2020 Election Results Controversy

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Loggerhead55, hope your team won tonight. TB was my team tonight. KC would have been my team but I had to stick with Tom Brady tonight. He and Gronk were amazing tonight. Have a good night.
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February 8, 2021
The Betrayal of the American People by Biden and the Ruling Oligarchy

By Steve McCan

The Biden Administration is willfully and permanently undermining the economy and the future well-being of the citizenry as well as trampling on the Constitution with an unprecedented avalanche of executive orders, proposed legislation and untenable regulations. The current leader of the United States, safe in his plush bunker, is without a clue as he and his confederates in the ruling oligarchy are more interested in consolidating power and enriching themselves than they are in the long-term welfare of the nation and its citizenry.

In their mad and childish dash to purge the nation of all things associated with Donald Trump, this cabal is deliberately being oblivious to the fact that there is but one major responsibility of the leaders of a Constitutional Republic. That is to be certain their country is capable, in the both the short and long-term, of successfully weathering a worst-case scenario such as global war, a massive economic downturn, or a catastrophic natural disaster.

Those currently entrenched in the ruling oligarchy are pursuing policies that will leave no margin for error in the event of an apocalyptic natural or man-made disaster. As their fixation on climate change, purported systemic racism, unfettered immigration and the pursuit of fictitious and unattainable societal equity will permanently damage the economy and destroy any meaningful growth in the standard of living of the nearly all Americans.

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The Supreme Court’s position is crystal clear. It has no comment on the absence of Justice Roberts from the second impeachment trial. “No comment” means far more that it seems. It precludes any assertion that Roberts was ever formally requested to preside. Absent the request, no claim can be made, a la Schumer’s strategically misleading statement, that Justice Roberts chose not to preside.

But that is nothing compared to the constitutional violence at work. Justice Roberts is not presiding in the second impeachment trial of Donald Trump because he has no constitutional authority to preside. It is not a choice. Likewise, the Chief Justice presides over the impeachment trial of the President, not by choice, but by constitutional mandate. He must preside. These are flip sides of the same coin. With the sole exception of presiding over the trial of the president, the judiciary cannot and does not have any role in Congress. The Constitution is built on the scaffolding of separation of powers.

February 8, 2021
Why are the Democrats Acting So Guilty?

By John Green

The odd behavior continued during the election challenges. The Democrats fought every request for a recount or an audit. Election records were hidden, destroyed, or lost. They’ve even been implying that election challenges are tantamount to insurrection -- asking that anyone questioning the election be disciplined. Wouldn’t the winning party welcome an audit and debate to prove it actually won?

And finally, post-inauguration, we see the biggest “tell” of all. Why are they impeaching a president who has left office? The Democrats say they’re doing it because Donald Trump must be prevented from running again in four years. But if Joe Biden really received more votes than any candidate in history, wouldn’t they relish the chance to do it again? In 2020 we were certainly hoping they’d nominate Hillary again, so Trump could beat her again.

Could it be that the Democrats don’t know if they can beat Trump in four years, because they don’t really know if they beat him this time? That would explain a lot. Under that scenario it would make perfect sense that we’re going through another impeachment proceeding. It would also explain why we have 25,000 troops guarding the capital and why it’s so important to quash any discussion of election fraud.

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February 8, 2021
A Look at What the Russian Media Think of Joe Biden

By Lynn Corum

Bear in mind two things. First of all, many Russians recall the 1980s, when their country was ruled by decrepit, aging Politburo hacks, hastening the demise of the Soviet Union. Those same Russians also recall the 1990s, when the United States, it is felt, imposed a level of democracy and capitalism upon Russia that was ever lacking in America itself, leading to chaos and bankruptcy.

Russian journalists are not buying the Biden administration's party line. They do not trust American media coverage of Joe Biden. What they are reporting provides a very different — and, apparently, more perceptive — view of Biden than the breathless, glowing coverage provided by our own media.

The very first Russian impression of Joe Biden is that he is weak and cowardly.

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