2020 Election Results Controversy

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Andrew Torba

Now that John Matze has been ousted by the Mercers, perhaps it's time to speak a little more freely about Parler.

Was Parler a GOP establishment attempt to subvert the work Gab has been doing for 5+ years and data mine conservatives? Good question!

When Gab first launched let's just say we were approached by some "hedge fund people" on the right who wanted to invest on one condition: stop talking about certain topics and people, change the branding, and give up control.

Obviously we didn't take the deal with the devil.

What happened to John Matze is partially why.

The CEO and Founder ousted from his own company. Should never happen, especially not in an early stage startup.

Keep your daddy's billionaire hedge fund money, Rebekah.

We don't need it.

We have The People.

Mercer did the same thing to Bannon:

Mercer did the same thing to Milo:

John Matze should have seen it coming, this will be an important lesson to learn early in his career. I've spoken to him a few times and genuinely believe that he supports free speech.

We wish him well with his next adventure.

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If you haven't taken the time to watch @RealMikeLindell's Absolute Proof video yet, you need to at least watch this segment, because in it, a security researcher not only claims to have the data which outlines every single hack performed by foreign nations during our 2020 Presidential election, but has created a visualization with their data set.
If this security researcher is correct, this is it, folks. This would show, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the 2020 election was stolen, that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are illegitimate and lost on November 3rd, and that @realdonaldtrump is still the legal President of this land.
@RealMikeLindell is right. This is nothing short of a miracle.

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Joe Biden Is Not My President

This is a documentary that is going viral and millions are watching it today. This shows absolute proof the election was stolen and President Trump won this election. We need the brainwashed (not their fault) DNC supporters to be informed. This information is more for those who do not believe this election was stolen. Remember, the corrupt courts would not allow the evidence to be presented. Our courts are corrupt, yes all our higher courts are corrupt. President Trump followed all legal courses, but the courts refused to follow the laws. The DNC leader knows President Trump won and they fear a military coup. "We the People" do not fear a coup because "We the People" voted President Trump into office.

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Mindy Robinson


Wow. In their attempt to “disprove” there was election meddling and fraud, Time magazine came out and boasted about how a well funded “Cabal” of powerful people, all across the media, Big Tech, and other industries worked together to influence opinions, change rules and laws to make election manipulation easier, steer media coverage and control the information people see, and pressure platforms to remove content and accounts that went against anything they were trying to do. In their conceited little heads, they weren’t “rigging” the election...they were just guaranteeing the outcome they wanted so they could push their anti-American globalist agenda on the country for our “own good.” They admitted that they were prepared to start nationwide left-wing riots if Trump claimed victory in a close election, and the author also states that this Cabal made sure there were counter-demonstrators (there’s video of Antifa dressing up as Trump supporters at the rally) at the Capitol January 6th to ensure Trump would be blamed for what happened.

So the Left just admitted that the conspiracy to rig the 2020 election wasn’t a conspiracy and was in fact real, they also admit they made sure bad actors like BLM activist John Sullivan were at the Capitol to incite violence, to and to add insult to injury this same “Cabal” is STILL censoring the truth about what happened by banning and taking down the two hour documentary Mike Lindell put out today that 100% proves and explains how the election was rigged and stolen. We have a serious problem in this country, and it’s about damn time America stands up to people that are lying to them.

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