I rarely agreed with you, but respect your service. RIP.
Judge Scalia and Judge Ginsburg were polar opposites on the court,but very good friends away from work.It's too bad that doesn't happen more in the Senate and the House.It use to be that way.