Could it be? GW on decline....

If I recall correctly, CFC's were the reason the freon used in air conditioning systems was changed several years ago, the hole in the Ozoner layer specifically. So CFC's have been suspect for a while. Frankly, I do not know if anyone can ever put an exact reason for GW but I did read an article that the US Coast Guard is making plans for patrolling the Arctic Ocean waters in a few years since they accept the fact that those waters will be ice free in the summer. Not just passable, but ice free.

But we really cannot explain the extection of the dinos and things like that as it happened over a period of time and we frankly, have not a clue on what any trigger was. It may be the same for whatever the earth's weather pattern looks like in 100 years.

So I think studies like this one and CO2 in general are reasonable attempts to head off disaster. Man may or may not have been a factor, but it is foolish to deny things are changing. I read an article the other day about some plant life growing in a desert, I forgot where, that has not been seen in hundreds of years.

It would be nice to find a single trigger, but I doubt if that is the case.