See last night's TV report on Colorado and Pot?


Gold Member
Jan 22, 2005
New Jersey
It's complicated.

Party's on. Culture and social priorities are changing,
Tax receipts flood the state. A new breed of entrepreneurs
is emerging. Bank, credit card and federal legal relationships
are confused or stymied, A widespread pickup in crime
seems to be just ahead. Time wiil tell about personal health,
highway safety, effective employee performance, added
enforcement capability of police, and so on.

And some other states are scrambling to join the party.

Anyone that thinks the legalization of marijuana will cause a "widespread pickup" in crime is fooling themselves. The Fed already approved loans and banking relationships with these businesses. Can I ask which channel is reporting this?
"A widespread pickup in crime is just ahead"

The TV reported this or you are predicting this? Curious. What evidence backs up that statement?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
CNN 9 Central Tonight

People need to watch this show. If you have any doubt about the need for Medical MJ, please watch. Sanja Gupta is about to drop a big bomb that people will be talking about tomorrow.
This isn't about a bunch of hippies setting around burning. This is real and if you have any compassion for people, tonights show should seal the deal on this issue with anyone with a heart.
Originally posted by John Rogers:
"A widespread pickup in crime is just ahead"

The TV reported this or you are predicting this? Curious. What evidence backs up that statement?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Crime will decrease IMO. Just a matter of time before its legal everywhere in the US except Arkansas.
Re: CNN 9 Central Tonight

EXACTLY!! If people would realize the benefits this plant offers to the medical world. So far you cant argue the facts about what it has done for seizures and pain. There is so much more that is being currently studied and needs support. I don't smoke it and haven't in years and year, but medical marijuana needs to happen. GHG
"A widespread pickup in crime is just ahead"
Uhhhh, no. About 750,000 marijuana arrests per year would go away, or about half of all drug arrests.
OP watched the rerun of the show that aired on MSNBC last week. A very comprehensive show on the Colorado situation. NOWHERE in the show was it mentiond a widespread pickup in crime. Never mentioned. IT had one chief of police in one town that was against it being legal but crime was never mentioned exect for the fact that it was dangerous to have that much money on hand in one place.

Very informative show but really only discussed the positive of it being legal. OF course there was those that brought up sending the wrong message to children ect. But no crime wave is expected in CO.

Only crimes now will be white collar crimes such as tax evasion and such.
Originally posted by hogminer:

Originally posted by John Rogers:
"A widespread pickup in crime is just ahead"

The TV reported this or you are predicting this? Curious. What evidence backs up that statement?

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Crime will decrease IMO. Just a matter of time before its legal everywhere in the US except Arkansas.
Not sure why you would suggest that considering the next time it's on the ballot it'll pass.
Re: CNN 9 Central Tonight

The debate's long since over. Just going to take some time before everyone realizes it.
OP sounds like one of those people that like to make assumptions on things he doesn't understand.
Re: CNN 9 Central Tonight

The debate is long since over since the democrats hold office. What happens if a Republican takes office and reinvigorates the drug war? Let me assure you this fight is not over....

I am so pro legalization it isn't even funny. If you are against it, watch Dr. Gupta's (very well respected neurosurgeon) shows on why it is a legitimate medicine and a fair recreational indulgence. For those that do not know....Sanjay Gupta was at one time the biggest advocate against MJ

This post was edited on 3/11 11:38 AM by Penthouse65
Re: CNN 9 Central Tonight

Originally posted by Penthouse65:
The debate is long since over since the democrats hold office. What happens if a Republican takes office and reinvigorates the drug war? Let me assure you this fight is not over....

I am so pro legalization it isn't even funny. If you are against it, watch Dr. Gupta's (very well respected neurosurgeon) shows on why it is a legitimate medicine and a fair recreational indulgence. For those that do not know....Sanjay Gupta was at one time the biggest advocate against MJ

This post was edited on 3/11 11:38 AM by Penthouse65
I'm a huge advocate of legalization. There's just no legitimate reason for it to be illegal.

And I do think the debate is over. Almost every semi-educated person I know, R or D, is for legalization. The evangelicals will scream for the sake of screaming, but it passes the next time it's on the ballot.
Originally posted by razrback5:

Originally posted by hogminer:

Originally posted by John Rogers:
"A widespread pickup in crime is just ahead"

The TV reported this or you are predicting this? Curious. What evidence backs up that statement?

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Crime will decrease IMO. Just a matter of time before its legal everywhere in the US except Arkansas.
Not sure why you would suggest that considering the next time it's on the ballot it'll pass.
I too believe it will pass next time. What were we like 2% points away last time, and that was with no money behind it. People are seeing the $$$ signs and are realizing the amount of money to be made off of legalization (even for medicinal use only, but everyone knows if medicinal use is approved recreational will be soon to follow).
Once legal and only grown in FDA approved forms on USDA farms you will see the price along with Fed, State, City and County taxes go through the roof....just like Cigs. Hmmmmm......maybe the Drug Lords in Mexico will move here and buy some of AR good old Delta Farm Land.
The problem with the tax money is that no one will use it to pay in their deficits. Each state/the nation will spend even more money and claim the pot tax money is paying for it when they are already in the hole to begin with.

Makes me sick to think about. Money for nothing and were sure to piss it away.
Originally posted by GoHogs3:
Once legal and only grown in FDA approved forms on USDA farms you will see the price along with Fed, State, City and County taxes go through the roof....just like Cigs. Hmmmmm......maybe the Drug Lords in Mexico will move here and buy some of AR good old Delta Farm Land.
The drug lords will not go away. They have other associated wares to sell,
and are shrewd marketers and market creators.

Originally posted by tomt7:

Originally posted by GoHogs3:
Once legal and only grown in FDA approved forms on USDA farms you will see the price along with Fed, State, City and County taxes go through the roof....just like Cigs. Hmmmmm......maybe the Drug Lords in Mexico will move here and buy some of AR good old Delta Farm Land.
The drug lords will not go away. They have other associated wares to sell,
and are shrewd marketers and market creators.

Which is why we should legalize all drugs. Really hit the cartel hard.
Re: CNN 9 Central Tonight

I know there may be uses as a drug, but I have seen, on many occasions, first hand how lazy and useless it makes you as a person.
Re: CNN 9 Central Tonight

Originally posted by mtsuhog85:
I know there may be uses as a drug, but I have seen, on many occasions, first hand how lazy and useless it makes you as a person.
Therefore it should be illegal? I just can't justify spending billions of dollars to deter people from doing something that they're going to do, regardless.
Re: CNN 9 Central Tonight

MTSU just watch the show tonight. Just watch this show. It doesn't matter if it makes people lazy or not. Watch what it does for these small children with epilepsy. Watch what it is doing for these people with cronic pain that can avoid a pain pill addiction. Your mind will be changed.
This post was edited on 3/11 12:38 PM by smallmouthhog
Re: CNN 9 Central Tonight

Originally posted by mtsuhog85:
I know there may be uses as a drug, but I have seen, on many occasions, first hand how lazy and useless it makes you as a person.
I know of people like you're talking about. I also know very succesful, very well respected people who smoke it and are active members of society who do not become lazy and useless. Yes, those people are out there, but they were probably lazy an useless before the pot. I know people who become a-holes and violent when they drink, but I also know people who can handle it and don't have a problem with it.
Originally posted by Hogswell Hogs:

Originally posted by hogminer:
Medical or recreational or both?
No reason it shouldn't be both.
I agree, I just don't see our state being leaders in recreational legalization.
Originally posted by hogminer:

Originally posted by Hogswell Hogs:

Originally posted by hogminer:
Medical or recreational or both?
No reason it shouldn't be both.
I agree, I just don't see our state being leaders in recreational legalization.
Yeah, I was talking strictly Medical, not Recreational.

I didn't vote pro-medical last time and will this time. I'm not sure I'll ever vote pro-recreational.
Re: CNN 9 Central Tonight

The medical is what this show is about. It does truly help sick people and that is the point of DR Guptas story. He is going to put pressure on the Feds to make it happen at the Federal level. What this guy says carries a serious punch.
Once it is legalized for meds and people see that its not a big deal and folks that smoke pot are calm non violent people, then legalization and taxation will follow.
Originally posted by Hogswell Hogs:
Which is why we should legalize all drugs. Really hit the cartel hard.

Yupp , your 10 y/o child is around heroin and cocaine etc on a daily basis and you don't think they (or someone elses kid) will not experiment ? . Hell I took up smoking as a kid because it was so easy to get and I wanted to be cool with my big brother and his friends.

All that just to get rid of the "Cartels" ?.
Might be a good time to invest in some prime farm land in Arkansas.
Originally posted by RazorbackDundee:

Originally posted by Hogswell Hogs:
Which is why we should legalize all drugs. Really hit the cartel hard.

Yupp , your 10 y/o child is around heroin and cocaine etc on a daily basis and you don't think they (or someone elses kid) will not experiment ? . Hell I took up smoking as a kid because it was so easy to get and I wanted to be cool with my big brother and his friends.

All that just to get rid of the "Cartels" ?.
I don't do those things. Why would my child be around them on a daily basis unless I take no interest in my child?

And I would do it just because no man has a right to tell me what I can/can't put into my own body, and vice-verca. That's not to mention the tax revenue and detriment to the cartels.

Then again, I believe in actual freedom. I'm also opposed to most entitlement programs and think the left's constant attack of the second amendment is an abomination.
Re: CNN 9 Central Tonight

Originally posted by mtsuhog85:
Im talking about recreational use, medical is a different story. If it truly helps people that are sick...lets do it.
The lazy and useless were probably lazy and useless to begin with. The plant didnt make them that way, they chose that path before they started smoking/eating/vaping/drinking marijuana. It is a common misconception that weed makes you lazy...

Was Steve Jobs lazy? Is Bill Clinton, Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Colbert, John Stewart, John Kerry, George Soros, Bill Gates, George Bush, Lebron James, Mayor Bloomberg, Brad Pit, Ted Turner, Michael Phelps, and every other fvcking person in this world lazy?

33% of Mississippi is considered obese by medical standards. I can assure you all of those fat a$$es are lazy and useless..... Not only that, but they take money out of my pocket so I can pay for their diabetes and blood pressure medicine. So now they are lazy, useless, AND costly. Not to mention they fill up the graveyards faster than any war can. Do we close up all the fast food joints and outlaw unhealthy eating options to that group?

Your argument is void and hypocritical at best....Please attempt to educate yourself

This post was edited on 3/11 12:58 PM by Penthouse65
Re: CNN 9 Central Tonight

Originally posted by Penthouse65:

Originally posted by mtsuhog85:
Im talking about recreational use, medical is a different story. If it truly helps people that are sick...lets do it.
The lazy and useless were probably lazy and useless to begin with. The plant didnt make them that way, they chose that path before they started smoking/eating/vaping/drinking marijuana. It is a common misconception that weed makes you lazy...

Was Steve Jobs lazy? Is Bill Clinton, Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Colbert, John Stewart, John Kerry, George Soros, Bill Gates, George Bush, Lebron James, Mayor Bloomberg, Brad Pit, Ted Turner, Michael Phelps, and every other fvcking person in this world lazy?

33% of Mississippi is considered obese my medical standards. I can assure you all of those fat a$$es are lazy and useless as well. Not only that, but they take money out of my pocket so I can pay for their diabetes and blood pressure medicine. Do we close up all the fast food joins and outlaw unhealthy eating options to that group?

Your argument is void and hypocritical at best....Please attempt to educate yourself
Love it. Great post.

Far too many people out there trying to find something to blame for human nature.
Re: CNN 9 Central Tonight

Hogswell go easy on the uninformed. IT has been pounded into peoples heads for generations that MJ is a drug on the same lines as heroin. That didn't happen overnight and reversing this train of thought wont happen overnight either. It is happening a lot faster than expected IMO. People just need to tune in tonight.
Originally posted by razrback5:
Originally posted by hogminer:

Originally posted by Hogswell Hogs:

Originally posted by hogminer:
Medical or recreational or both?
No reason it shouldn't be both.
I agree, I just don't see our state being leaders in recreational legalization.
Yeah, I was talking strictly Medical, not Recreational.

I didn't vote pro-medical last time and will this time. I'm not sure I'll ever vote pro-recreational.

Tennessee and Arkansas are making surprising moves in this area...Just look at the voting history. I firmly believe these two states will pave the way for the rest of the SE. TN and AR will both have medical MJ within 5 years, probably much sooner.
Most states, especially the ones in the South, do not have a deficit. Arkansas is constitutionally prohibited from deficit spending. As we all know, it's different for the federal government, but it's states that earn the tax revenue on pot, not the federal government. So, in this case, the added tax revenue would actually mean the state could provide new or improved services.
This post was edited on 3/11 1:33 PM by Hendrix Hog
Re: CNN 9 Central Tonight

I may be way off, but if the Republic wants to be in office any time soon they're going to have to make some changes. The country is becoming more socialist by the day. I imagine quite a few Republicans are for it (I am). Fiscally, it makes too much sense for it to not be legalized.