Originally posted by BOSSHOGFREE:
Lets rock... being a broker can you tell me how the Us having the highest corporate tax IN THE WORLD promotes any businessman foreign or domestic to do business here? Because as we all know those evil rich men are also the ones who bring or take the jobs away.
Can you tell me the incentives of a small business or major corporation for that matter in allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire? It would instantly layer on added expenses leading to lower returns for wall street. Which as a broker you know they CANT do. So they either eat the loss (which is not an option) or cut wages/ workforce reduction. How does that create jobs, us goods production, or tax revenue given the loss of income tax?
Obama care.... again is an added expense for employers who currently do not offer a health care plan. I just talked about leveraging expenses..... do you know what the #1 expense of almost every company on the plant is? Wages...... when you leverage unplanned expenses what do you cut?????? You got it.....wages..... which yet again lowers production and income tax.
Simple question here with all the people out of work or on government assistance how will taxing "the rich" (you know those people do run the companies wo give the jobs) gain any more jobs. In fact how will it not produce MORE unemployment by companies leveraging the new expenses by reducing production and wages?
Given the facts that you are aware of as a broker is it not reasonable to assume that the liberal platform is based on the thought process of running up unemployment for the sole reason of having the majority of the population be DEPENDANT upon their handouts keeping them in power? If you are knowingly forcing major and really all corporations to do business elsewhere or take a loss are you not knowingly killing our free market?
Energy.... it is a fact they the us holds enough oil and natural gas to run the nation to 100 years independantly. Given that fact would the long term ecological and economical safekeeping not be to drill like crazy drive the price of oil down. Use the savings to develop new technologies that are not oil based within the next 50 years and kill two birds with one stone. Look at energy technology over the last 100 years. Gasoline wasn't even used as a fuel 100 Yrs ago. Why drive UP the price of oil as Obama is doing to "force" us to look for new technologies all the while paying through the nose for is production due to the higher prices which also devalues our dollar.
That's just the tip of the iceberg and I stuk to business topics as you stated..... you're a broker