2020 Election Results Controversy

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Facebook was the social media network most used to organize the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, an analysis of Department of Justice (DOJ) charging documents shows.

The Program on Extremism at George Washington University has collected the indictments of 223 people who have been charged for participating in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, which caused five deaths and temporarily delayed the certification of President Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory. Facebook was used by 73 of the people charged with crimes, more than all other social media sites combined, according to a Forbes analysis.

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Schiff spent 2 years pontificating about the threat of deepfake videos falsely depicting politicians. Meanwhile, Biden’s only public presence since faking office has been via video. I’m not saying these videos are deepfakes. But I am saying one could easily (and ironically) make that argument.

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February 9, 2021
Destroying Democracy in Order to Save It

By Sally Zelikovsky

Time magazine’s “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign that Saved the 2020 Election” by Molly Ball is supposed to come off as an epic tale of left-wing institutions swooping in to save democracy from untold chaos in the aftermath of the election but reads more like a confessional where the storyteller and her informants unwittingly reveal that the election was indeed rigged.
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February 9, 2021
Biden Sings ‘Lola’ - Girls will be Boys, and Boys will be Girls

By Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.

His January 20 executive order, “Preventing and combating discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation” means that women’s sports are now open to males who “identify” as females, those who “walk like a woman, but talk like a man, oh my Lola.”

Not only sports, but also restrooms, locker rooms, and any school sports. If members of the boys’ high school soccer team decide to identify as girls, they can join the girls’ soccer team and shower with them too. What could go wrong?

Joe Biden instinctively knows there are biologic differences between boys and girls. There are multiple photos and videos of Biden inappropriately touching and sniffing girls and women, but not boys or men. He is disregarding his own executive order by discriminating based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

As as a society we segregate males from females during intimate activities such as bathroom use, dressing, and bathing. Without such distinction, girls’ sports become a joke.

Males and females are biologically different, regardless of what gender activists or executive orders claim. Chromosomal differences between boys and girls differentiate the two sexes from the moment of conception, with developmental differences in musculoskeletal structure and function affecting athletic performance decades later.
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February 9, 2021
Why are Democrats Pushing Impeachment?

By Anthony J. Ciani

President Trump is now Donald Trump, so why are Democrats demanding another impeachment? Add to that, Trump is already out of office, the Chief Justice will not preside, and 45 senators have already objected to the questionable legality of the proceedings. Is it pettiness, or is there another motive?

Nancy Pelosi is one of the snidest and most petty representatives in Congress. I have personally heard from several Democratic representatives their beliefs that Pelosi held up critical immigration and COVID legislation that they privately supported, for no other reason than that it might help Trump look good. They supported the holdups because they feared retribution from Pelosi. If you want to hear Pelosi’s partisanship, listen for yourself to her opening comments during the beginning of the House debate on Arizona’s electoral votes. Pelosi is sufficiently petty to demand impeachment as a final boot out the door. This is my personally favored reason and stands as a testament to the characters of Chuck Schumer, Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney and others who have joined them. While several junior Democrats may have done so out of fear, Democratic leaders and Republicans had no good excuses.
February 9, 2021
Why the Left Must Destroy a Patriotic American Ethos

By Paul Krause

During the past year, we have witnessed an assault on our cultural heritage and history; the anti-American iconoclasm that gripped the activist economy throughout the United States is now a force of absolute desecration that will erase our entire history and heritage if given the chance. First, they came for the Confederate monuments under the bullhorn of racism. Quietly supported by mainstream conservatism, these same anti-American iconoclasts just as quickly turned against Lincoln, Grant, and other Union war heroes, much to the consternation of mainstream conservatives too blind, willfully or ignorantly, to see what the war against our art is about.

How did it come to this? As many know, there has been a "long march" through our institutions by anti-American and anti-Western liberals who see themselves as the vanguard elect eradicating the sins of white Western Christian civilization. These are their own words. Following the radical deconstructionist theories of the neo-Marxist left in Europe, these iconoclastic fanatics embraced the new theory of narrative power and oppression rather than economic power and oppression. Rather than a working-class uprising, a new nihilistic middle class would seize the reins of revolution and radicalism to destroy the bourgeois middle class they sprang from and, simultaneously, loathed.
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February 9, 2021
Tom Brady is the left’s worst nightmare

By Dex Bahr

Soon after Super Bowl LV, I texted a good friend of mine that Tampa Bay quarterback Tom Brady is every leftist’s worst nightmare: he is successful, a winner, a Trump supporter and worst of all, he is a white man. For a little context, I pretty much boycotted the NFL this year because of politics, do not watch corporate media and had not read any websites or blogs after the game, but one thing I do know is how the left thinks.

Let me go on the record by saying until about four years ago, I couldn’t stand Tom Brady. I used to root for every one of Patriot’s opponents. My reasons for not liking him: He was successful, a winner, and a good-looking guy with a supermodel wife. I suppose, like most guys who wanted Brady to lose, I was jealous.
Yeah, it really just came down to stupid petty jealousy and it’s pretty embarrassing to admit.
So, what changed?

Two things changed my mind about Tom Brady. First, he and Coach Bill Belichick were vocal in their support of then candidate Donald Trump in 2015 and second, I realized that it was pretty stupid to loathe someone because he wins. After all isn’t it great to win and to constantly seek that goal?
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February 9, 2021
Newsflash! We are no longer living in a free country

By Patricia McCarthy

As Rick Fuentes wrote on these pages last Sunday, “On November 3, we went to bed in America. On November 4, we woke up in Venezuela.” Indeed, we did.

The seventy-five million people who voted for Trump are still in shock because the massive fraud that took place was evident by late the next day. Vote counting stopped in several states at 10:30 when Trump was leading by thousands of votes. By morning there had been an infusion of votes for Biden in numbers that are statistically impossible. So, we all know the election was neither free nor fair.

The Democrats know this as well as everyone else, which is why they are acting so guilty. The left plotted and planned for four years to make certain Trump would not be re-elected. Now they are bragging about the success of their conspiracy! But no matter how much the left media hysterically denies it, Biden did not win the 2020 election. It was stolen for him. Now we are witnessing the catastrophic damage the new administration has done in just three weeks, having implemented many of the destructive policies they’ve long craved to put in place.

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February 9, 2021
How did we go so wrong?

By Don Fisher, Jr.

Today, we have a political party in power that throws around words like "science" but deliberately ignores actual scientific methods and evidence, and tries to convince us that boys can be girls just by saying so; that babies in the womb aren't actually people; that homosexuality is somehow not a choice, despite no evidence to the contrary; and that "peaceful protests" can include arson, looting, shootings, and even death. Our culture and our nation are being infected from a self-inflicted wound, perpetrated by elected foolish and selfish elected representatives who cater to feelings not facts. Welcome to the modern Democratic party.
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February 9, 2021
The Biden administration's new direction on China

By John Dietrich

The new administration is nominating people who have a more positive view of Communist China.
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February 9, 2021
Why doesn't the WSJ give credit to the Biden administration for the rapid increase in oil prices?

By Jack Hellner

On the front page of Monday's paper edition of the Wall Street Journal is an article titled:

"Oil Rises as Supply Tightens and Demand picks up"

I read the article (re-titled in the online edition) and somehow, I didn't find any mention of Biden's executive orders blocking pipelines and oil leases as a substantial reason why prices have taken off. His and the Democrats’ policies of doing everything they can to block supply is what is contributing greatly to the increase. They are very helpful to Russia, Iran and other producers who truly appreciate the rising prices and are very happy to have reduced competition.
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Below is a list of articles to date from November 8th where potential fraud has been identified in the 2020 election and actions recommended to be taken to address issues known to date. The issues and recommendations are categorized by state with an overall section first identifying all the actions to be taken across the states followed with additional actions to be taken at each specific state.


  1. Manually recount any state results where Dominion Vote Machines were used to tally results
  2. Focus on closely contested and swing states
  3. Focus on cities (i.e. Milwaukee, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Minneapolis, etc…)
  4. Focus on absentee and mail-in Ballots
  5. Investigate Biden only votes
  6. Identify dead people who voted
  7. Identify felons who voted
  8. Identify illegal aliens who voted
  9. Identify children who voted
  10. Identify individuals who voted more than once
  11. Identify newly registered individuals over 90 years old
  12. Identify non-registered voters and review
  13. Identify who made the call to stop counting in certain states, rationale for doing so and timing of the call
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As the Senate begins its impeachment hearings today, the charge of “Inciting an Insurrection” against President Donald Trump is falling apart. New video documents the moment when black-clad “Antifa” supporters began trying to force their way into the Capitol building, while MAGA supporters tried to stop them.
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If you have been led to believe that Hammer and Scorecard were used to steal the election for Joe Biden, I regret to inform you that claim is suspect. This does not mean I am siding with RINOS like Romney and Barr, who deny that there was any fraud. That too is false. Donald Trump was robbed, he did not lose the election.
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The HAMMER has been a tool of foreign surveillance until February 2009, at which time Brennan and Clapper commandeered it and turned it against America by transforming the Hammer into an illegal domestic surveillance tool. . . .
One of THE HAMMER’s applications, an election cyberwarefare weapon known as SCORECARD.
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