Wanna see a big Black Bear?


Nov 7, 2009
Juneau, AK
What exactly is the point to shooting a bear? if it is being agressive sure or is not longer scare of humans and is a danger then sure beyond that, you are shooting a beautiful creature just for fun. I can see if you plan to use it for food or clothing if it is a need. but shooting a animal just because you think it would be fun just seems wrong.
Just what the hell does this have to do with football? Anyone can shoot a bear.
This post was edited on 10/8 4:56 AM by boghog
Not to get into the argument of why hunting should or should not happen but I'll throw my incite for any who are against it.

Black Bears are making a remarkable comeback in the Natural State (once known for having one of the biggest population of bears in the country) before they were nearly extinct due to over-killing back in the 40's, 50's and 60's. Controlling the population is why a season is in and if you let the population grow rapidly without hunting, not only will overpopulation cause diseases for bears, but they will be much more dangerous competing for food and likely venture too close to human populations (increasing the risk of injury).

I do agree it's a waste if you don't keep the pelt and use the meat, but all the people I know that hunt do it not only as a sport, but for food. There are hungry people out there that will use the meat if the hunter doesn't keep it for himself. It wasn't just killed to be killed.

btw, that's a massive bear. Where did you shoot it?
It actually taste good if it is processed right. Have to remove the fat from the meat or its not good and the fat and meat are kind of rolled together in layers.
Originally posted by fayettechillin:
Not to get into the argument of why hunting should or should not happen but I'll throw my incite for any who are against it.

Black Bears are making a remarkable comeback in the Natural State (once known for having one of the biggest population of bears in the country) before they were nearly extinct due to over-killing back in the 40's, 50's and 60's. Controlling the population is why a season is in and if you let the population grow rapidly without hunting, not only will overpopulation cause diseases for bears, but they will be much more dangerous competing for food and likely venture too close to human populations (increasing the risk of injury).

I do agree it's a waste if you don't keep the pelt and use the meat, but all the people I know that hunt do it not only as a sport, but for food. There are hungry people out there that will use the meat if the hunter doesn't keep it for himself. It wasn't just killed to be killed.

btw, that's a massive bear. Where did you shoot it?
I don't hunt but all of my hunting friends have been talking about all of the bears they are seeing on their cameras this year. A few years ago we had a bear walk down the street behind us into a small patch of woods. Animal control had to tranquilize it.
Bear meat is very good. Get all the fat off soak it in butter milk for a day or 2 then corn meal and flower and fry it in a skillet. I got a black bear last Tuesday with my bow and have the meat in the freezer. And for those worried about the black bear population, I had 12 come by my stand in one day and about 15 or 16 different ones on my game cam. I think of bear just like I do deer and elk, they all taste good wrapped in bacon...
About a year ago, my uncle (lives in a neighborhood in Conway) was walking out of his garage to get the paper. The next thing he knows he sees a black bear running up the driveway in his direction. My uncle freezes and begins wondering if he is actually awake. The bear sees my uncle and darts to his left up in my uncle's tree in his front yard. Within minutes the game and fish comes down the road with a spotlight. My uncle flags them down and directs them to the tree the bear is in. They tranquilized the bear and loaded up. Crazy morning and it's wild that the bear was even close to this neighborhood because it does not back up to any woods.
Originally posted by fayettechillin:
Not to get into the argument of why hunting should or should not happen but I'll throw my incite for any who are against it.

Black Bears are making a remarkable comeback in the Natural State (once known for having one of the biggest population of bears in the country) before they were nearly extinct due to over-killing back in the 40's, 50's and 60's. Controlling the population is why a season is in and if you let the population grow rapidly without hunting, not only will overpopulation cause diseases for bears, but they will be much more dangerous competing for food and likely venture too close to human populations (increasing the risk of injury).

I do agree it's a waste if you don't keep the pelt and use the meat, but all the people I know that hunt do it not only as a sport, but for food. There are hungry people out there that will use the meat if the hunter doesn't keep it for himself. It wasn't just killed to be killed.

btw, that's a massive bear. Where did you shoot it?
Talk about over population! Have you noticed the population explosion in this country? In 1940 there were only 132,165,000 people. Now there are over 316,000,000 and counting! Our resources are diminishing rapidly. At the rate we're going, this planet will not be able to provide for a population that's growing exponentially!
It's not too many animals that's the problem; it's too many humans!!!
One night a couple of years ago I stepped off onto my back porch to take a leak. I had to abort mission midstream when I heard a grunting sound in the shadows to my left and heard a metallic rolling noise. I saw a pretty big black bear rolling my a metal trash can where I keep the dog food. The bear probably could have taken me out with a swipe of his paw, but I skirted back indoors to safety. I poked my head out the door and shouted a few obscenities, but the big fella was immune to my threats .I retrieved my 12 gauge and shot a few warning shots, and the bear finally took off and scampered back into the National Forest which is a stones throw from my porch. The trash can was soaked in bear slobber and dented badly.

The bear came back several times until I took aim at its rear with bird shot .410 (per recommendation of local game warden) through my bathroom window. I scalded him pretty good, and he did not come back. But several bears have been back since. So I have peppered a lot of bear ass. There definitely seems to be a healthy population of the black bear here now. Some say that they are not vicious, but they will attack if they are hungry enough or feel threatened. I have three children under the ages of ten, so they don't wander as far from the house as I did as a kid.
Originally posted by sturdy61:

Originally posted by fayettechillin:
Not to get into the argument of why hunting should or should not happen but I'll throw my incite for any who are against it.

Black Bears are making a remarkable comeback in the Natural State (once known for having one of the biggest population of bears in the country) before they were nearly extinct due to over-killing back in the 40's, 50's and 60's. Controlling the population is why a season is in and if you let the population grow rapidly without hunting, not only will overpopulation cause diseases for bears, but they will be much more dangerous competing for food and likely venture too close to human populations (increasing the risk of injury).

I do agree it's a waste if you don't keep the pelt and use the meat, but all the people I know that hunt do it not only as a sport, but for food. There are hungry people out there that will use the meat if the hunter doesn't keep it for himself. It wasn't just killed to be killed.

btw, that's a massive bear. Where did you shoot it?
Talk about over population! Have you noticed the population explosion in this country? In 1940 there were only 132,165,000 people. Now there are over 316,000,000 and counting! Our resources are diminishing rapidly. At the rate we're going, this planet will not be able to provide for a population that's growing exponentially!
It's not too many animals that's the problem; it's too many humans!!!
We're ripe for a natural disaster or some other "population resetting" event. The world has a way of working things out. We're all lucky to be here, especially on days like today when the weather is like it is.
If I'm not mistaken, ermackey was in Alaska. He was the one doing all the insulation work on his house. If so, I would think this is a very dark Alaskan brown bear since the black bears we know don't get that big. Just an assumption however and would like to hear more.

By the way, several years back I was verbally assaulted by someone that believed humans should be killed off because there are too many. They said a committe should be formed to select those to be killed. I told them it should be voluntary as they were one of the main proponents of this they should be leaders and show us the way and volunteer first. Told them if I saw the conviction in their hearts that this was the right thing to do, I promise I would be right behind them. Strangely they didn't think mine was the method to use. I think they just wanted others to do it for them. Seem to have a lot of people like that these days.
With the drought we've had the past couple of years the black bears have been coming down into the city looking for water and food. The middle of July I think there had been 70 mostly tranquilized and removed from the county here. I am sure by the time summer was over we had close to 100 mainly coming from the mountains east of here showing up in people's trees yards pools. They had to kill a couple that got into it with pets, or kept finding their way back.
I have absolutely no issues with ethical hunting it's the trophy hunters that just take a head or skin disturbs me. I quit hunting when camp cost and eequipment made the meat expensive. I would still hunt if I live in a rural area where costs weren't prohibitive.

There's plenty of room for disagreement and respect on both sides.
Originally posted by boghog:

Just what the hell does this have to do with football? Anyone can shoot a bear.
This post was edited on 10/8 4:56 AM by boghog
Didn't he ask if you wanted to see a big black bear? I don't understand this comment and laugh at the last line.
mackey just loves stirring it up 'round here. Got all the hunters excited and the tree huggers pissed off. haha.
Originally posted by airproar:

Originally posted by boghog:

Just what the hell does this have to do with football? Anyone can shoot a bear.

This post was edited on 10/8 4:56 AM by boghog
Didn't he ask if you wanted to see a big black bear? I don't understand this comment and laugh at the last line.
He probably thought it was a picture of an ol Miss lineman.

Thanks for posting this pic ermackey...nice bear !! I would like to stick one myself...the meat is very good and would like the felt as well.

As for you liberals who hate hunting or guns....either get a life or drop dead. The world has no need of your kind anyway....follow the creed of live and let live and try to stay out of trouble. I get SICK of the idea they gripe and want to kill good people who hunt but are first in line to defend killing babies.
Only had one bear encounter since I've been hunting in NWA. It was down below Winslow, AR. Didn't know it at the time but I had walked right past him in the dark going to my stand that morning. It got daylight and he stood up about 10 yards away from where I had walked in just an hour before. I'm 20 feet up in a tree and started hollering and kicking, scared to death of this thing. Had no idea that they're just as scared of us as we are of them, most of the time. Ran off and left me scared to walk back out to the truck. Friends said I should have shot him because it was in season, but I've got no interest in killing a bear at all (unless it's attacking me, obviously). I think they're pretty cool.

This post was edited on 10/8 11:25 AM by Danny West
Originally posted by shnuke:

What exactly is the point to shooting a bear? if it is being agressive sure or is not longer scare of humans and is a danger then sure beyond that, you are shooting a beautiful creature just for fun. I can see if you plan to use it for food or clothing if it is a need. but shooting a animal just because you think it would be fun just seems wrong.
Bears are nothing but an over grown coon. They tear up deer feeders/protein feeders, deer stands, Hell I have had one even tear up my cabin. They litteraly bring nothing of value to the wildlife. They eat tons fish out of the ponds and creeks. Cost people thousands of dollars a year in damages. They are worthless and should be eradicated from in the state.

Geesh whats next you want to start a breeding program for ferral hogs.

So yes Racoons ferral hogs, and bears I will shoot everyone I see take a backhoe thrown them in it and cover it up. Worthless animals that serve no purpose.
So, why kill something that majestic. No way that person is eating the meat. Don't mean to start a big argument about hunting. But I hate seeing people kill animals for pleasure. For food, clothing, etc. I understand, but not for pleasure.

Hammer away hunters! I'm ready for it!
Originally posted by razrback5:

mackey just loves stirring it up 'round here. Got all the hunters excited and the tree huggers pissed off. haha.
You'll be wishing you listened to the tree huggers when apocalypse is among us! Repent now boy!
It cracks me up when people say "taken" when talking about dead animals. Where did you "take" it. Haha. If there isn't already a South Park episode about this, there should be. Good sport, boys.
Originally posted by treestandhog:
Thanks for posting this pic ermackey...nice bear !! I would like to stick one myself...the meat is very good and would like the felt as well.

As for you liberals who hate hunting or guns....either get a life or drop dead. The world has no need of your kind anyway....follow the creed of live and let live and try to stay out of trouble. I get SICK of the idea they gripe and want to kill good people who hunt but are first in line to defend killing babies.
You're the reason Arkansas stereotypes exist.
Im proud of it Chaz. Im a hunter yes..and live out in the country. But along with country, bluegrass and classic rock...I enjoy classical music and the arts as well. I can put on a nice suit as well as jeans and boots. And Im fairly intelligent. I also work the better part of 60 hours a week and do volunteer work when I can..

I can also reason within myself what's fair and what's not...and I don't push unreasonable agendas on those who want hunting and fishing banned or talk about killing those who do hunt or the children of NRA members. So if I do represent a typical Arkansan....great !!!....Im in good company.

This post was edited on 10/8 12:57 PM by treestandhog
I can dig it, you're alright in my book. I'd take some acid with you and listen to your hunting stories, you could listen to my PETA stories. I think we'd hit off quite well under the right circumstances. Btw, Chaz is what my hubby calls me but I'll give you permission too.
Originally posted by shnuke:

What exactly is the point to shooting a bear? if it is being agressive sure or is not longer scare of humans and is a danger then sure beyond that, you are shooting a beautiful creature just for fun. I can see if you plan to use it for food or clothing if it is a need. but shooting a animal just because you think it would be fun just seems wrong.
Bears suck. Choot em.
I don't want to stop you guys from hunting, but it just doesn't interest me that much.

Even if I thought it was fun, I still wouldn't get out there in the woods with all of you. Too many kids with guns in the woods. Too many crazy adults with guns in the woods. Too much drinking involved. It's just not worth it to me.

Now the idea of a human season is very interesting to me!

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