Time to legalize Marijuana


Hall of Fame
Apr 7, 2004
I'm pretty liberal in a lot of my beliefs but i also have a lot conservative views and i wholeheartedly support the right to bear arms. Some folks simply can't discuss things in a Civil manner without turning to name calling and lack of class, while shoving their beliefs and why they're right down your throat.

All that being said, somethings gotta give with these school shootings. How does a kid get in the school with these auto/semi-auto weapons? I know terrorism isn't limited to just public schools but it's the best place to start. These are innocent children being slaughtered. At minimum, they should have metal detectors at every entrance along with armed security guards/police as well. It's gotten past the point where you can't afford it. Legalize Marijuana in all States. Fund it through that, then fund teacher/fireman/policeman/Veteran benefits at the State level as well. Then fix the damn roads with the rest.

I'm sick of this shit.

Oh yeah, and BE NICE.
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Here are the facts:

Marijuana was originally made illegal sometime back in the early 1900s as a way for racist policy makers to spread false propaganda about Mexicans coming into the United States.

By wrongfully associating marijuana with Mexicans, and by making out marijuana to be something that it is not, these policy makers were successful in their efforts to deter immigration from Mexico.

Years later, after thorough scientific research, marijuana is not only NOT dangerous (death count remains at 0), it is a great economic tool. It's really nearly comical that we can buy tobacco and alcohol, but not marijuana (I guarantee you that tobacco and alcohol will kill you a lot faster).

Also, this notion that marijuana makes you some dangerous, no-good psychopath is nonsense. If I'm remembering my college years correctly (that's one thing marijuana, unlike alcohol, allows you to do: remember), then the most damage a baked person is going to do is to a refrigerator... they may laugh too hard at a funny movie too. God forbid.

Anyway, that's my spiel on marijuana. Tying this back into the school shooting though, and I'd have to agree 100%, marijuana would be an excellent way to generate revenue to install some of these safer policies in schools across the country.
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I'm pretty liberal in a lot of my beliefs but i also have a lot conservative views and i wholeheartedly support the right to bear arms. Some folks simply can't discuss things in a Civil manner without turning to name calling and lack of class, while shoving their beliefs and why they're right down your throat.

All that being said, somethings gotta give with these school shootings. How does a kid get in the school with these auto/semi-auto weapons? I know terrorism isn't limited to just public schools but it's the best place to start. These are innocent children being slaughtered. At minimum, they should have metal detectors at every entrance along with armed security guards/police as well. It's gotten past the point where you can't afford it. Legalize Marijuana in all States. Fund it through that, then fund teacher/fireman/policeman/Veteran benefits at the State level as well. Then fix the damn roads with the rest.

I'm sick of this shit.

Oh yeah, and BE NICE.
frankly, i'm sick of the antiquated gun rights argument. in another thread, someone argued that more guns would deter mass killings because killers would quit picking soft targets like schools,churches,etc. those killers are planning on dying-allowing everyone to carry would likely lead to more chaos and deaths. my constitutional rights allow me to bare arms and if someone invades my home they will get capped with a glock. that has ZERO to do with owning stockpiles of military style weapons that are killing innocents in our country way out of proportion to the rest of the civilized world. something has to change or this will continue to escalate. i don't like TSA screening at airports but it is a necessary evil-so is altering our ability to obtain these virtual killing machines. now is the time to wake up and deal with the reality of the situation and quit kicking the can down the road
I suspect that marijuana will be legal in the country in about 5/10 years. We repealed Prohibition 1933 not just because of popular demand but because the politicians could not say no to that wonderful windfall of new tax's that would be available.
I see history repeating itself. The more things change the more they remain the same.
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