OT: Shooting In LR


Nov 21, 2006
Mom sent me a text and said that a police officer shot and killed a 15 year old boy in LR who apparently had stolen a suburban.

I don't have any other details.

She just sent me another text that says now they say he was 30ish and not 15. Also reports they found a gun beside him.
This post was edited on 7/15 2:18 PM by JPB64
It was NOT a kid. It was man in his 30's. Little Rock media should be ashamed for reporting rumors while going on air to say they dont know if the shooting was racially motivated or not.

Why did they even mention racw? There was no reason to. All its accomplished is starting race wars on their facebook pages between whites and blacks.

It is stupid.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
The media only cares if it's another race killing another race. It's pathetic. The media in this country is pretty evil in my honest opinion. Yes, I said evil.

This whole case about Trayvon Martin was turned into a huge race baiting war by the media. They feed this stuff to the idiots in this country and they go ape shit.

It's sad how the media becomes a circus when 2 people of opposite race kill each other.

This post was edited on 7/15 3:08 PM by Sir OinksAlot
The media doesn't report the truth, or facts any more, certainly not initially. Their job now is to air opinion and to create sensational circumstances where non exists.
This post was edited on 7/15 3:10 PM by Vito Porco
Originally posted by Luke Matheson:
Now some are saying it was a black man killed by a black cop, yet the media mentions a potentially racially motivated shooting of a 15 year old when they broke into programming when this all began...
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Exactly, and why lead with something like that?

All they are doing is motivating hate. That kind of shit is the reason we will never get over this whole race issue. It's disgusting.
Originally posted by Sir OinksAlot:
Originally posted by Luke Matheson:
Now some are saying it was a black man killed by a black cop, yet the media mentions a potentially racially motivated shooting of a 15 year old when they broke into programming when this all began...
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Exactly, and why lead with something like that?

All they are doing is motivating hate. That kind of shit is the reason we will never get over this whole race issue. It's disgusting.
Because, unfortunately, that's what sells. We're a nation of consumers, and news media has to sell their product as effectively as the rest of us do. I agree that it's disgusting, but it's a reality that's not going to change anytime soon.
Originally posted by Sir OinksAlot:
Originally posted by Luke Matheson:
Now some are saying it was a black man killed by a black cop, yet the media mentions a potentially racially motivated shooting of a 15 year old when they broke into programming when this all began...
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Exactly, and why lead with something like that?

All they are doing is motivating hate. That kind of shit is the reason we will never get over this whole race issue. It's disgusting.
Or attempting to instigate, where none previously exists.

The mass of mainstream media-- at every level: local, state, national = Fox, CNN, MSNBC-- no longer report, and certainly not the 'facts.' They editorialize. As someone offered earlier, they offer conjecture and 'opinion' in place of an investigative journalism concerning checked and double-checked facts.

This would take far too much time, effort and energy ...and by God, we're going to be the first ones to run with this hypothesis on the air!

In the case of our celebrity-obsessed media-wing, the idiocy they spew is neither newsworthy nor journalistic. They merely offer up another 'victim' to the Cult of Personality. The only way to get factual reporting in this Info Age is to seek out independent sources via the Interwebz, parties not bound by oath or allegiance to the Republicrats... and not bought with Monsanto money. They're out there, you just gotta want the truth and sometimes dig for it.

Happy hunting.
Originally posted by Vito Porco:

The media doesn't report the truth, or facts any more, certainly not initially. Their job now is to air opinion and to create sensational circumstances where non exists.
This post was edited on 7/15 3:10 PM by Vito Porco
Nailed it. All the media does anymore is try to create sensationalist news. They try to manufacture it, not report it. It really has reached a shameful level.
Originally posted by Sir OinksAlot:
The media only cares if it's another race killing another race. It's pathetic. The media in this country is pretty evil in my honest opinion. Yes, I said evil.

This whole case about Trayvon Martin was turned into a huge race baiting war by the media. They feed this stuff to the idiots in this country and they go ape shit.

It's sad how the media becomes a circus when 2 people of opposite race kill each other.

This post was edited on 7/15 3:08 PM by Sir OinksAlot
Most killings are not race motivated. However, let's not pretend that none are. Some are mixed. It's a perfectly fair question to ask when the parties are of different races even if we wish it weren't so. It's particularly a legitimate question in the Martin-Zimmerman case. Do you think Zimmerman would have called the cops had he been a 17 y/o white kid? We know he'd called the cops 20-something times in the year or two before & every "suspect" he called about was black.

Now I agree the media often jumps to conclusions & reports inaccurate information early that often becomes "fact" in the public's mind. That appears to have been the case here, but it's too early to know much of anything from what I can tell.
Been following it since before lunch......

Originally posted by NEastArkie:

Originally posted by Sir OinksAlot:
The media only cares if it's another race killing another race. It's pathetic. The media in this country is pretty evil in my honest opinion. Yes, I said evil.

This whole case about Trayvon Martin was turned into a huge race baiting war by the media. They feed this stuff to the idiots in this country and they go ape shit.

It's sad how the media becomes a circus when 2 people of opposite race kill each other.

This post was edited on 7/15 3:08 PM by Sir OinksAlot
Most killings are not race motivated. However, let's not pretend that none are. Some are mixed. It's a perfectly fair question to ask when the parties are of different races even if we wish it weren't so. It's particularly a legitimate question in the Martin-Zimmerman case. Do you think Zimmerman would have called the cops had he been a 17 y/o white kid? We know he'd called the cops 20-something times in the year or two before & every "suspect" he called about was black.

Now I agree the media often jumps to conclusions & reports inaccurate information early that often becomes "fact" in the public's mind. That appears to have been the case here, but it's too early to know much of anything from what I can tell.
The problem is they try extremely hard to make this the case anytime something like that happens. And this sort of thing does not happen a lot. But when this kind of thing gets the publicity it's gotten it motivates the whole racial tension in this country.

Why is that such a big deal when black on black crime or any other race on race crime is much higher in this country. It doesn't make any sense to me why we still try to sensationalize this issue when it's not nearly as common as race on race killings.
Originally posted by Sir OinksAlot:

Originally posted by Luke Matheson:
Now some are saying it was a black man killed by a black cop, yet the media mentions a potentially racially motivated shooting of a 15 year old when they broke into programming when this all began...

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Exactly, and why lead with something like that?

All they are doing is motivating hate. That kind of shit is the reason we will never get over this whole race issue. It's disgusting.
It's not the media's fault that African Americans feel the system fails them time and time again. When you lose faith in the system, you then reject the system, and create your own system. The system that has been created and generally speaking (especially with poor and uneducated) practiced is one that doesn't append much value to the African American life and is born out of self hate. The stolen history, identity, and cultural pride of Black people in America is a real phenomenon, and one that has never been fully addressed. While it's easy for you or me, to simply say "get over it" the damage and real "issues" are far deeper than that. It's not my mission to convince you of this, that information is readily available to you if you wish to find it, but to trivialize it and dismiss it as a "non issue" is in fact "part of the problem". All that said, the media is just trying to "sell tickets", they sell what you buy. It's the reason your Fox News and MSNBC's are as jaded and slanted as they can possibly be without losing all's what sells to their audience.
Originally posted by Sir OinksAlot:

The problem is they try extremely hard to make this the case anytime something like that happens. And this sort of thing does not happen a lot. But when this kind of thing gets the publicity it's gotten it motivates the whole racial tension in this country.

Why is that such a big deal when black on black crime or any other race on race crime is much higher in this country. It doesn't make any sense to me why we still try to sensationalize this issue when it's not nearly as common as race on race killings.
That's a fair question & it's one I think I know the answer to. Most crimes aren't newsworthy because they have no social meaning. It doesn't matter the race of a convenience store robber or the race of two acquaintances who get into a fight where one ends up dead. The story is only newsworthy at a local level & for only one night. However, if it appears society as a whole or an arm of the state is turning a blind eye because of one of the parties' race, it's newsworthy and justifies national exposure. That's because we can & should work to make society more colorblind. There were black on black killings in Miss in 1956, but the Emmett Till killing & the obvious state complicity in allowing the perps to walk generated sensational news coverage that helped spark long overdue social change. Change has come, but we are still not there. I can still remember many such crimes from my youth.

There is a lot of data to show that black people are disproportionately targeted by the police & are disproportionately sentenced for the same crimes committed by white people. I wish that weren't true, but it is. The Martin-Zimmerman case, regardless of whether you think Zimmerman should've been acquitted, happened against a backdrop of a police dept that had a history or mistreating black citizens. Zimmerman himself had called 911 over 20 times in the year or two before he shot Martin complaining about a black "suspect" in his neighborhood. In every instance the "suspect" was black & yet not one of them was ever found to have been doing anything wrong. (I am sure some weren't "found" at all, but I don't know how many. I just know he never accurately discovered anyone who had no reason to be in the vicinity or had committed a crime.) It's not surprising then, to think a black person rationally believes there are still two standards in this country. We should work to eliminate those differences, but we won't do it by acting as if they're not there and failing to discuss them & correct them when they are.
Originally posted by NEastArkie:

Originally posted by Sir OinksAlot:

The problem is they try extremely hard to make this the case anytime something like that happens. And this sort of thing does not happen a lot. But when this kind of thing gets the publicity it's gotten it motivates the whole racial tension in this country.

Why is that such a big deal when black on black crime or any other race on race crime is much higher in this country. It doesn't make any sense to me why we still try to sensationalize this issue when it's not nearly as common as race on race killings.
That's a fair question & it's one I think I know the answer to. Most crimes aren't newsworthy because they have no social meaning. It doesn't matter the race of a convenience store robber or the race of two acquaintances who get into a fight where one ends up dead. The story is only newsworthy at a local level & for only one night. However, if it appears society as a whole or an arm of the state is turning a blind eye because of one of the parties' race, it's newsworthy and justifies national exposure. That's because we can & should work to make society more colorblind. There were black on black killings in Miss in 1956, but the Emmett Till killing & the obvious state complicity in allowing the perps to walk generated sensational news coverage that helped spark long overdue social change. Change has come, but we are still not there. I can still remember many such crimes from my youth.

There is a lot of data to show that black people are disproportionately targeted by the police & are disproportionately sentenced for the same crimes committed by white people. I wish that weren't true, but it is. The Martin-Zimmerman case, regardless of whether you think Zimmerman should've been acquitted, happened against a backdrop of a police dept that had a history or mistreating black citizens. Zimmerman himself had called 911 over 20 times in the year or two before he shot Martin complaining about a black "suspect" in his neighborhood. In every instance the "suspect" was black & yet not one of them was ever found to have been doing anything wrong. (I am sure some weren't "found" at all, but I don't know how many. I just know he never accurately discovered anyone who had no reason to be in the vicinity or had committed a crime.) It's not surprising then, to think a black person rationally believes there are still two standards in this country. We should work to eliminate those differences, but we won't do it by acting as if they're not there and failing to discuss them & correct them when they are.
You don't stop inequality by shifting it to the other extreme, you stop it by making everybody play by the same rules, period. That seems to be a concept that goes over the heads of those who scream loudest for equality. Equality won't ever happen as long as one faction can be victimized while the other can't, jobs, business loans, and even basic rights are heavily slanted to favor the perceived "oppressed" group while the "advantaged" group is passed over or even told they have no right to expect the same treatment b/c they don't belong to an ethnic group.

The real underlying problem is the folks who scream loudest for equality don't really want equality at all. With equality comes the bad parts as well as the good, the responsibility as well as the rewards, and the burdens as well as the perks. I haven't seen an equality activist ever whine for anything other than the perks.

Title IX is a fine example. Equal scholarships for women sounds like a grand idea unless you happen to be a male athlete in a non-revenue sport and got your scholly cut if not your sport eliminated under the guise of fairness. But the thing that has always stuck out to me has been the lack of outcry from the Title IX advocates that the women's sport are not being allowed to pay their share of the bills. Not fair you would say as they aren't capable of paying their share. Well, you would be right, it's not fair exactly b/c they can't pay their share. Expect them to figure out how to carry their part of the burden and the political correctness police would go wild. To the PC, fairness only counts for the perks and not the sacrifices.

And I should have known it was you that deleted me. You let your kindred spirit/buddy mackey bend and break board rules at will and you even join into the discussions sometimes as if you don't notice the forbidden topics simply b/c you agree with his leanings. I do the same thing BEFORE he jumps in and it's delete city for me. I stand by the last post of mine you deleted. Screw you.
Originally posted by ArkRazorbacks24:
lots of protesting going on
I hate that. This is what happens if people believe they're not being treated fairly. I have no idea whatsoever about the facts of this case. However, it's important that people believe the system is fair & just. Like it or not, accurate or not, most African-American people believe that Zimmerman's acquittal is just another example that the lives of black males are not valued by society. When a policeman shoots a black suspect so soon afterward it's not surprising to see protests. Obviously these people presume this shooting was unjustified. I'd bet more white people will presume it was completely justified. None of us know yet if it was or wasn't, but I bet I know what most people of each race will presume.
Originally posted by NEastArkie:

Originally posted by Sir OinksAlot:
The media only cares if it's another race killing another race. It's pathetic. The media in this country is pretty evil in my honest opinion. Yes, I said evil.

This whole case about Trayvon Martin was turned into a huge race baiting war by the media. They feed this stuff to the idiots in this country and they go ape shit.

It's sad how the media becomes a circus when 2 people of opposite race kill each other.

This post was edited on 7/15 3:08 PM by Sir OinksAlot
Most killings are not race motivated. However, let's not pretend that none are. Some are mixed. It's a perfectly fair question to ask when the parties are of different races even if we wish it weren't so. It's particularly a legitimate question in the Martin-Zimmerman case. Do you think Zimmerman would have called the cops had he been a 17 y/o white kid? We know he'd called the cops 20-something times in the year or two before & every "suspect" he called about was black.

Now I agree the media often jumps to conclusions & reports inaccurate information early that often becomes "fact" in the public's mind. That appears to have been the case here, but it's too early to know much of anything from what I can tell.
Zimmerman was a liberal.. a Democrat.

Zimmerman started a business with a black friend.

Zimmerman and his wife tutored and mentored minority children... for free.

In Jan. 2011, Zimmerman led the inquiry into the death of a homeless black man at the hands of a white policeman's son. The police chief ended up resigning.

PLUS the FBI checked in the issue of it being racially motived early on and said there was none!

Does that sound like Zimmerman is a racists?

The MSM COULD have reported those details. In stead, the edit the 911 tape to make Zimmerman LOOK sound like a racists.

So, why is the DOJ even reviewing the case to see if Trayvon's civil rights were violated? Maybe... politically motived?
This post was edited on 7/15 6:04 PM by original hambone
Originally posted by original hambone:

Originally posted by NEastArkie:

Originally posted by Sir OinksAlot:
The media only cares if it's another race killing another race. It's pathetic. The media in this country is pretty evil in my honest opinion. Yes, I said evil.

This whole case about Trayvon Martin was turned into a huge race baiting war by the media. They feed this stuff to the idiots in this country and they go ape shit.

It's sad how the media becomes a circus when 2 people of opposite race kill each other.

This post was edited on 7/15 3:08 PM by Sir OinksAlot
Most killings are not race motivated. However, let's not pretend that none are. Some are mixed. It's a perfectly fair question to ask when the parties are of different races even if we wish it weren't so. It's particularly a legitimate question in the Martin-Zimmerman case. Do you think Zimmerman would have called the cops had he been a 17 y/o white kid? We know he'd called the cops 20-something times in the year or two before & every "suspect" he called about was black.

Now I agree the media often jumps to conclusions & reports inaccurate information early that often becomes "fact" in the public's mind. That appears to have been the case here, but it's too early to know much of anything from what I can tell.
Zimmerman was a liberal.. a Democrat.

Zimmerman started a business with a black friend.

Zimmerman and his wife tutored and mentored minority children... for free.

In Jan. 2011, Zimmerman led the inquiry into the death of a homeless black man at the hands of a white policeman's son. The police chief ended up resigning.

PLUS the FBI checked in the issue of it being racially motived early on and said there was none!

Does that sound like Zimmerman is a racists?

The MSM COULD have reported those details. In stead, the edit the 911 tape to make Zimmerman LOOK sound like a racists.

So, why is the DOJ even reviewing the case to see if Trayvon's civil rights were violated? Maybe... politically motived?

This post was edited on 7/15 6:04 PM by original hambone
The truth doesn't matter hambone. All that matters is that an opportunity to stir up race cannot be passed up no matter the truth. Black kid got shot by somebody not black therefore it HAD to be nothing but a hatecrime. Had TM beaten GZ to death they(the PCers) would be screaming self defense for all to hear. In the hypocritical ironies to end all hypocritical ironies, the same folks who are quickest to accuse others of racial profiling, the left never hesitates a second to drag race into anything they can find, real or perceived. Bunch of frauds.
Originally posted by rzrbk7777:You don't stop inequality by shifting it to the other extreme, you stop it by making everybody play by the same rules, period.

And I should have known it was you that deleted me. You let your kindred spirit/buddy mackey bend and break board rules at will and you even join into the discussions sometimes as if you don't notice the forbidden topics simply b/c you agree with his leanings. I do the same thing BEFORE he jumps in and it's delete city for me. I stand by the last post of mine you deleted. Screw you.
As usual you presume things without knowing what you're talking about. I have not deleted any of your posts in weeks. There are many moderators on this board and any number of them could've deleted your post. Knowing the tenor of most of your posts, I'm sure you deserved to be deleted. Knowing the tenor of your posts, any of them might have.

As for your rant on equality, I'd say minorities do not enjoy anything approaching equality in most aspects of our society. It required laws that favored them to even give them a shot at it.
Zimmerman was a liberal.. a Democrat.

Zimmerman started a business with a black friend.

Zimmerman and his wife tutored and mentored minority children... for free.

In Jan. 2011, Zimmerman led the inquiry into the death of a homeless black man at the hands of a white policeman's son. The police chief ended up resigning.
PLUS the FBI checked in the issue of it being racially motived early on and said there was none!
Does that sound like Zimmerman is a racists?
The MSM COULD have reported those details. In stead, the edit the 911 tape to make Zimmerman LOOK sound like a racists.
So, why is the DOJ even reviewing the case to see if Trayvon's civil rights were violated? Maybe... politically motived?
Racism exists on a spectrum. One needn't approve of the KKK to be one. I have no idea if your claims about his politics are true and I don't know whether he tutored black children. (Sounds like the old, "I've got friends who are black" or "We had a black maid we all loved" claims made by racists in the 60's) However, if he thought the kid was a f..g punk just because he was black walking home in a mostly white neighborhood, he was acting on racist impulses. The DOJ is investigating because there are reasons to investigate.
So we have gone from the shooting in LR to Tray/Zimm; all we need now is ermackey to take it into an abortion argument to complete the circle. They are saying the policeman that shot the kid may be a black officer. I hope they are right just for safety's sake
Originally posted by NEastArkie:

Originally posted by rzrbk7777:
You don't stop inequality by shifting it to the other extreme, you stop it by making everybody play by the same rules, period.

And I should have known it was you that deleted me. You let your kindred spirit/buddy mackey bend and break board rules at will and you even join into the discussions sometimes as if you don't notice the forbidden topics simply b/c you agree with his leanings. I do the same thing BEFORE he jumps in and it's delete city for me. I stand by the last post of mine you deleted. Screw you.
As usual you presume things without knowing what you're talking about. I have not deleted any of your posts in weeks. There are many moderators on this board and any number of them could've deleted your post. Knowing the tenor of most of your posts, I'm sure you deserved to be deleted. Knowing the tenor of your posts, any of them might have.

As for your rant on equality, I'd say minorities do not enjoy anything approaching equality in most aspects of our society. It required laws that favored them to even give them a shot at it.
I'm betting it was you, as you tend to be the most petty and agenda driven of the mods.

Of course you wouldn't say that minorities enjoy anything close to equality. You are a liberal, it would be a violation of everything you stand for to admit that. And then you throw up laws enacted half a century ago and before as proof of what is going on today. That kind of generic BS might be enough to appease your target audience, but it's still irrelevant BS, and it shows you to be the fraud you are.

When those laws were written we had separate schools for blacks and whites. Separate restrooms, separate entrances to theaters, separate public water fountains, etc. Black athletes couldn't go to most of the colleges in the country to play simply b/c they were black. Many restaurants and hotels would not cater to blacks and of course, blacks were forced to sit at the back of the bus. Blacks working for railroads were not even eligible to be promoted to conductors and engineers until the 60's. Back then an interracial couple would have been in grave danger in many parts of the country. Those laws changed all of that to the point that everything I just mentioned is downright unthinkable these days and has been for decades. That seems to really bother you.

Yet you libs carry on as if nothing has ever changed and in the process you have caused far more damage to the black communities in particular and our nation in general than you have ever repaired. You libs seem to have overwhelming need to keep our nation divided and pointing fingers at each other at all costs. You find victims where there are none and point out wrongs as if they only happen to a victimized few. And you encourage people to blame others for their lots in life and to see themselves as incapable of being or having anything more than the government gives them. The result has been poverty, crime, perpetual victimization, and a sense of entitlement that has been passed down from generation to generation while people like you cheerlead. You aren't doing the people any favors, you are teaching them to trade ambition and the American dream for a government check. You people are disgusting.
Originally posted by rzrbk7777:
I'm betting it was you, as you tend to be the most petty and agenda driven of the mods.

Of course you wouldn't say that minorities enjoy anything close to equality. You are a liberal, it would be a violation of everything you stand for to admit that. And then you throw up laws enacted half a century ago and before as proof of what is going on today. That kind of generic BS might be enough to appease your target audience, but it's still irrelevant BS, and it shows you to be the fraud you are.

When those laws were written we had separate schools for blacks and whites. Separate restrooms, separate entrances to theaters, separate public water fountains, etc. Black athletes couldn't go to most of the colleges in the country to play simply b/c they were black. Many restaurants and hotels would not cater to blacks and of course, blacks were forced to sit at the back of the bus. Blacks working for railroads were not even eligible to be promoted to conductors and engineers until the 60's. Back then an interracial couple would have been in grave danger in many parts of the country. Those laws changed all of that to the point that everything I just mentioned is downright unthinkable these days and has been for decades. That seems to really bother you.

Yet you libs carry on as if nothing has ever changed and in the process you have caused far more damage to the black communities in particular and our nation in general than you have ever repaired. You libs seem to have overwhelming need to keep our nation divided and pointing fingers at each other at all costs. You find victims where there are none and point out wrongs as if they only happen to a victimized few. And you encourage people to blame others for their lots in life and to see themselves as incapable of being or having anything more than the government gives them. The result has been poverty, crime, perpetual victimization, and a sense of entitlement that has been passed down from generation to generation while people like you cheerlead. You aren't doing the people any favors, you are teaching them to trade ambition and the American dream for a government check. You people are disgusting.
Well bud, you'd lose your bet. It wasn't me.

As for the rest of your rant...Fine, whatever.
Originally posted by NEastArkie:

Originally posted by rzrbk7777:

I'm betting it was you, as you tend to be the most petty and agenda driven of the mods.

Of course you wouldn't say that minorities enjoy anything close to equality. You are a liberal, it would be a violation of everything you stand for to admit that. And then you throw up laws enacted half a century ago and before as proof of what is going on today. That kind of generic BS might be enough to appease your target audience, but it's still irrelevant BS, and it shows you to be the fraud you are.

When those laws were written we had separate schools for blacks and whites. Separate restrooms, separate entrances to theaters, separate public water fountains, etc. Black athletes couldn't go to most of the colleges in the country to play simply b/c they were black. Many restaurants and hotels would not cater to blacks and of course, blacks were forced to sit at the back of the bus. Blacks working for railroads were not even eligible to be promoted to conductors and engineers until the 60's. Back then an interracial couple would have been in grave danger in many parts of the country. Those laws changed all of that to the point that everything I just mentioned is downright unthinkable these days and has been for decades. That seems to really bother you.

Yet you libs carry on as if nothing has ever changed and in the process you have caused far more damage to the black communities in particular and our nation in general than you have ever repaired. You libs seem to have overwhelming need to keep our nation divided and pointing fingers at each other at all costs. You find victims where there are none and point out wrongs as if they only happen to a victimized few. And you encourage people to blame others for their lots in life and to see themselves as incapable of being or having anything more than the government gives them. The result has been poverty, crime, perpetual victimization, and a sense of entitlement that has been passed down from generation to generation while people like you cheerlead. You aren't doing the people any favors, you are teaching them to trade ambition and the American dream for a government check. You people are disgusting.
Well bud, you'd lose your bet. It wasn't me.

As for the rest of your rant...Fine, whatever.
Atta boy. I knew I could count on you. You get hammered by reality on your little lib catchphrase("I'd say minorities do not enjoy anything approaching equality in most aspects of our society") and so you do your "fine, whatever" response as if actually addressing the differences between your claims of woeful discrimination vs what has actually taken place in the last 40-50 years as beneath you. In truth, you have no defense for the truth. Anytime somebody has the audacity to contradict you with facts you can't blow enough smoke on to make disappear, you simply move into "I'm not going to lower myself into debating that" mode. Shame too, b/c I already had several real life examples of those truths lined up to throw back at you. It's not too late if you really want to back up your claims with anything more than 50 year old history and unsubstantiated statements.

Oh, and when I said "I'm betting" I just meant that as a figure of speech. I wasn't really making a wager with anybody, bud.
Originally posted by rzrbk7777:
Atta boy. I knew I could count on you. You get hammered by reality on your little lib catchphrase("I'd say minorities do not enjoy anything approaching equality in most aspects of our society") and so you do your "fine, whatever" response as if actually addressing the differences between your claims of woeful discrimination vs what has actually taken place in the last 40-50 years as beneath you. In truth, you have no defense for the truth. Anytime somebody has the audacity to contradict you with facts you can't blow enough smoke on to make disappear, you simply move into "I'm not going to lower myself into debating that" mode. Shame too, b/c I already had several real life examples of those truths lined up to throw back at you. It's not too late if you really want to back up your claims with anything more than 50 year old history and unsubstantiated statements.

Oh, and when I said "I'm betting" I just meant that as a figure of speech. I wasn't really making a wager with anybody, bud.
No. It's just that you always repeat your same crap over & over. You have no idea how to debate or discuss any issue. You confuse your beliefs with facts. You throw out insults & think you're making an argument. All you're able to do time & again is prove yourself to be hate-filled guy. It doesn't really matter who or what the subject is. You just exude hatred. It's sad really. If you want to believe there's no more racial discrimination, I don't care. I don't expect to convince you otherwise.

Yeah, I know you meant, "I'm betting" as just a figure of speech. That's why I used the conditional "would lose." Either way, I didn't delete your post. Some other moderator with good judgment decided you were out of line. Imagine that.