2020 Election Results Controversy

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HR 1 would cement all of the worst changes in election law made in blue states in 2020 and nationalize them. Federal control of elections would be the norm. States would be relegated to colonial outposts that carry out Washington DC’s mandates. ‘Democracies die when one party seizes control of the elections process, eliminates the safeguards that have protected the integrity of the ballot, places restrictions on free speech, and seizes the earnings of individual citizens to promote candidates they may abhor,’ says Rep. Tom McClintock, a California Republican. ‘Democracies die by suicide, and we are now face to face with such an instrument.’
Does HR 1 justify such apocalyptic rhetoric? Sadly, yes. Hans von Spakovsky, a former member of the Federal Election Commission, says that while the Constitution does allow Congress to override the power of states to decide ‘the time, manner and place’ of federal elections nothing on the massive scale of HR 1 has ever been attempted.
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INTERVIEWEE:· · · · Ryan D. White.· It's not my birth name.· It's not the name I prefer.· Originally from Maryland.· I hold graduate degrees -- I held graduate degrees -- I'll explain that -- in physics, mathematics, biology and chemistry from the University of Pennsylvania and GreeN College, Oxford.
Graduate school would be University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins and University of Maryland, University of Maryland's physics program.

Because of the undercover nature of many of the investigations I worked on, terrorists or domestic terrorism within the country, they kept me fairly well concealed, and access was limited to a certain group headed by Rod Rosenstein.

It became known as the "Dirty Trick Squad" in Baltimore.· This is where they were using Hammer, Sunrise, Sunset, things like that to illegally spy on people, corrupt -- well, attempted to corrupt judges, compromise them Hillary Clinton, others.· I mean, it was just ongoing.· They concentrated on judges, but they wanted to concentrate on (inaudible).

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