In Baton Rouge...home of LSU

  • Thread starter anon_j0hjgb7us6s1a
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The mail carrier was just as bad as the rest of them. He could have gotten to the truck many times but chose to dance around out there and make it worse. I'm betting he gets fired or at least suspended.
Why no mention of the treasonous terrorist taking over a federal building and federal land in Oregon?

Probably b/c it is a uninhabited pavilion and not a government building, and it is a peaceful protest of the taking of private property by the government. No fires being set, no businesses being looted, no innocent people being dragged from cars and beaten, etc. Just a bunch of liberals trying to get them labeled as terrorists.
Probably b/c it is a uninhabited pavilion and not a government building, and it is a peaceful protest of the taking of private property by the government. No fires being set, no businesses being looted, no innocent people being dragged from cars and beaten, etc. Just a bunch of liberals trying to get them labeled as terrorists.
I would be happier if they promised no aggressive action would be taken. It may just be bravado but the threat of violence remains.
This is unfortunately what our police officers have to deal with. In situations like this someone just as easily could of pulled a gun out. Happened in my small town just a few weeks ago as a couple of people got in a disagreement, other people got involved and a gun was pulled. Ended up someone dead. And it was a mixture of black and whites. Actually there were two blacks that were taking up for a white lady not that it should matter. Just know some people have preconceived ideas and there are issues with all races of people. Just getting bad.
Probably b/c it is a uninhabited pavilion and not a government building, and it is a peaceful protest of the taking of private property by the government. No fires being set, no businesses being looted, no innocent people being dragged from cars and beaten, etc. Just a bunch of liberals trying to get them labeled as terrorists.

I don't agree with this statement, but I wonder if it were not a group of white men would they get the same benefit of doubt
I don't agree with this statement, but I wonder if it were not a group of white men would they get the same benefit of doubt

Benefit of what doubt? Look at the messes made in Ferguson and Baltimore. Had those been white men rioting in the streets would they have gotten the same benefit of the doubt?

We used to be a country where if you weren't white you had no chance. Now, we have fixed that but didn't know where to stop. In Ferguson, a criminal has been raised to hero status b/c he was black. Treyvon Martin got himself shot by acting like a thug when he was effectively out of the situation. The prez all but declared him a heroic victim b/c he was black. The mass shooting in California garnered more attention from our president as a call to more gun control and a warning from him against islamaphobia than outrage over terrorism. I'm betting that had they been white Christians his take would have looked much different.

Equality is a great thing, but if done fairly it has downsides for everybody just like it has benefits. A society that sees folks of certain races/ethnic backgrounds as needing special privileges is just as racist as our country used to be before civil rights. And sadly, the folks pushing that agenda feel just as justified.
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Well, this should be interesting.
Benefit of what doubt? Look at the messes made in Ferguson and Baltimore. Had those been white men rioting in the streets would they have gotten the same benefit of the doubt?

We used to be a country where if you weren't white you had no chance. Now, we have fixed that but didn't know where to stop. In Ferguson, a criminal has been raised to hero status b/c he was black. Treyvon Martin got himself shot by acting like a thug when he was effectively out of the situation. The prez all but declared him a heroic victim b/c he was black. The mass shooting in California garnered more attention from our president as a call to more gun control and a warning from him against islamaphobia than outrage over terrorism. I'm betting that had they been white Christians his take would have looked much different.

Equality is a great thing, but if done fairly it has downsides for everybody just like it has benefits. A society that sees folks of certain races/ethnic backgrounds as needing special privileges is just as racist as our country used to be before civil rights. And sadly, the folks pushing that agenda feel just as justified.
Where is Mike Brown hailed as a hero?
Explain how Treyvon Martin is a thug?
If minorities have it as great as you think they have it in America why do so many white people fight so hard to make sure they don't become minorities?
Why are minorities lumped together as a group and white people judged on their individual actions?
Why did the OP make this post?
Where is Mike Brown hailed as a hero?
Explain how Treyvon Martin is a thug?
If minorities have it as great as you think they have it in America why do so many white people fight so hard to make sure they don't become minorities?
Why are minorities lumped together as a group and white people judged on their individual actions?
Why did the OP make this post?

Plenty written about Brown and Martin. I'm not gonna look through it all but you certainly can if you wish.

If white folks have it as great as you think, how come so many of them are poor? The myth that being white is a free ride to the top is just that, a myth. I have known far, far, far more white folks in my life that struggle/struggled to eek out a modest existence than I have known rich ones. The problem is, and always has been, when the elites decide to give extra privileges to minorities, they exempt themselves. So who has to get to the back of the line? Poor white people. They aren't even allowed to feel discriminated against either. I've seen it and lived it in my life.

Privilege is a race thing is BS. Privilege is a money thing. Several rappers are worth 100's of millions, as are many athletes. They live like royalty just like the rich whites do. I read recently that Denzell Washington pays 16k a month on property taxes on his home in California. 16k a month before he ever pays a bill. If that is underprivileged, sign me up.

Minorities are lumped together so the elites know who to coddle. And minorities aren't just racial, they are white women, gays of all colors, men who want to be women, and on and on. And again, the elites of all colors are exempt. Meanwhile, if you are poor, white, and working class, you get at the back of every line there is. And nobody, nobody gives a damn if they are treated fairly or not. And if they dare speak up? They are labeled as racists b/c they are the faction that must sacrifice so the rich can feel they have helped the downtrodden.

Like I said before, equality is a great and right thing. But we will never have it the way we are going. Go knock on a white trash trailer door and tell whoever answers how privileged they are to be white. And try not to laugh when you do it.
Plenty written about Brown and Martin. I'm not gonna look through it all but you certainly can if you wish.

If white folks have it as great as you think, how come so many of them are poor? The myth that being white is a free ride to the top is just that, a myth. I have known far, far, far more white folks in my life that struggle/struggled to eek out a modest existence than I have known rich ones. The problem is, and always has been, when the elites decide to give extra privileges to minorities, they exempt themselves. So who has to get to the back of the line? Poor white people. They aren't even allowed to feel discriminated against either. I've seen it and lived it in my life.

Privilege is a race thing is BS. Privilege is a money thing. Several rappers are worth 100's of millions, as are many athletes. They live like royalty just like the rich whites do. I read recently that Denzell Washington pays 16k a month on property taxes on his home in California. 16k a month before he ever pays a bill. If that is underprivileged, sign me up.

Minorities are lumped together so the elites know who to coddle. And minorities aren't just racial, they are white women, gays of all colors, men who want to be women, and on and on. And again, the elites of all colors are exempt. Meanwhile, if you are poor, white, and working class, you get at the back of every line there is. And nobody, nobody gives a damn if they are treated fairly or not. And if they dare speak up? They are labeled as racists b/c they are the faction that must sacrifice so the rich can feel they have helped the downtrodden.

Like I said before, equality is a great and right thing. But we will never have it the way we are going. Go knock on a white trash trailer door and tell whoever answers how privileged they are to be white. And try not to laugh when you do it.

You will be shot or hit with a beer bottle.
It's sad how many people fall for the flown in community organizers flown in to Ferguson and Baltimore to create fake protests. The media fans the flames to create more and more class envy to empower the ruling elites.......and people continue to fall for it. As long as people believe it isn't fair and that they have no chance they will depend more and more on the government for support. This continues the success of plantation politics and keeps the creepy politicians in power. Think for yourselves. Check what has happened to the number of people on welfare over the last 8 yrs. Facts are stubborn things.
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Plenty written about Brown and Martin. I'm not gonna look through it all but you certainly can if you wish.

If white folks have it as great as you think, how come so many of them are poor? The myth that being white is a free ride to the top is just that, a myth. I have known far, far, far more white folks in my life that struggle/struggled to eek out a modest existence than I have known rich ones. The problem is, and always has been, when the elites decide to give extra privileges to minorities, they exempt themselves. So who has to get to the back of the line? Poor white people. They aren't even allowed to feel discriminated against either. I've seen it and lived it in my life.

Privilege is a race thing is BS. Privilege is a money thing. Several rappers are worth 100's of millions, as are many athletes. They live like royalty just like the rich whites do. I read recently that Denzell Washington pays 16k a month on property taxes on his home in California. 16k a month before he ever pays a bill. If that is underprivileged, sign me up.

Minorities are lumped together so the elites know who to coddle. And minorities aren't just racial, they are white women, gays of all colors, men who want to be women, and on and on. And again, the elites of all colors are exempt. Meanwhile, if you are poor, white, and working class, you get at the back of every line there is. And nobody, nobody gives a damn if they are treated fairly or not. And if they dare speak up? They are labeled as racists b/c they are the faction that must sacrifice so the rich can feel they have helped the downtrodden.

Like I said before, equality is a great and right thing. But we will never have it the way we are going. Go knock on a white trash trailer door and tell whoever answers how privileged they are to be white. And try not to laugh when you do it.
I agree with a lot of what you say about classism...I disagree with some of the other things in your statement...I just fund it funny how in the situation with the Terrorist in Oregon we don't won't to be quick to label...the line between abiding by the law and breaking the law is's all of a sudden ok to stand up to's ok to take a stand against the judicial system...I've read several post on this board that condemn protesters who look different than they do or protest something you don't agree with
Probably b/c it is a uninhabited pavilion and not a government building, and it is a peaceful protest of the taking of private property by the government. No fires being set, no businesses being looted, no innocent people being dragged from cars and beaten, etc. Just a bunch of liberals trying to get them labeled as terrorists.


"...not a government building..."
"...peaceful protest of the taking of private property by the government..."


This is what Fox News - a Conservative "news" organization that is "unafraid" of the "liberal agenda" - is reporting about the situation...
"ARMED anti-government protestors have taken over a remote NATIONAL wildlife refuge" that doesn't sound like the makings of a "peaceful protest"

BTW - according to "approximately 100/150 (and growing) armed militia have taken control of Malheur Wildlife Headquarters" and are "prepared to stay there indefinitely"

...again - doesn't sound like "peaceful" intentions...

As for "not a government building" - pretty sure any structure that is owned and maintained by the city, state, or federal government qualifies as a "government building"...furthermore - every picture I've seen of the BUILDING indicates a roof, floor, walls, windows, and even a chimney, doors, and a flag pole with the American flag...

...furthermore, the people of the Burns, OR and the ranchers themselves have said they don't want the Bundy led militia involved at all...

...this is far from a "peaceful protest"...this is an armed occupation of a government building by an anti-government militia that is trying to provoke an armed conflict in a situation where the "victim" doesn't even want them involved...and from what I can tell from information I gathered from CONSERVATIVE media outlets - these dipshits are trying to create a situation that results in blood...this shouldn't be a surprise though since these are the same "patriots" that placed their women and children between themselves and federal authorities as human shields...
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It's sad how many people fall for the flown in community organizers flown in to Ferguson and Baltimore to create fake protests. The media fans the flames to create more and more class envy to empower the ruling elites.......and people continue to fall for it. As long as people believe it isn't fair and that they have no chance they will depend more and more on the government for support. This continues the success of plantation politics and keeps the creepy politicians in power. Think for yourselves. Check what has happened to the number of people on welfare over the last 8 yrs. Facts are stubborn things.
I'm not here to argue any of that..some of what you say I think is valid some of it is BS...I just get tired of the racist circle jerks that go on on this board that usually start off with topics like the OP. What's the point of posting that on a Razorback message board?
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I agree with a lot of what you say about classism...I disagree with some of the other things in your statement...I just fund it funny how in the situation with the Terrorist in Oregon we don't won't to be quick to label...the line between abiding by the law and breaking the law is's all of a sudden ok to stand up to's ok to take a stand against the judicial system...I've read several post on this board that condemn protesters who look different than they do or protest something you don't agree with

Nothing wrong with protesting wrongs. Don't loot, don't burn businesses of innocent people, and by all means, don't beat on innocent bystanders. And have a clue what you are protesting. Protesting the beating of Rodney King was one thing, destroying property and hurting innocent people that had nothing to do with it was another. Where was the outrage when Reginald Denney was yanked from his truck and beaten within an inch of his life for just being a white guy in the wrong place at the wrong time? It goes both ways.
All people need to get a damn job even if you have to walk.
Plenty of jobs available but sorry lazy people don't want to work.
Then they want to bitch because companies are giving other races like Hispanics the work.
Well at least they will work.
Quit waiting on the 1st of the month any race and get a damn job.
Hell I worked the last day of 2015 and the first day of 2016 and depend on me not being lazy to eat.
Signs everywhere I look saying hiring and if you have to walk , walk but quit sucking our country dry .
Plenty of work just get your ass out of bed.
And yet here you are.

I thought it would be something about Devin White or Kristian Fulton, then opened the thread to this dumpster fire...really wish the board was focused on Hawgsports - like the site seems to suggest...

instead - here we are stuck in an Alex Jones, "false-flag" rant that is supported by nothing more than rage and propaganda...but I digress...please feel free to resume screaming at the nether sphere about how the government is taking our land and coming for our guns...
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