I don't see the Confederate Flag the way you do. You fail to use your own logic. You say empathy can't be had because we haven't lived in each others shoes and then make a statement about how I should feel on a topic. My argument is founded in factual evidence and statistical support. Yours is emotion driven. You say you want "equality" and in the same argument tell me just who different we are and that i could never be you. Are you saying that I can't understand the plight of the black community simply because I'm white? If so this is yet just another way to separate from the collective. Your rhetoric that is founded in inequality will never gain you compassion or understanding let alone equal footing from those who arent just like you.
As for police Brutality and spcifically police Homicide it is accounted for in less than 1% of 1% in all police stops. So 1 in 1 million stops results in a tragedy. Wouldn't you want most aspects of our lives to have that success rate? Our people do not live in a vacuume and neither do our police operate in one. Plus they are people and that means a guarantee of failure or breakdown at some point.
Absolutely not, Brutality and death is not acceptably. PERIOD. However you are kidding yourself if you think our police force is going to be perfect. The factual numbers say they are damn near that mark though.
If ONE person dies due to police Brutality then that is one too man. And I could give a damn about the color of theft officer or the victim. My words are experience driven not emotionally driven. So the fact that you speak in terms of a "success rate" when we are talking about lives being taken proves how different your reality is from mine. Based on what you have revealed above. The chances anything fruitful coming from this conversation and slim to none. Keep posting spin and hyperbole from conservative blogs all you want. Hard core right winger right here. Good day sir.