THE Donald

I have always voted all Republican. Wanted to do so this time but just could not. Trump is just awful. Like a bad joke. Couldn't vote for Hillary either because she's also a never-was clinging to the 90s. So I went Green Party.
This is a nightmare no party should have total control and Republicans will after tonight"
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You must have Free healthcare! I have Blue Cross and since Obama Care kicked in my premium has gone from $700 per month to $2000 per month. I'm married with 4 kids, 45 year old and we do not meet our deductible. Who did I vote for?

Nope I have never gotten free healthcare.
This is a nightmare no party should have total control and Republicans will after tonight"
Its honestly crazy.....and whether anyone likes it....its historic. The movement in the last 3 days in the polls ...... unprecedented.
You are going to see the Donald come out a humbled man and the brash is over. He will surround himself with smart people and run this country in a much smarter way. Hopefully he will clean up some corruption that he knows all about.

I voted for Hillary just because of the unknown. But she got destroyed and the people have spoken. I am ready to embrace what Trump brings. I like his VP and think he will do good if he comes out humbled and hard working. One thing, he isn't in it for the money.
You are going to see the Donald come out a humbled man and the brash is over. He will surround himself with smart people and run this country in a much smarter way. Hopefully he will clean up some corruption that he knows all about.

I voted for Hillary just because of the unknown. But she got destroyed and the people have spoken. I am ready to embrace what Trump brings. I like his VP and think he will do good if he comes out humbled and hard working. One thing, he isn't in it for the money.
With all due respect I knew you were a Hillary supporter.

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