OT. Price of gas in Venezuela is

Originally posted by ermackey:

Originally posted by HuntnFishUA:
He had everyone that worked for Pedaveza and voted against him fired. That's a fact. I work with several Venezuelans that left because of him and are ecstatic he is gone. The only people you see that support him are those on government support. Sound familiar.
Yea, I am against that.

That being said, reminds me of politicians here downsizing government agencies that oppose them politically.
Did it ever occur to you that they might be downsizing government agencies that need downsizing? That government work is not an entitlement that should be there whether the job is needed or not? Did it ever occur to you that ALL government agencies are spending other peoples' money and for that reason should always be no bigger than absolutely neccessary?

You have made it clear you are a left leaner in a big way if not a downright socialist being that you don't seem to have an issue with a Chavez regime that routinely took peoples' businesses, farms, factories, wealth, etc., and dispersed them as he saw fit, took total control of all media, and imprisoned anybody that didn't like it. Question for you, if it were your business, be it a concrete company, a radio station, or a family farm, would you be all in if they came and told you to vacate immediately b/c the government needed it for the greater good? Just trying to figure what it is about Chavez that you are on the fence about.
Originally posted by rzrbk7777:
Originally posted by ermackey:

Originally posted by HuntnFishUA:
He had everyone that worked for Pedaveza and voted against him fired. That's a fact. I work with several Venezuelans that left because of him and are ecstatic he is gone. The only people you see that support him are those on government support. Sound familiar.
Yea, I am against that.

That being said, reminds me of politicians here downsizing government agencies that oppose them politically.
Did it ever occur to you that they might be downsizing government agencies that need downsizing? That government work is not an entitlement that should be there whether the job is needed or not? Did it ever occur to you that ALL government agencies are spending other peoples' money and for that reason should always be no bigger than absolutely neccessary?

You have made it clear you are a left leaner in a big way if not a downright socialist being that you don't seem to have an issue with a Chavez regime that routinely took peoples' businesses, farms, factories, wealth, etc., and dispersed them as he saw fit, took total control of all media, and imprisoned anybody that didn't like it. Question for you, if it were your business, be it a concrete company, a radio station, or a family farm, would you be all in if they came and told you to vacate immediately b/c the government needed it for the greater good? Just trying to figure what it is about Chavez that you are on the fence about.
Yes. We must save the future of our children by cutting education.
Originally posted by ermackey:

Originally posted by rzrbk7777:

Originally posted by ermackey:

Originally posted by HuntnFishUA:
He had everyone that worked for Pedaveza and voted against him fired. That's a fact. I work with several Venezuelans that left because of him and are ecstatic he is gone. The only people you see that support him are those on government support. Sound familiar.
Yea, I am against that.

That being said, reminds me of politicians here downsizing government agencies that oppose them politically.
Did it ever occur to you that they might be downsizing government agencies that need downsizing? That government work is not an entitlement that should be there whether the job is needed or not? Did it ever occur to you that ALL government agencies are spending other peoples' money and for that reason should always be no bigger than absolutely neccessary?

You have made it clear you are a left leaner in a big way if not a downright socialist being that you don't seem to have an issue with a Chavez regime that routinely took peoples' businesses, farms, factories, wealth, etc., and dispersed them as he saw fit, took total control of all media, and imprisoned anybody that didn't like it. Question for you, if it were your business, be it a concrete company, a radio station, or a family farm, would you be all in if they came and told you to vacate immediately b/c the government needed it for the greater good? Just trying to figure what it is about Chavez that you are on the fence about.
Yes. We must save the future of our children by cutting education.
We already spend more per student than any country on earth by a good margin and last time I looked, we weren't even in the top 10 in results. If throwing money at it was the solution we would have already been number one years ago. We spend insane amounts of money on education that turns into 6 figure admin jobs complete with high 5 figure assistants to keep them from getting over worked, oppulent buildings that cost way more than they have to and add nothing to the education process that more basic buildings wouldn't do just as well, and teachers that retire in their early 50's or draw half retirement while they continue to work. None of which does shit to educate kids.

And like the little flamer you are, you ignored the question about your infatuation and ignorance toward Chavez.
I have been a teacher in houston texas in a urban city middle school for ten years. Razorback7777 is 100 percent correct. You would not believe the government waste that goes on. For example, Every morning since Obama got into office, His education secretary arne duncan established whats called breakfast in the classroom. This is how it works, Every morning every kid in my school gets fed breakfast in my HR. A little food cart comes around and each kid HAS to take cereal, milk, crackers, and a piece of fruit. Guess where 70 percent of the food goes, INTO THE TRASH. Complete waste of taxpayers money. Nice plump apples and bananas into the trash(or put on my desk for later which collects fruit flys roaches and rats plus leaving your room full of food trash). We have 1200 kids in our school. Thats just one school. It complete and utter nonsense. Let your own damn parents feed you or stop having children at 12 and 13, 14, or 15.