Amy Coney Barrett Sworn In As New SCOTUS


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Gold Member
Jul 18, 2017
Fort Boogie, TX

Thoughts on these unprecedented times? I thought she absolutely killed her interviews and everything else involved, regardless of what party she is.

The lefts seem to be upset about it for whatever reason, even though they are the ones that invoked the Nuclear Option back in 2013/2017 that wiped out the 60 vote rule, leaving this result of 52-48 to be a win for ACB.
It was just a huge cluster F. By all means she's greatly qualified for this position. The Democrats were supposedly upset that they wanted to do it right now, but we all know that IF President Trump is re-elected and he did it after the election...this same thing would happen. It's just the narrative the Democrats are pushing right now. Much like the new stimulus that Pelosi was pushing so hard to pass. No one in their right mind thought she actually wanted it to go through before next Tuesday.
I’ll reserve my judgement based on how she rules. Republicans were hypocrites for how they put her through, but the Dems would have done the same thing.
And Democrats were bigger hypocrites for whining about it. Like RBG said, the President is President for 4 years, not 3.

If Dems controlled both White House and Senate they would have pushed it thru too.