Kapernick to start Sunday


RussVegas - Home of ATU… and that’s about it.
Gold Member
May 11, 2002
Glad the Gabbert experiment is over but who knows what Kapernick will bring.
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When the starting lineups are announced,and his name is called,I think I'll take a knee.
I've never wished any physical harm on any athlete but I do hope he is an absolute train wreck for a QB. He is trying to lead a revolt against something he knows nothing about. He has never known discrimination star athletes are pampered by everyone around them. He is an attention whore who was sitting behind Gabbert and needed to hear his name. He is just a punk and always will be.
I've never wished any physical harm on any athlete but I do hope he is an absolute train wreck for a QB. He is trying to lead a revolt against something he knows nothing about. He has never known discrimination star athletes are pampered by everyone around them. He is an attention whore who was sitting behind Gabbert and needed to hear his name. He is just a punk and always will be.

What if during the game and his house is broken into and everything in it of value is stolen… When he gets home I wonder who he will call… My guess is Ghostbusters

Pretty sad you'd even say that just goes to show your ignorance. Hasn't happened in all this time doubt it will because he's starting a freaking football game that obviously his team thinks he's the best option for at this point.
Yes, he does have the right to be an fvck hole, so do l.
Not if it reflects poorly on your employer. Do the cashiers at Kroger have the right to not serve police me or their wives wearing "Blue Lives Matter" T-shirts? Yes, they an do it and should be fired. Huge difference between owning a business and refusing service and working for someone else and going against their beliefs. If the owners of the 49rs feel the way CK does, then that would be great to know so the American public can vote with the wallet against the 49rs
Pretty sad you'd even say that just goes to show your ignorance. Hasn't happened in all this time doubt it will because he's starting a freaking football game that obviously his team thinks he's the best option for at this point.
Try some form of punctuation and grammar then you might be a little more credible lecturing me on ignorance.
Thanks for respecting the constitutional rights of others.

Man that right doesn't free you from persecution it just protects you from punishment. It doesn't give you the right to say/express whatever you want without having to hear other people's opinions about you and your beliefs. It also doesn't protect you from termination of employment when your actions do not reflect the core values of your place of employment. It does not protect you from being boycotted and costing your employer money. We respect his constitutional rights by not hurting/killing him or imprisoning him, that's all the respect he's owed.
Not if it reflects poorly on your employer. Do the cashiers at Kroger have the right to not serve police me or their wives wearing "Blue Lives Matter" T-shirts? Yes, they an do it and should be fired. Huge difference between owning a business and refusing service and working for someone else and going against their beliefs. If the owners of the 49rs feel the way CK does, then that would be great to know so the American public can vote with the wallet against the 49rs
Totally agree. The owners must be politically correct and ass holes too. And, he still has the right to be an ass hole, which he is. Whether or not he's punished is out of his hands but, I will do my part and continue to boycott anything to do with the NFL.

Oh, and you can throw the league and commissioner in the same category as the owners.
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Man that right doesn't free you from persecution it just protects you from punishment. It doesn't give you the right to say/express whatever you want without having to hear other people's opinions about you and your beliefs. It also doesn't protect you from termination of employment when your actions do not reflect the core values of your place of employment. It does not protect you from being boycotted and costing your employer money. We respect his constitutional rights by not hurting/killing him or imprisoning him, that's all the respect he's owed.

People in this thread are wishing bodily harm, loss of employment, etc you name it. I wouldn't call that boycotting. Those people absolutely do not respect his right. They arent expressing opinions but rather vile thoughts. Nothing reapectful about it.
Really tired of him being the story on the Sports shows. He's a back up

Actually, he's a starater at the moment.

I hope like hell he plays his ass off, but I'm a Niners fan and want to win.
Well his protest will not stop white cops from killing black criminals so it is just causing more racial divide. So it is my right to think of him as ignorant and a bad employee. Give about five million to teach inner city kids that cops are not their enemies and give another five million for a legal fund to fight cases of mean cops. Then I pay attention to him
He is just one more thing that is wrong with our country. I don't wish him bodily harm, bad play, or anything else. I just think he is a punk and will never cheer for the guy.

Does he have a right to act like he is acting? Yes. A lot of people died to give him that right. He pisses on their graves every time he takes a knee.

I wonder what he would do if he were in real trouble and white cops came to help him? Would he take a knee and not accept them putting their lives on the line to protect him?

Don't get me wrong, ANY policeman that is doing wrong, treat them as the criminals they are and put them away. I have no use for them. There are bad apples in every line of work. I do a tremendous amount of respect for the good ones though. Guys like Decori Birmingham.

But what he is doing is disgraceful in my opinion. There are better ways to state how you feel. Kneeling during our national song.....he is a punk. And before someone says it, yes, if he were white, black, red or yellow, I would feel exactly the same about what he is doing. I wish he would move to another country so maybe he would be treated a little better than the poor guy is being treated from ours.
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He is just one more thing that is wrong with our country. I don't wish him bodily harm, bad play, or anything else. I just think he is a punk and will never cheer for the guy.

Does he have a right to act like he is acting? Yes. A lot of people died to give him that right. He pisses on their graves every time he takes a knee.

I wonder what he would do if he were in real trouble and white cops came to help him? Would he take a knee and not accept them putting their lives on the line to protect him?

Don't get me wrong, ANY policeman that is doing wrong, treat them as the criminals they are and put them away. I have no use for them. There are bad apples in every line of work. I do a tremendous amount of respect for the good ones though. Guys like Decori Birmingham.

But what he is doing is disgraceful in my opinion. There are better ways to state how you feel. Kneeling during our national song.....he is a punk. And before someone says it, yes, if he were white, black, red or yellow, I would feel exactly the same about what he is doing. I wish he would move to another country so maybe he would be treated a little better than the poor guy is being treated from ours.
Very well said, Woodlands!