2020 Election Results Controversy

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We are living in what seem to me to be terribly fraught times, times that are even more worrisome than those at the height of Cold War tensions, when we schoolchildren were drilled on what to do in case of a nuclear attack--an attack that was in fact highly unlikely to occur. Why do I say this? What are these overweening concerns?

Many relate to government policies. The Biden administration seems hell bent on reversing every Trump administration policy, even those policies that were quite successful.
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It’s possible that Trump supporters fell into a trap on January 6

Dinesh D’Souza did a podcast pointing out Nancy Pelosi’s very peculiar behavior regarding events at the Capitol in the days leading up to January 6. In the five weeks since then, Pelosi has turned Washington, D.C. into an armed, walled city and is working with the White House to crack down on dissenting views – meaning, any views that run counter to the Democrat party narrative. There’s something weirdly un-American about what we’re seeing now.

On February 17, D’Souza did an hour-long podcast entitled “Trump’s Next Move.” You can find the entire podcast here. Townhall published the transcript of his discussion about Nancy Pelosi’s behavior before and after the events of January 6. It makes for unnerving reasoning.

D’Souza points out something we’ve all noticed, which is that, on January 6, many of the people peacefully walked and gawked through the Capitol after having been invited in – and treated respectfully – by the relatively small number of Capitol police officers on duty. If you’ve ever visited the Capitol in the past, you know that’s not how it ordinarily works.

Even stranger is the fact that Capitol police officers, who expected to be pulling extra duty, given that everyone knew large numbers of Trump supporters would be flooding D.C., were instead sent home for the day. Additionally, D’Souza points out, when Trump offered 10,000 National Guard troops to help out because the rally was in town, both those in charge of the Capitol and D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser rebuffed the offer. As Speaker of the House, it’s inconceivable that Pelosi wasn’t part of this decision.

In addition, says D’Souza,

Steve Sund, the U.S. Capitol Police Chief, called for National Guard backup two days before January 6. His offer was declined -- and declined by whom? Declined by the sergeant of arms working in cohorts, in consultation with Nancy Pelosi's office.
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Trump reportedly snubbed Nikki Haley’s request for a meeting in the wake of her denunciation of him

Nikki Haley wants to be President of the United States, but wants to cultivate Trump-haters’ support. She seems to have deluded herself into thinking that there is a viable future in the GOP for someone who buys into the narrative that Democrats used for their second impeachment of the 45th president. But her presidential ambitions received a coup de grâce at her own hands, as Janet Levy reported on these pages yesterday.

Haley’s betrayal of President Trump took the form of a forceful condemnation: “We need to acknowledge he let us down. He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him again. And we can’t let that ever happen again.” The timing of the tirade couldn’t have been more opportune: for maximum political effect, she released it just before Trump’s legal team presented his defense.

Making common cause with Democrats and disaffected Republicans, she held Trump responsible for the January 6th Capitol riot, disingenuously telling members of the Republican National Committee that the president “will be harshly judged by history.”

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The worst people in the world? Those gleefully celebrating the death of Rush Limbaugh

The untimely death of the great Rush Limbaugh has left an enormous void in the lives of his many millions of fans, people whose love of America he validated with sincere and robust relish. He changed lives, brought many who happened upon his radio program who thought they were lifetime Democrats to conservatism with his wealth of knowledge about this nation’s founding documents and principles.

He never in his thirty-two years on the air uttered a racist word. He did make fun of the worst excesses of feminism and was of course correct in his criticism. The feminist movement did more harm to women and men than almost any other -ism except Nazism and Communism. But Rush was never a misogynist; everyone who listened to him knew he loved women in the best way, the way they want to be loved. As many of those who for the last two days have been expressing their love for the man and the pain of losing him while he was still so young and vital knew well, the man was the titan of broadcasting who will never be replaced.

But the left is giddy at his passing, celebrating it with the most vile and vicious words of condemnation. They are vilifying this great man who, but we all know they never listened to him. They didn’t need to listen; they take their cues to assassinate his character from the lowest of the low, radical leftists who seek to impose Marxist communism on the American people.

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How Minneapolis created a crime wave (in the progressive media’s own words)

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Poland fights back against big tech censorship

Poland, which spent decades under communist rule, is actively resisting this tech tyranny.

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Biden's biggest lie

The biggest lie (among many) told to us by the MSM was that Biden, if elected, was going to unite the country. He would, they insisted, soar from his basement chamber with an arsenal of unifying policies and goodwill born from 50 years of political success. Instead, once he wormed his way into the highest office in the land, he slogged up the basement steps with nothing but a brand-new ballpoint — his implement of non-unification through executive order. Most of us knew that it would be nearly impossible to come together with a party that personified division during the four years of Trump, but the ever-widening crevasse of discord in just a few weeks of leftist control is hard to ignore.

Since the precarious installation of our new leader, cancel culture has ratcheted up and grown even more idiotic and insidious. Careless tales of white supremacy and Trump-supporting insurgency have been tossed out like red meat to the wolf pack media by the "uniter" himself. The force-feeding of school curricula and guidelines created to shame a majority of the population for offensive melanin are in vogue and proliferating.

This "us against them" rhetoric is not waning, but accelerating under the Biden administration, and it is becoming utterly exhausting. I believe that most Americans, not just conservatives, want to live their lives in peace and free from ignorant scolds insistent on making everyone feel guilty and miserable. News flash: I have liberal friends who feel the same way. There is a much smaller faction of troublemakers involved in the division of America than we think. The problem is that the new occupant of the White House is one of them.


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Who knew that Obama?

My friend in Chicago called to inquire about our electricity issues. I guess everybody is talking about Texans freezing at home. The good news is that most of us are okay now. He added that Chicago is now looking at reviewing a few school names starting with favorite son Lincoln. You guessed it: white supremacy!

It left me a bit surprised, because no one is asking former President Obama about President Lincoln. As I recall, then-senator Obama announced his presidential campaign in Springfield, Illinois. Guess who is buried in Springfield!

As you probably remember, President-Elect Obama took a train to Washington, D.C. Guess whose route he followed. Let me remind you about that day:

Barack Obama's arrival in Washington by train today harkens back to the inaugural White House trip of the former President who is Obama's political idol: Abraham Lincoln. In 1861, our 16th President rode the rails through New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania en route to the capital.
So Lincoln was Obama's political idol? Let me say a couple of words:

First, it's wonderful that our first African-American president would admire the Great Emancipator. It makes sense.

Second, what does canceling Lincoln say about the state of the left? It tells me that many in the left don't know about their country or don't care about the nation that provides them the freedom to be stupid.

It's time to put a question to President Obama about this issue. After all, his city wants to cancel his political idol.


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A tribute to a Midwestern icon: Rush Limbaugh

I found in Rush the prototype Midwesterner I grew up with in Ohio. He had the self-assuredness to speak his mind and to value work, as did all of us who were raised by Midwestern fathers and grandfathers. All of us considered Rush a friend, though most had never met him. One thing for sure: All his tens of millions of listeners looked forward to noon every day. His show had become a staple of life just like toast and butter. It will be difficult apprehending that he and his show — the central switchboard bringing us together — will no longer be part of our daily life.

I met Rush 30 years ago and was impressed by his kindness, openness, and absolute American-type normalcy. He loved Israel and revered God. In many ways, he was larger than life and was a legend already during his own lifetime at the age of 40. He reinvigorated in us and brought to life for our generation the greatness of our Founding Fathers and the pride we should feel as Americans.

And so, this man with "talent on loan from God" now returns to God in Heaven and to the ancestors he so admired. May his soul be bound in everlasting life, and may the America he loved and promoted withstand those who currently wish to weaken and transform her. The everlasting tribute to Rush Limbaugh is to keep fighting for our historic American principles so as to keep the country strong for ourselves, for our posterity, and for America herself.

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Cuomo's tarnished halo

Not only is the halo sported by St. Andrew of Albany (Cuomo, that is) appearing a trifle tarnished lately, he also appears to be using that halo as a cudgel to bash those pointing out his lack of saintly qualities. Schadenfreude being the tasty sin that it is, I am forced to admit to feeling a bit of glee when reading this news.

Out of sheer boredom during the early lockdown days, I watched a few of Andy's Emmy Award–winning performances. If arrogance and pomposity could be bottled, his performances during those pressers could have filled a sizable wine cellar with cases of dubious 2020 vintage. His playful exchanges with brother Chris, posing as a TV journalist, are the things of which great farce are made.

Recently, it has been unreliably reported that, while the governor will be allowed to keep his undeserved Emmy, the category of his award will be changed to Best Actor in a Daytime Comedy. Hopefully, any tapes of those performances, as well as the episodes of some of our favorite television series contaminated by face masks, will be relegated retroactively to the cutting room floor.

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