OT: Teen birthrate hit another record low in 2011

There is no way this thread doesn't end up deleted.

I am curious as to if the number of abortions has rose since 1991.
Originally posted by brwillis11:

There is no way this thread doesn't end up deleted.

I am curious as to if the number of abortions has rose since 1991.
Actually, I think the answer is that more Hispanics are leaving Catholicism and are using birth control. Likewise, more blacks have increased access and acceptance to utilize. contraception. The article doesn't say, but there is a graph showing a 34% drop in hispanic birth rates among teens.

Here is a link to news about the Latino move to protestant christianity:
I believe it def a combo of increased awareness and sex education plus abortions being not a big of a deal in society today.
I have a 16 year old girl that works for me she is a straight A student and cheerleader. Her attitude is "No way am I screwing my life up and getting pregnant". I think kids are growing up faster maturity wise and realizing whats important in life. IMO
It's called "the pull out"
Posted from[/URL]
Originally posted by floridahog:

I have a 16 year old girl that works for me she is a straight A student and cheerleader. Her attitude is "No way am I screwing my life up and getting pregnant". I think kids are growing up faster maturity wise and realizing whats important in life. IMO
I really think the opposite is the case personally. I would say an 18 y/o of 20 years ago is prolly closer to a 24 y/o now a days , maturity wise.

However I think awareness is a lot better now then a while back.
Originally posted by RazorbackDundee:

Originally posted by floridahog:

I have a 16 year old girl that works for me she is a straight A student and cheerleader. Her attitude is "No way am I screwing my life up and getting pregnant". I think kids are growing up faster maturity wise and realizing whats important in life. IMO
I really think the opposite is the case personally. I would say an 18 y/o of 20 years ago is prolly closer to a 24 y/o now a days , maturity wise.

However I think awareness is a lot better now then a while back.
I work with College and HS youth in my position and agree with this on the maturity front. However, I think they are more "street-wise" in different ways. While they lack sexual maturity in their decision-making of partners, they have more access and information from which to limit risk. There is also much less social embarrassment from being on the pill or carrying condoms among women.
Originally posted by ATU_Hawg:
Wait Florida, why are you talking to this 16 year old girl about sex haha

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Because her 18 year old sister is pregnant and she sees what it has done to her life. Get your minds out of the gutter.
Wtf is this on here for? Dont pay $10 a month for stupid crap that I could just look on yahoo about.

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