I know Bob Costas just didnt

I'm a gun owner and don't agree with everything he said, but he was right in many aspects. At what point do we have a serious national conversation about it instead of just saying "this really puts things in perspective" and moving on a day later? Probably wasn't the best timing, but I'm guessing his aim here was to push the very discussion I mentioned. He didn't say anything about banning guns and destroying the constitution, and you can make all the comparisons to cars, dicks and spoons that you want, but the guy has a point. The degree of gun violence we have in this country isn't normal. I don't know what the solution is. Maybe it shouldn't be easier to buy a gun than it is to purchase and drive a car. It probably doesn't matter. We will just brush off another violent murder and move on. That's what we do.
Quantitatively, he is 100% right - both in total and in deaths per 100,000 from guns.

Qualitatively, not so clear. Even in Bowling for Columbine, Michael Moore admitted that gun ownership is not the sole reason for our violent society. We blow other countries off the grid in deaths per 100,000 among other countries with gun ownership rights. We are a VERY violent nation and we do not know why.

The real problem is what to do. We are a constitutional government. You can not simply ban guns bc that will take a constitutional amendment and that will not pass right now. Regulating them has been ineffective and some of it is downright silly. Maybe there is no solution. All I know is that it is not simple at all, but there are some real boneheads with guns that I would prefer not to have them. But I do not support a law limiting the right.
Nothing will happen. Hank Williams Jr. got kicked off of Monday Night Football for running his mouth but absolutely nothing will happen to Bob Costas. "Tolerance" and "diversity" are a one way street with liberals.
Originally posted by JeanLucPiggard:
HRU - They said Lorena Bobbitt was going to be speaking at half time next week.
She has a cooking show now...its on the Lifetime Network....or so my sources told me.
Congrats to Bob for speaking his mind and not pandering.

I don't agree with him, but I get tired of the fake apologies that come after these sort of things.
One thing I do agree with is that the "Stand Your Ground" law needs to go. That is not a gun rights issue though. That is a question of reasonable force.

IMO, there are some guys out there practicing vigilante murder using that law as cover, and more WANTING to use it.
Originally posted by hogzilla22:

Nothing will happen. Hank Williams Jr. got kicked off of Monday Night Football for running his mouth but absolutely nothing will happen to Bob Costas. "Tolerance" and "diversity" are a one way street with liberals.
If you can't see a difference between somewhat controversial commentary on gun violence and a guy comparing the president to Hitler, there is no help for you.
What's your address? Ill help you put a signnin your yard that says that you as a home owner doesnt own a fire arm. And is a pro gun control supporter. Well see how log it takes for you to get brokennin on. Thats the messafe we will send if gun ownedship is banned.

Originally posted by Richmond Hog:
Okay, the only reason to allow handguns is if you believe they prevent more deaths than they cause. I know there are examples of handguns saving people but I believe the Chiefs' incident happens more often. There are studies that support both arguments, but they are so politically motivated that its hard to rely on them. I trust my what I see, and I think they cause more deaths than they save.

This post was edited on 12/2 11:32 PM by BOSSHOGFREE
We already have mandatory waiting periods....background checks. Both my kids have taken gun safety classes etc.....In terms of our gun crimes being out of control, my guess is that it is worse in the middle east.....Can you imagine a disarmed public when Al Quaeda (sp?), Hamas, the Shiites, etc.... eventually have enough sleeper cells here that start to make our cities feel like Beiruit, Baghdad, or Damascus? An armed society is a deters rampant infiltration in my opinion. Not trying to sound like a conspiracy theorist here, but the 2nd amendment was put in place because our founders knew the price of a disarmed society.

But, I am all for education and gun safety.....No guns for criminals etc....
Originally posted by BOSSHOGFREE:
What's your address? Well see if you would rather have a gun or not........

Originally posted by Richmond Hog:
Okay, the only reason to allow handguns is if you believe they prevent more deaths than they cause. I know there are examples of handguns saving people but I believe the Chiefs' incident happens more often. There are studies that support both arguments, but they are so politically motivated that its hard to rely on them. I trust my what I see, and I think they cause more deaths than they save.
Originally posted by BOSSHOGFREE:
What's your address? Well see if you would rather have a gun or not........

Originally posted by Richmond Hog:
Okay, the only reason to allow handguns is if you believe they prevent more deaths than they cause. I know there are examples of handguns saving people but I believe the Chiefs' incident happens more often. There are studies that support both arguments, but they are so politically motivated that its hard to rely on them. I trust my what I see, and I think they cause more deaths than they save.
What the hell man, you're so weird.
People aren't raised to be responsible with guns anymore. We had guns throughout the house while I was growing up,never once wanted to take one and shoot somebody.

It's why it's called deadly force,you can't take it back.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Missed my point. The point was that neither comment was appropriate but comments that lean left go unpunished while comments made by the right usually do. Hank lost his job, bob won't. Neither was the right time nor place. FWIW I don't think Hank was actually comparing Obama to Hitler, the media took it that way. I think he used a bad example of expressing polar opposites.
Originally posted by Richmond Hog:
He was 100% correct.
Hmmmmm, do you want to elaborate? Nevermind, I see it.

This post was edited on 12/2 9:45 PM by pkelley14
Jesus, its not a threat. Just meant to get you to think of the possibilities to not have the legal right to defend your home while criminals (who by defenition don't follow the law) will have a gun.... they WILL have a gun. Stop freaking out. Jesus.

Originally posted by gbbaber:

Originally posted by BOSSHOGFREE:
What's your address? Well see if you would rather have a gun or not........

Originally posted by Richmond Hog:
Okay, the only reason to allow handguns is if you believe they prevent more deaths than they cause. I know there are examples of handguns saving people but I believe the Chiefs' incident happens more often. There are studies that support both arguments, but they are so politically motivated that its hard to rely on them. I trust my what I see, and I think they cause more deaths than they save.
What the hell man, you're so weird.

This post was edited on 12/2 9:44 PM by BOSSHOGFREE
Originally posted by gbbaber:

Originally posted by BOSSHOGFREE:
What's your address? Well see if you would rather have a gun or not........

Originally posted by Richmond Hog:
Okay, the only reason to allow handguns is if you believe they prevent more deaths than they cause. I know there are examples of handguns saving people but I believe the Chiefs' incident happens more often. There are studies that support both arguments, but they are so politically motivated that its hard to rely on them. I trust my what I see, and I think they cause more deaths than they save.
What the hell man, you're so weird.
Originally posted by JeanLucPiggard:

Hogzilla - They own the free speech argument.
Not at all a free speech issue. The guarantee of free speech doesn't also guarantee you will keep your job if you, as the face of a product, company, or in this case a sports program, publicly compare the president to Hitler. Again, both of you are ignoring the fact that Costas's commentary and Hank's comparing the president to Hitler are wildly different. I know it's a go-to move, but please observe facts and stop playing the victim card.
Says the man with the avatar pic of a man pointing a gun in our face. You guys need to get over this pile on BOSSHOG shit. Its like follow the leader around here lately.

Originally posted by RazorvoirHogs:

Originally posted by gbbaber:

Originally posted by BOSSHOGFREE:
What's your address? Well see if you would rather have a gun or not........

Originally posted by Richmond Hog:
Okay, the only reason to allow handguns is if you believe they prevent more deaths than they cause. I know there are examples of handguns saving people but I believe the Chiefs' incident happens more often. There are studies that support both arguments, but they are so politically motivated that its hard to rely on them. I trust my what I see, and I think they cause more deaths than they save.
What the hell man, you're so weird.

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