Global warming or ice age?


Aug 28, 2002
Hey Bob, you may want to check this out, I know you're interested in this stuff. I heard a short interview with the author on the radio and he makes a pretty strong case. He said the sun has started to go into another cycle of what he calls solar hibernation. He said this cycle has taken place every 206 years (I think) for the last 1200 years and it's time for another and the earth has actually been cooling for the past 13 years or so. I haven't read the book but just found it interesting.

Cold Sun
First, I have no trouble with cycles. If any problem is purely a cycle, then there is no use worrying as there is nothing we can do except try to prepare for it.

I have never heard of this guy, which means nothing, but I do see a couple questions in that sketch of his book.

One, he contends we are already cooling and I see no evidence of that. The last two or three years has been visibly hotter in most of the US at least. And he says the cooling began four years go, where?

Then he says the cycle is exactly 206 years and if it started four years ago, that would have the last cycle starting the exact time the volcano exploded in SE Asia and there was basically no summer in North America. I doubt if cycles are all that exact anyway.

And we should know soon as he says by December, this year, it will be much colder. That will be interesting to witness.

The guy might be correct, but I doubt it.
From what I heard on the radio, he said that according to NASA the worldwide temps have been steadily decreasing for the past 14 years. Maybe they were hotter in the US but worldwide, we have seen a decrease. As for the cycle itself, he said it is usually about a 30-40 year cycle so he expects the temps to get much cooler over the next 30-40 years simply based on the sun's activities. I don't remember if he said it was exactly 206 years or just about that much.

He also addressed the glacier melts in the arctic and said it actually has just about everything to do with the arctic winds and very little to do with temps. I believe he said that yes they are melting on 1 side of the arctic but are increasing on the opposite side simply due to the winds, but due to politics, the media and politicians only focus on the melting side. Either way, pretty interesting viewpoint and scientifically based as well.
The media is selective about which glaciers they cover. They only cover the ones that are retreating.

And, some of the ones that have been retreating over the last 30 to 40 years... started retreating in the 1800's.... So, they were retreating before the industrial revolution.
Not that it matters, but the last NASA report I read says the entire globe has heated lately, but I am not sure how accurate or objective NASA really is.