Health Insurance

Originally posted by B0b L0blaw:
It's a complicated issue, why prices are so high and continue to rise. I'm not totally happy with the ACA but it's a step in the right direction. Right now I'm out of network with my Arkansas BCBC plan. I'm staying on it as long as I can b\c of the increase in price to get a plan on the marketplace. Most people are good b\c they can still get coverage via an employer. I'll probably go that route eventually but not until I have to. I've always been able to get cheap single coverage. I knew I'd have to pay more when ACA passed and I was cool with that. My issue is I'm going to pay roughly 100-130 a month more for the same coverage but with higher deductibles, etc.

I get insurance through work and still pay $157 a month out of my paycheck lol. That is for my wife and I .
Healthcare reform was long overdue. Is it perfect? No. But with something so large there is bound to be problems. For the richest country in the world our quality of care is ranked 33 out of the top 35 developed nations. That sucks.

This post was edited on 3/1 12:05 PM by 501 Hog
Originally posted by RazorbackDundee:
Originally posted by B0b L0blaw:
It's a complicated issue, why prices are so high and continue to rise. I'm not totally happy with the ACA but it's a step in the right direction. Right now I'm out of network with my Arkansas BCBC plan. I'm staying on it as long as I can b\c of the increase in price to get a plan on the marketplace. Most people are good b\c they can still get coverage via an employer. I'll probably go that route eventually but not until I have to. I've always been able to get cheap single coverage. I knew I'd have to pay more when ACA passed and I was cool with that. My issue is I'm going to pay roughly 100-130 a month more for the same coverage but with higher deductibles, etc.

I get insurance through work and still pay $157 a month out of my paycheck lol. That is for my wife and I .
That's not bad at all. Considering I currently pay 130 (roughly) a month for single coverage for myself through BCBS.
It's really sick care, not healthcare. And younger healthier people subsidize both the 20% of the population that is already chronically ill and the middle 55% considered at risk for a serious health condition. Not a new concept. Where this really gets flawed is there is no penalty or accountability for those that are dragging the system down and raising prems.

But you're right about 1 thing...the triangle of the insurance companies, health systems and drug companies are, for the most part, for profit entities that have shareholders to answer to and believe capitalism is king.
Come on Trey. You had to know where this would go. "Something for nothing and chicks for free", the new America.
Honestly Trey, to be 33 and to get insurance outside of a corporate plan you were lucky to only pay $75/month. Health Care is super expensive. It sucks but the truth is Americans have always pushed for policy requiring hospitals to care for the sick and injured regardless if they are citizens or covered by health insurance. Then when the bill comes everyone is pissed because of the cost. You can't be a bleeding liberal and preach for fiscal responsibility. I'm not saying Trey is doing that either. I'm saying our country doesn't consider the future consequences when deciding policy. A politician would be tore to pieces if he suggested the uninsured and illegal aliens should be denied healthcare. Those same people also expect the politician to pass legislation to make healthcare much cheaper than the actual cost. Sorry but bleeding hearts don't live in reality and this country has become a weak country full of people incapable of making the though decisions in favor of the greater good.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by B0b L0blaw:
It's a complicated issue, why prices are so high and continue to rise. I'm not totally happy with the ACA but it's a step in the right direction. Right now I'm out of network with my Arkansas BCBC plan. I'm staying on it as long as I can b\c of the increase in price to get a plan on the marketplace. Most people are good b\c they can still get coverage via an employer. I'll probably go that route eventually but not until I have to. I've always been able to get cheap single coverage. I knew I'd have to pay more when ACA passed and I was cool with that. My issue is I'm going to pay roughly 100-130 a month more for the same coverage but with higher deductibles, etc.
Let me get this straight. Your paying over a $100 per month more and this is a step in the right direction? Lord help us, and we wonder what the hell is wrong with our country.
Originally posted by lahawg1:

Originally posted by B0b L0blaw:
It's a complicated issue, why prices are so high and continue to rise. I'm not totally happy with the ACA but it's a step in the right direction. Right now I'm out of network with my Arkansas BCBC plan. I'm staying on it as long as I can b\c of the increase in price to get a plan on the marketplace. Most people are good b\c they can still get coverage via an employer. I'll probably go that route eventually but not until I have to. I've always been able to get cheap single coverage. I knew I'd have to pay more when ACA passed and I was cool with that. My issue is I'm going to pay roughly 100-130 a month more for the same coverage but with higher deductibles, etc.
Let me get this straight. Your paying over a $100 per month more and this is a step in the right direction? Lord help us, and we wonder what the hell is wrong with our country.
Getting everyone insured, among other things in the ACA is a step in the right direction. Me paying 100 more a month sucks and it shouldn't be that much. Prices are going to get worse before they get better. The problem is considerably more nuanced than you're trying to make it.
Connect the dots. Why move to Colorado? Greater opportunity for what? That's America. Nice post JR.
We're not getting everyone insured as a matter of fact we will likely have less people insured by the end of 2015. It is a complicated issue but I haven't seen where ACA benefits anyone and has done way more harm than good. You obviously think government should be heavily involved and I disagree. Unfortunately there are more of your kind than me. Shit always sounds good when your using someone else's money.
Originally posted by B0b L0blaw:
Originally posted by RazorbackDundee:
Originally posted by B0b L0blaw:
It's a complicated issue, why prices are so high and continue to rise. I'm not totally happy with the ACA but it's a step in the right direction. Right now I'm out of network with my Arkansas BCBC plan. I'm staying on it as long as I can b\c of the increase in price to get a plan on the marketplace. Most people are good b\c they can still get coverage via an employer. I'll probably go that route eventually but not until I have to. I've always been able to get cheap single coverage. I knew I'd have to pay more when ACA passed and I was cool with that. My issue is I'm going to pay roughly 100-130 a month more for the same coverage but with higher deductibles, etc.

I get insurance through work and still pay $157 a month out of my paycheck lol. That is for my wife and I .
That's not bad at all. Considering I currently pay 130 (roughly) a month for single coverage for myself through BCBS.
You might say that's not bad , however it is. You would prolly say the same thing if I was paying $400 and you were paying $325 for single.

I totally agree that it is complicated as there are so many over here on welfare/food stamps etc and who is going to foot the bill for them?. That is prolly where I should shut up lol as we don't have that back home.

However there is someone somewhere somehow making billions and billions of dollars from this. The average joe blow does not stand a chance.

I do not for a second proclaim that I understand or even remotely grasp your health care system as I don't.

I just know what I spent the majority of my life in. Whilst they still made millions they didn't make billions and billions and if you needed care you got it.

Like I said earlier , I am not sure with so many being on welfare etc it would be so easy?. In the town I live in 1 in 3 do not work so I am not sure about that.
Originally posted by stl590:
This has more to do with all of you fat-ass, smoking, drinking morons than it does with your President! Sorry Trey, Education doesn't come cheap, ignorance apparently is free....
No, it has everything to do with our president, the FDA, and lawyers.

This has never been about healthcare to Obama, it is about the government taking control of vast amounts of the economy, tons of new regulations complete with new agencies to enforce them, and the end result, more of our hard fought freedoms being handed to the government. That thing was not 2000 pages by accident.

The cost in our country to get drugs from development to market is staggering. Some of the most restrictive regulations on the planet. In many cases it takes years to get needed medications to the market even when the things they treat are far worse than any side effects could possibly be. The FDA is a bureaucracy after all. And they act like one. The cost of drugs directly reflect the difficulty of just getting them to market.

Malpractice lawsuits and the cost of malpractice insurance have raised the cost of healthcare exponentially. The cost of potential lawsuits has long been built into the cost of healthcare for everything from bandages to major surgeries. The growing popularity of class action lawsuits has made this even more pronounced. Lawyers love this stuff b/c it is wealth building stuff for them, but it is the consumer who ends up footing the bill for it.

And Obamacare? It's only going to get worse. What it costs now is only going to go up as more folks learn to milk the system on the consumer side, the bureaucracy gets fatter and more wasteful(name a bureaucracy that hasn't), and it proves to be unsustainable at current projections(another sure thing when the government takes over). What a mess.
Dundee drills it down. The expanding welfare system is a new phenomenon. Massive enrollment past 6 yrs. You would be shocked at the percentage on welfare who don't recall why they were qualified. It used to be a battle. Welfare recipients vote too.
Posted from[/URL]
My doctor told me, just yesterday. There is a wealthy man in Arkansas that now has to pay 95 grand a year to insure himself, wife and 2 kids. But some heroin junkie can get covered for free?!
Tell me how that's justified. U get penalized for making a decent life, and rewarded for being a lazy POS.
When you plan on taking a trip to the U.S.A. (experience here lol) you have to get medical insurance to cover your trip.

They have a chart on the needs on coverage and it is like ,

#1 is the U.S.A. and is by far a 100% without a doubt need and will cost a lot of your travel money . Of course you can risk it if you don't take it , however every travel agent in every country will beg you to take it even though the cash goes to the American Insurance company (not in their pocket) . I know this because my ex worked in the travel industry.

#20 as that is the next on the list as the U.S.A. is so far out of the realm it is unreal. Spend a minute on google and say you are wanting to vacation to the U.S.A. and you are from Australia/England or a hundred other places.
Good to see the gullible and half-informed have waded into this thread.

The American health care system is ranked around 35th in the world for quality of care provided, yet we Americans pay much, much more for it than any other country. Why might that be? Because we are the only developed country wherein health care is a completely profit-driven enterprise on numerous levels with only secondary consideration given to the quality of care that patients receive. Anyone who thinks medical malpractice claims figure into this in any significant way is misinformed. Notwithstanding that, insurance companies and doctors want to severely limit lawsuits for medical negligence. You know why -- it's because more than 100,000 Americans, perhaps many more, die each year in our hospitals as a result of avoidable medical errors. That's more than the number of deaths from car wrecks and breast cancer combined. (If you doubt that number, research it yourself and you'll see it's true.) Yet we never hear about any effort to improve quality of care or patient safety -- we only hear that these malpractice suits are a real pain in the ass. If doctors and hospitals would only needlessly kill 50,000 Americans a year we could reduce the lawsuits by 50%. That would be a heck of a start.
Originally posted by Trey Biddy:
The major benefit I see is that when people get sick now they will be more likely to go to the doctor vs. when many would just tough it out for fear of raising their costs. Now you don't have to worry about that because there's nothing other than 'how old are you?' These are your options. Also, when I redid everything for my wife and daughter, they never asked anything about pre-existing conditions or even if my wife smoked or anything. It was just 'here's your plan.'

But I already had a cap 'a max out of pocket,' so that didn't apply to me.

There are some positives, no doubt. And I'm not blaming the governement for stepping in and saying 'this isn't right,' as much as I am for the healthcare system. They are abusing people because you have to pay if you want to stay alive.
This is not true because the deductible is the disincentive to go to the doctor unless you need it. Once the deductible is met, it is another story. However, that doesn't happen for many people with a $1000 or higher individual deductible.

These rates have been going up steadily for 30 years. As rates went up, healthy people dropped out of buying health insurance, leaving the one's more unhealthy. This created a cycle that continues to this day. That is the cause of the inflation. Over time, rates will decline as healthier people buy back into the system under the new mandate and the 10% maximum profit forces prices down.

And the 10% profit limit was mandated by almost every state before the PPACA. The PPACA just made it uniform under the federal law.
True Trey which is why the President and Dems have been pushing for a public option since Clinton was in the Whitehouse. As a cancer survivor, I'm happy to know if I'm ever uninsurable I'll be able to get covered. 4 years ago when my wife lost her job I was turned down for insurance by everyone we pursued, 10 of them I believe. Thankfully, she landed another job where I was covered before our Cobra ran out. We all know Healthcare is a huge issue but the fact is only one party is attempting to address it.... the other just continued to kick the can down the street for 15+ years. Those are just the facts.

We all hate bigger government, more taxes and higher premiums.
Big government taking over ALL your healthcare decisions is a good thing. We can trust them and they are our angels because they do NOT care about profit , just making our world a happy place.

And they are good with healthcare money......just read how much Medicare loses every year.
Originally posted by Treeclimber2:
My doctor told me, just yesterday. There is a wealthy man in Arkansas that now has to pay 95 grand a year to insure himself, wife and 2 kids. But some heroin junkie can get covered for free?!
Tell me how that's justified. U get penalized for making a decent life, and rewarded for being a lazy POS.
Your doctor is full of shit.
Originally posted by ohlordy:
Big government taking over ALL your healthcare decisions is a good thing. We can trust them and they are our angels because they do NOT care about profit , just making our world a happy place.

And they are good with healthcare money......just read how much Medicare loses every year.
The federal government did not take over healthcare. It is still a private system.
No need to worry too much, It'll be over soon. The American people that actually work and pay taxes, wont be able to afford it too long.
Originally posted by hpharri1994:
Good to see the gullible and half-informed have waded into this thread.

The American health care system is ranked around 35th in the world for quality of care provided, yet we Americans pay much, much more for it than any other country. Why might that be? Because we are the only developed country wherein health care is a completely profit-driven enterprise on numerous levels with only secondary consideration given to the quality of care that patients receive. Anyone who thinks medical malpractice claims figure into this in any significant way is misinformed. Notwithstanding that, insurance companies and doctors want to severely limit lawsuits for medical negligence. You know why -- it's because more than 100,000 Americans, perhaps many more, die each year in our hospitals as a result of avoidable medical errors. That's more than the number of deaths from car wrecks and breast cancer combined. (If you doubt that number, research it yourself and you'll see it's true.) Yet we never hear about any effort to improve quality of care or patient safety -- we only hear that these malpractice suits are a real pain in the ass. If doctors and hospitals would only needlessly kill 50,000 Americans a year we could reduce the lawsuits by 50%. That would be a heck of a start.
Hate to break it to you, but I have been in the healthcare business for 15 years. I am painfully aware of what malpractice does to the cost of doing business. Maybe if I was a bureaucrat or a professional ranker of healthcare I would be fully informed in your eyes?

My mom was in a nursing home in NWA in the final stages of Altheimers. She couldn't speak, feed herself, didn't know who I was, and didn't appear to know anything. She would grab and pull stuff though and the director of nursing and I decided her call light cord was both useless to her and a danger as she could accidently rap it around her neck. We removed it. The state came in and fined them $5000 b/c she didn't have a call light. They would not listen to why and didn't seem to care a bit that it could be dangerous or that she had no ability to call for help if you gave her a foghorn. Stupid bureacrats who acted like zombies. I finally raised enough hell in Little Rock to get a compromise where we put one of those hotel desk bells on her nightstand. Didn't matter that my mom didn't even know it was there or that the nurse's station couldn't hear it anyway, all that mattered was that their rule was enforced and a fine was paid. That is what we just signed on for on a grand scale on a national level and you clearly think it is a good thing. Have you read the 2000 page law yet? Didn't think so. And yet you want to call others gullible and half informed.

This post was edited on 3/1 1:45 PM by rzrbk7777
ermackey, you are not a dumb person. You know this is just the beginning.

This is a failure so the only fix is for the government to take over more and more and more ...until they have it all and that was always the President's goal.

If this is such a good thing, why are so many Democrats running from it?



This post was edited on 3/1 1:54 PM by ohlordy
I feel better about my premiums after reading this thread---especially when take into consideration 5 people are being covered on my policy (family) and also my and hubby's age and medications.
Originally posted by ermackey:

This is not true because the deductible is the disincentive to go to the doctor unless you need it. Once the deductible is met, it is another story. However, that doesn't happen for many people with a $1000 or higher individual deductible.

These rates have been going up steadily for 30 years. As rates went up, healthy people dropped out of buying health insurance, leaving the one's more unhealthy. This created a cycle that continues to this day. That is the cause of the inflation. Over time, rates will decline as healthier people buy back into the system under the new mandate and the 10% maximum profit forces prices down.

And the 10% profit limit was mandated by almost every state before the PPACA. The PPACA just made it uniform under the federal law.

I have come to the conclusion that you actually believe the sh!t you post lol. I honestly didn't think someone could be such a (insert any word you want as I don't want to insult someone that is challenged) and literally come out and try to back it up seriously

Keep up the fight Sir. I know it would help if I said you were swinging and missing every time would it?.
Originally posted by ohlordy:
ermackey, you are not a dumb person. You know this is just the beginning.

This is a failure so the only fix is for the government to take over more and more and more ...until they have it all and that was always the President's goal.

If this is such a good thing, why are so many Democrats running from it?



This post was edited on 3/1 1:54 PM by ohlordy
Because it is unpopular in the south where people have distrusted the president since he was elected. They are willing to believe the lies about the act and that is reflected in many of the posts in this thread. Therefore, they have to run from it because the legend is more powerful than the reality right now. It has not been fully implemented yet. When it is with a different president in office, the "reality" will be seen and realized.

All of this being said, we should have gone to asocial system. That would have allowed for negotiated drug prices that would have had larger savings. People that wanted extra benefits could still by supplemental products for non-government services.We have to get healthcare off employer books to compete. But Romneycare was the compromise to try first. If it does not work, Social healthcare is the only real bullet left.
Well, at this point we better hope it works and everyone has insurance under the affordable healthcare act, or you are going to start seeing hospitals that will be forced to close their doors or cut back services to the point that we could see Government legislated euthanasia. Healthcare providers can not withstand the cuts in medicare funding if it fails.
Originally posted by rzrbk7777:
Originally posted by hpharri1994:
Good to see the gullible and half-informed have waded into this thread.

The American health care system is ranked around 35th in the world for quality of care provided, yet we Americans pay much, much more for it than any other country. Why might that be? Because we are the only developed country wherein health care is a completely profit-driven enterprise on numerous levels with only secondary consideration given to the quality of care that patients receive. Anyone who thinks medical malpractice claims figure into this in any significant way is misinformed. Notwithstanding that, insurance companies and doctors want to severely limit lawsuits for medical negligence. You know why -- it's because more than 100,000 Americans, perhaps many more, die each year in our hospitals as a result of avoidable medical errors. That's more than the number of deaths from car wrecks and breast cancer combined. (If you doubt that number, research it yourself and you'll see it's true.) Yet we never hear about any effort to improve quality of care or patient safety -- we only hear that these malpractice suits are a real pain in the ass. If doctors and hospitals would only needlessly kill 50,000 Americans a year we could reduce the lawsuits by 50%. That would be a heck of a start.
Hate to break it to you, but I have been in the healthcare business for 15 years. I am painfully aware of what malpractice does to the cost of doing business. Maybe if I was a bureaucrat or a professional ranker of healthcare I would be fully informed in your eyes?

My mom was in a nursing home in NWA in the final stages of Altheimers. She couldn't speak, feed herself, didn't know who I was, and didn't appear to know anything. She would grab and pull stuff though and the director of nursing and I decided her call light cord was both useless to her and a danger as she could accidently rap it around her neck. We removed it. The state came in and fined them $5000 b/c she didn't have a call light. They would not listen to why and didn't seem to care a bit that it could be dangerous or that she had no ability to call for help if you gave her a foghorn. Stupid bureacrats who acted like zombies. I finally raised enough hell in Little Rock to get a compromise where we put one of those hotel desk bells on her nightstand. Didn't matter that my mom didn't even know it was there or that the nurse's station couldn't hear it anyway, all that mattered was that their rule was enforced and a fine was paid. That is what we just signed on for on a grand scale on a national level and you clearly think it is a good thing. Have you read the 2000 page law yet? Didn't think so. And yet you want to call others gullible and half informed.

This post was edited on 3/1 1:45 PM by rzrbk7777
Had a guy at work that sued for malpractice $5 million dollars for a leg injury that he got from his own stupidity. He literally walked around for six months with a huge limp and ended up getting $250,000.00 for it, he quit work that day and lost his limp.

2 years latter he is calling trying to get a job back at work as he is broke lol. True the guy is white and can't get the benefits others can but no way in hell would I hire him back lol.
My wife, and 5 other girls, lost their jobs last year because of this bullsh!t. Guess where they worked.... Hospital! Anybody who is a fan of Obamacare is probably a fan of full fledged socialism. We'll see how much everyone likes it when johnny dopefiend gets healthcare on your dime. If the government is gonna get involved in anything, they oughta limit how much a fvckin hospital can charge for Tylenol or a bedpan.
Originally posted by HOGDOC:
Connect the dots. Why move to Colorado? Greater opportunity for what? That's America. Nice post JR.
Not sure if this is directed at me but I'll respond with that
assumption. I moved to Denver b\c I wanted to live near the mountains
and be in a larger city, had literally nothing to do with weed.

Originally posted by lahawg1:
not getting everyone insured as a matter of fact we will likely have
less people insured by the end of 2015. It is a complicated issue but I
haven't seen where ACA benefits anyone and has done way more harm than
good. You obviously think government should be heavily involved and I
disagree. Unfortunately there are more of your kind than me. Shit always
sounds good when your using someone else's money.
We're getting more insured than we did before, but I agree the bill is
far from perfect. We were paying for it before, now we're trying to
reduce cost by having everyone in the system. Preventative care is
cheaper than the ER, period.

Originally posted by Treeclimber2:
doctor told me, just yesterday. There is a wealthy man in Arkansas that
now has to pay 95 grand a year to insure himself, wife and 2 kids. But
some heroin junkie can get covered for free?!
Tell me how that's justified. U get penalized for making a decent life, and rewarded for being a lazy POS.
Your MD is full of crap. If this guy is paying 95 grand a year in healthcare it's not just from premiums, that's ridiculous.
Originally posted by RazorbackDundee:

Originally posted by rzrbk7777:

Originally posted by hpharri1994:
Good to see the gullible and half-informed have waded into this thread.

The American health care system is ranked around 35th in the world for quality of care provided, yet we Americans pay much, much more for it than any other country. Why might that be? Because we are the only developed country wherein health care is a completely profit-driven enterprise on numerous levels with only secondary consideration given to the quality of care that patients receive. Anyone who thinks medical malpractice claims figure into this in any significant way is misinformed. Notwithstanding that, insurance companies and doctors want to severely limit lawsuits for medical negligence. You know why -- it's because more than 100,000 Americans, perhaps many more, die each year in our hospitals as a result of avoidable medical errors. That's more than the number of deaths from car wrecks and breast cancer combined. (If you doubt that number, research it yourself and you'll see it's true.) Yet we never hear about any effort to improve quality of care or patient safety -- we only hear that these malpractice suits are a real pain in the ass. If doctors and hospitals would only needlessly kill 50,000 Americans a year we could reduce the lawsuits by 50%. That would be a heck of a start.
Hate to break it to you, but I have been in the healthcare business for 15 years. I am painfully aware of what malpractice does to the cost of doing business. Maybe if I was a bureaucrat or a professional ranker of healthcare I would be fully informed in your eyes?

My mom was in a nursing home in NWA in the final stages of Altheimers. She couldn't speak, feed herself, didn't know who I was, and didn't appear to know anything. She would grab and pull stuff though and the director of nursing and I decided her call light cord was both useless to her and a danger as she could accidently rap it around her neck. We removed it. The state came in and fined them $5000 b/c she didn't have a call light. They would not listen to why and didn't seem to care a bit that it could be dangerous or that she had no ability to call for help if you gave her a foghorn. Stupid bureacrats who acted like zombies. I finally raised enough hell in Little Rock to get a compromise where we put one of those hotel desk bells on her nightstand. Didn't matter that my mom didn't even know it was there or that the nurse's station couldn't hear it anyway, all that mattered was that their rule was enforced and a fine was paid. That is what we just signed on for on a grand scale on a national level and you clearly think it is a good thing. Have you read the 2000 page law yet? Didn't think so. And yet you want to call others gullible and half informed.

This post was edited on 3/1 1:45 PM by rzrbk7777
Had a guy at work that sued for malpractice $5 million dollars for a leg injury that he got from his own stupidity. He literally walked around for six months with a huge limp and ended up getting $250,000.00 for it, he quit work that day and lost his limp.

2 years latter he is calling trying to get a job back at work as he is broke lol. True the guy is white and can't get the benefits others can but no way in hell would I hire him back lol.
All that guy has to do is find himself a shrink to diagnose his emotional stress over his current job status and get himself one of those mental disabilities and he will be on easy street from now on. Our current administration loves deadbeats disguised as victims these days.
Originally posted by rzrbk7777:
All that guy has to do is find himself a shrink to diagnose his emotional stress over his current job status and get himself one of those mental disabilities and he will be on easy street from now on. Our current administration loves deadbeats disguised as victims these days.
I that was not 100% correct it would be funny.
pigboy7 posted on 3/1/2014...

Yes-while I'm not in biz, I pay $430/month for a family plan, with the same deductable and that includes dental. You need a new plan ! Trey. I have found the horror stories to be untrue by personal experience.


So, you join Harry Reid in saying all stories are untrue? Try to tell that to the cancer patients! And it is not just cancer patients with horror stories that are 100% factual.

And, it was Obama and the Democrats who pushed Obama Care through both houses of Congress for his signature. Nancy Pelosi said "you have to pass the bill to find out what is in it".

I don't claim either party, but both parties are knee deep in where this nation finds itself today. But it was a Democrats who put this through
Going forward the rates have little to do with the health insurance carriers. The insurers have to comply with a mandatory loss ratio of 80%. That means for every $1 you pay in premium, the insurer must pay our 80 cents in claims. That only gives them 20 cents on every dollar to operate their business and attempt to make a profit. The premium they charge going forward will all be based on this ratio. I work in this industry and I can tell you using this ratio nearly every plan is under priced at the moment. The new law did little to nothing to control the cost of care in the short term. The doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, medical equipment and device companies, etc. continue to charge more and more for their services and/or products. That coupled with the fact that utilization of these new plans is expected to be very high will most certainly drive premiums much higher in for the next several years. To implement a system like this they should have got a handle on costs first.
Originally posted by Hawgtill:

pigboy7 posted on 3/1/2014...

Yes-while I'm not in biz, I pay $430/month for a family plan, with the same deductable and that includes dental. You need a new plan ! Trey. I have found the horror stories to be untrue by personal experience.


And, it was Obama and the Democrats who pushed Obama Care through both houses of Congress for his signature. Nancy Pelosi said "you have to pass the bill to find out what is in it".
That's one of my main arguments.

Congress thought Obamacare was so great, we as the American people should force/insist those MF'ers adopt the plan as their healthcare.

We are stupid as the American public because we keep putting the dumbazzes back in the power and no one is raising hell about term limits.

I just hate that the reason why immigrants wanted to come to America was the land of opportunity where if you worked hard you could change your life.

Now someone was works hard and may work 2 or 3 jobs is penalized while a lazy piece of $hit can sit at home smoke dope and live off the system for free.

It is DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My plan went up 250% for a family of 4. I sell insurance and understand all of my options. My new plan is $300 higher than I was paying before. If you don't qualify for a subsidy, you are likely paying a lot more. Also, it's true if you plan is a "grandfathered plan" you would be able to keep it but the rates on those plans are going to be increased at an alarming clip as well. That's because the risk pool in those plans is shrinking because a lot of people are dumping those plans. With a lot less people in the pool the ability to spread the risk is diminished and the rate for those that are left will be rising very quickly over the next few years.

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