2020 Election Results Controversy

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February 26, 2021
Kavanaugh and Barrett: John Roberts Retreads?

By Rabbi Aryeh Spero

First, the Roberts/Kavanaugh/ ACB trio did not agree to take the Texas case brought by the AGs of Texas and many other states, supported by 100 Congressional representatives, that logically asserted that the voters of their respective states had been disenfranchised by the illegalities of those states that had twisted their election laws to guarantee a national Democrat electoral victory, effectively nullifying a fair election result for those voting in other states. Yes, the reasoning may have been correct, but the trio, together with the pre-disposed liberals, said Texas had “No Standing.”

The Pennsylvania’s case, brought separately and earlier, was the most egregious of all. Pennsylvania’s civil servants and courts brazenly nullified the wishes of the state legislature. State legislatures have been given full and final say-so by the U.S. Constitution over election matters. The Republican legislature was stripped of its constitutional authority by local Democrats, culminating in allowing ballots where addresses and signatures were not verified or postmarked and allowed entry even three days after the election. Yet, the trio and other liberals on the Court said: “Until the actual infraction happens, the case is not actionable.” Yet another excuse allowing the Democrats to cheat as they brazenly did.

To our disbelief, now that the election has happened and the reprehensible consequences have been revealed and implemented in actuality, with grave portent for upcoming elections, Roberts, Kavanaugh and Barrett agreed the case “was moot.” It already happened, they said, and thus it’s too late. In other words, we will never accept these cases, not before the election or after the election and we won’t acknowledge “standing,” either. This is blatantly contradictory, dishonest, a shirking of responsibility and, worse, an indifference to justice and regular voters.

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February 26, 2021
The Democrats Are Not Governing

By Steve Feinstein

Let’s just state this unequivocally right up front: The Democrats have no interest in governing the country with the aim of enhancing the country’s fortunes for the benefit of the entire population. Instead, the Democrats have two aims and they’re quite clear to anyone who is paying even the most casual attention:
  1. Pander to their selected special-interest groups with over-the-top rulings and executive orders for the express purpose of buying their votes and hopefully cementing future electoral victories.
  2. Undo every possible policy put in place by President Trump for the purpose of eradicating any vestige of his presence on the American political scene.
Most of Biden’s executive orders accomplish both goals at the same time -- they pay debt service to the voting blocs that are key to future Democratic victories, while simultaneously dismantling President Trump’s America First accomplishments.

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February 26, 2021
If nobody's home, who called out the Syria airstrike?

By Monica Showalter

Seven weeks into his presidency, senile Joe Biden surprised many by calling in a Syria airstrike.

Which was puzzling, given that there seemed to be no immediate threat. And that's just for starters.
It was billed as a strike on pro-Iran militants stationed in the region, and in retaliation for an earlier strike of theirs against a U.S. installation. Which seems a little eyebrow-raising, given Biden's eagerness to make nice with the mullahs. Even that explanation has skeptics who call the whole thing laughable.
There are also those who think Biden is finishing up what President Obama started. You know, for the legacy thing. Favor to a pal.

What's vivid, though, is that questions are being raised about whether Joe really made the call.
First, note that his vice president, Kamala Harris, was kept out of the loop. According to a report citing a White House official, she's said to be steaming that nobody told her before it happened. And she's probably more steamed to learn that that news got out, advertising for everyone that her giggly round-heeled self is viewed, even in the Biden White House, as a lightweight.
But we already knew that.

What's also news is that on more than one occasion, she's publicly opposed attacking Syria. Here's her famous tweet everyone's retweeting, exposing her supposed (in this case) hypocrisy:


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February 26, 2021
Embarrassing excuse offered for Biden’s vanishing State of the Union Address

By Thomas Lifson

All of a sudden, here it is the end of February and there is no State of the Union (SOTU) address scheduled for President Biden. That’s odd because last month, Biden promised what sounds exactly like a SOTU:
"Next month, in my first appearance before a joint session of Congress, I will lay out my 'Build Back Better' recovery plan," he said. "It will make historic investments in infrastructure, manufacturing, innovation, and research and development in clean energy."
AP and PBS both got wind that the address was to be given on February 23 in and said so in posts that are now deep-sixed:

But on February 16, Jen Psaki denied such a plan in a press conference:

[W]hen asked about the timing, his press secretary Jen Psaki said there had never been a plan for him to address a joint session this month.
"We don't know where the Feb. 23 date came from. It's a great mystery,” she said during the regular daily briefing.
“I've not Nancy Drewed that one out today, but it was never planned to be in February, and we don't have a date for a joint session at this point," Psaki said, comparing herself to the popular character in a series of children's books who solves mysteries.

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February 26, 2021
There’s something happening here

By Ned Cosby

“There’s something happening here; what it is ain’t exactly clear,” warned a rock band called Buffalo Springfield in 1967 in a song called For What It’s Worth. The song had a hypnotic and ominous melody critical of Uncle Sam and the Pentagon. That song suddenly seems relevant again.

In 1967, there was a growing suspicion in America that President Johnson hoodwinked our nation into fighting the communists in Vietnam. As more and more young Americans died far from home in Vietnam, anti-war sentiment grew and protests erupted across America. It was a very unsettling time in America.

Now America is in another unsettling time and again it feels like, “There’s something happening here; what it is ain’t exactly clear.” Back in 1967, most of the protestors came from the liberal end of our political spectrum. In 2021, when leftists burn American cities and topple the statues of American heroes, Speaker Pelosi calls it “people doing what people are going to do.” In 2021, when conservatives protest, it is called an insurrection.

There is a lot of “ain’t exactly clear” going on in 2021. Many question the fairness and outcome of the 2020 election. Many look at the COVID-19 pandemic and wonder if it was actually a biological attack from China aimed to destabilize the West and unseat China’s biggest critic, Donald Trump. Many wonder and worry about local governments’ heavy-handed restrictions in the name of combatting the pandemic.

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February 26, 2021
A short primer on the importance of our Second Amendment rights

By Andrea Widburg

Joe Biden’s had a lot on his plate. First, he erased America’s immigration laws by order government employees not to enforce them. Then he destroyed the economy by attacking the oil and gas that are essential for modern life. After that, he sowed some racial discord. Next, he insulted our only ally in the Middle East while sucking up to “Death to America” Iran. And that’s just the shortlist. But the people in charge haven’t forgotten one of their most important missions: To destroy the Second Amendment.

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February 26, 2021
Russia and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy

By Michael Curtis

The latest view of the assassination of President Kennedy is presented in a new book Operation Dragon: Inside the Kremlin’s Secret War on America, written by R. James Woolsey, former CIA director, 1993-95, and Ion Mihai Pacepa, former two-star general in the secret police force in Communist Romania and national security adviser to President Nicolae Ceausecu. Papeca who defected to the U.S. in1978 died on February 14, 2021, was the highest intelligence officer who defected and got asylum in the U.S.

This new book amplifies the argument already made by Papeca in his previous book Programmed to Kill: Oswald, the KGB, and the Kennedy Assassination, published in 2007, which argued that Oswald was a KGB agent. The authors say they based their argument on the Warren Report, state that much of it was “codified” and that it has not been properly understood until their version. The essential thrust in Operation Dragon is that the assassination was carried out by Oswald who had been ordered by Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev acting through the KBG, now the FSB. Khrushchev, who thought JFK was inexperienced and could be manipulated, had differed with, perhaps humiliated by, Kennedy during the Cuban missile crisis, but reached an agreement on October 28, 1962 according to which the Soviet Union would remove its missiles from Cuba if the U.S. removed its missles from Turkey.

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February 26, 2021
The Biden administration is systematically erasing Trump

By Andrea Widburg

Biden is undoing every single executive order Trump signed, regardless of whether a given order made sense or not. The goal isn’t to benefit America or Americans, it’s to destroy any vestige of Trump in the American government (and, as a pleasant byproduct, to replace the American population which a more malleable one).

The Victory Girls blog caught up with the seven executive orders that Biden signed on Wednesday. What’s noteworthy is how innocuous or pro-American the Trump executive orders were. It’s clear that, for the Democrats now in power, the substance of Trump’s executive orders is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is getting rid of them. This is the executive order equivalent of fumigation.

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February 26, 2021
The House passed the Equality Act, which now moves to the Senate

By Andrea Widburg

The House just passed the “Equality Act” which, if it becomes law, will elevate mental illness to a protected class, while turning women into second-class and often endangered citizens. You’d think leftists would hate it for that reason but they love it: It’s America’s version of Orwell’s 2+2=5.

Biden reflected the left’s obsession with transgenderism during his single town hall. He made it clear he supports every eight-year-old boy’s right to declare his womanhood. That inevitably means supporting the boy severing body parts and taking dangerous hormones.

Leftists ignore that there isn’t a scintilla of evidence to support transgenderism as a true genetic or biological phenomenon. While a minute number of Americans are born intersex (having both male and female sexual organs), the vast majority of people are born with XX or XY chromosomes. If the sexual organs with which they’re born function correctly, they can provide either the sperm for babies or the eggs and incubation. That is, after all, humans’ primary biological function – to reproduce.

But people are complicated. Same-sex attraction is as old as humans themselves. It can come from proximity. People lacking access to someone of the opposite sex will make do with someone of the same sex. Sometimes it comes from early sexual imprints, including being a victim of same-sex pedophilia. And sometimes it seems to be part of a person’s development. People with same-sex attractions, though, never doubt the sex to which they belong.

The people who will be hurt most will be women. They’ll be magically removed from any success in athletic endeavors, as men kick them off the medal podium; invade their bathrooms and locker rooms, even though some remain manly enough (or are magically lesbian enough) to rape women and girls; and line up for contract and employment opportunities reserved for women. The Heritage Foundation has a list of just some of the other damage the Act will do if it passes into law.

None of the above matters to leftists. They are determined to recreate the world from the ground up, and what better way to do that than to detach vast numbers of people from the most fundamental thing they have, which is their own body – and then, having done that, to force everyone else in society to pretend that this detachment is natural and unquestionable, rather than a tragic delusion.

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IGNORED BY MEDIA AND FBI: Antifa-BLM Activists Are Posting Photos and Bragging Online About Storming US Capitol on Jan. 6

Earlier this week we asked the question:
“Can We Reform a FBI that Behaves Like a Gestapo?”

It is a legitimate question to raise because there are still some patriots serving within the ranks of the FBI who are beyond distraught over the gross politicization of their once proud, respected organization. Some of the men and women with 20 years in are simply counting days and hours until they can punch out. There is genuine, deep seated hatred for Christopher Wray and his coterie of lackeys eager to suckle on the teat of the Deep State.
The final straw for many in the bureau is the dishonest response to the January 6 swarm at the U.S. Capitol. For starters, the FBI had intelligence about Antifa’s plans to infiltrate the crowds of Trump supporters and incite violence. But the FBI also was manipulating some of the very groups labeled as “white supremacists”, e.g. the Proud Boys.
While the FBI leadership is doing everything in their power to paint honest, law-abiding Trump supporters as nascent terrorists eager to impose Ku Klux Klan rule across the nation, the frontline agents who are doing the interviews of “persons” of interest are coming up with nothing from the Trump folks. No evidence of planning, coordinating or executing violence.
The FBI claims they are looking for the perpetrators and organizers of violence on January 6th.
But are they really?

There is more and more evidence that Antifa-related groups and individuals were planning the violence on January 6th and now they are even bragging about it online.

Antifa organizer John Sullivan organized an Antifa rally across from the US Capitol on January 6th an hour before the violence started.

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THE MEDIA LIE OF THE CENTURY: Dan Bongino: My Secret Service Sources Are Telling Me Joe Biden “Is In Real Significant Trouble” (VIDEO)
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The Morning Briefing: 'Equality Act' Is Proof Democrats Are Clinically Insane

Republicans and Democrats aren’t even on the same planet anymore.

Actually, this shouldn’t be a Republican/Democrat discussion. Conservatives and progressives are the ones with irreconcilable differences. While conservatives do have a strong voice in the Republican Party, the progressives are in complete control of the Democrats. There are varying degrees of it. It’s the nature of progressivism. No matter how far to the progressive left the establishment Democrats go, the AOC lunatic wing is never satisfied and wants more. Make no mistake though: they’re all off the deep end. In the House, anyway. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema over in the Senate may be true moderates but who knows how long they’ll be able to hold out.

The Democrats are now engaged in a full-frontal assault on both liberty and reality. It’s impossible to find common ground with that.

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