He is running his mouth but he is not out of control. This was planned. He is playing the left like a cheap fiddle and the left fell for it again. This is an issue he knew he could win.
No, he is playing his base and the Republican party like a fiddle. He did all this to get them going and distract from the fact his staff all used private servers since he literally ran on that being awful, the fact that once again the GOP came up with one of the worst health care bills possible and that he is miserably failing to do anything he said he would. His supporters cling to this nonsense and don't hold him to the horrible job he is doing.

Like, I bet most of those same folks talking about the rich athletes needing to shut up will also support this man raising taxes on the poor and middle class while drastically reducing taxes for the wealthy. When you can have people vote against their own interest because they rally around these types of issues, that is being played like a fiddle. He is conning Republicans and they are loving every minute of it. Like a billionaire gives a shit about the middle class. You guys are all being played, badly.