Originally posted by NEastArkie:
Originally posted by rzrbk7777:
I was a young kid during the civl rights days so I really didn't even know what was going on. Surprisingly though, the southern politicians who championed segregation were staunch democrats. The key here in all of that is, we rejected that stuff and managed to right ourselves. The last thing common Americans want these days is to be labeled a racist. That is a huge departure from my childhood days in the 60's. The Muslims can get on that course anytime.
The guy in Norway was a lonewolf nutjob and certainly not officially or unofficially a representation of the Christian faith. There were no Christians celebrating his act that I ever heard of. Tim McVay was a supremesist wackjob that did the bidding of other wackjobs, but I have no recollection of any of that being done in the name of Jesus.
Once again, trying lump stuff from decades and centuries ago in with current events to take responsibility off of acts of terrorism that literally costs our country billions of dollars and still growing body counts is far fetched at best. Trying to pretend that the Muslim radical world is a minute part of the religion couldn't be farther from the truth. They basically control the Middle East. We, the most powerful military presence on the planet, have spent a dozen years and counting fighting those guys in Afganistan and Iraq, and common knowledge is it is a battle we will never win. That is not a tiny opponent made of of a few extremists. They are well organized, well funded, and wield power that is felt worldwide. No way are they the radical fringe you guys want to see them as. They control the Muslim world for the most part.
Not gonna get into an abortion debate except to say that I was born to an unwed mother in the late 50's(before Roe v Wade) and adopted at birth. From the gist of this thread, no doubt some of you would love it had I been flushed down the drain and so be it. But like It's a Wonderfull Life, I have kids and grandkids, a wife, employees, and others whose lives would have either never happened or turned out much differently had I been an abortiion statistic instead of a human being., so I'm probably not the guy you want to look at for sympathy for abortion doctors.
What in the world does party affiliation of '60's senators have to with a discussion of religious practices and beliefs? I don't want to get into abortion, either. I was pointing out that Christian opponents of it didn't denounce the murderous tactics used by extremist murderers any more than Muslim opponents of terrorism denounce Muslim terrorists.
Christian and Muslim teachings and scriptures are centuries old. It makes sense to use historical examples of each's practices to discuss what it's adherents believe, especially when the examples include very recent events.
This post was edited on 4/17 8:10 PM by NEastArkie
Finally lobbied Trey into letting you move it. Good for you. Now we can take the gloves off.
Why did I bring up democrats in the 60's? You brought up the 60's and for you to throw Christians under the bus w/o mention of your democrat brothers like Faubus, George Wallace, Huey Long, etc., was just plain wrong. Nobody played a bigger role in segregagation than the leaders of the southern democrats. I heard you are a lawyer so I shouldn't have to tell you that once you open a door on a line of thought you don't get to close it back up when it turns on you. And FWIW, MLK was both a Christian and a democrat.
As far as abortion and the lack of Christian sympathies toward abortion docs, so what? I'll bet you any amount that I can find you as many Christians as you want me to that can honestly tell you they pray for abortionists on a regular basis. They pray for peace in the Middle East, they pray for the souls of gays, and they even pray for obama. Christians who do it right believe that you hate the sin but love the sinner. I bet you were unaware of that.
You tolerance junkies have to be the biggest frauds on the planet. You aren't tolerant of squat you don't agree with. Probably less tolerant than those you label as intolerant. The whole notion of "being tolerant" is a myth. Everybody on the planet is intolerant of what they consider wrong. It's not tolerance to support what you believe in and then turn around and hammer those who don't see things as you do, no matter how often you say it is. I think "enlightened" came to mean blind and stupid while behaving like a snob at just about the same time "tolerance" came to mean well, the opposite of tolerance.
You guys that are on the "be kind to the Muslims, it aint their fault" bandwagon remind me of the folks on the animal channel that try to make pets out of poisonous snakes(no, I'm not calling your beloved muslims snakes for gosh sakes). You fail to grasp the basic truth in life that not every being on this planet desires to be your friend. Have you people paid any attention to how they roll in Muslim run countries at all? How they address freedom of speech, freedom of religion, how they treat their women and children, how they view people who don't see the world as they do? You sure don't act like you have. Those muslim countries make Christians look like the most tolerant bunch on the planet, and compared to them, we are.
You guys need to take your show on the road and go to Beriut, Tripoli, Tehran, etc., and sell your same sex marriage and women's rights stuff to your adopted buddies on busy street corners. Do you have any doubt how that would work out for you? Hate to break it to you guys, but while the Muslims don't tend to care for Christians much, they hate everything you guys stand for. Don't believe it? Take the road trip and find out. Send you some tolerance missionaries over there to teach the natives to embrace your enlightenment and please, please, please video it and get it on the internet before they take you away so we can all watch.
And while I don't totally dismiss the peaceful and passive Muslim stuff you guys throw out, your reasoning on being "all in" on that notion is beyond flawed. If you had a Muslim neighbor, would you have expected him to be out on his lawn doing the victory dance after 911? If you asked, would you really expect a Muslim living in your world to tell you he thought the USS Cole bombing was great, even if he thought it? You passed naive' and went straight to stupid if you do. You think Muslims are that dumb? How enlightened of you. Do you really believe those guys that came over here, took flying lessons, and flew hijacked airliners into buildings, etc., werle strutting around bragging about it before 911? Do you really think they would have told you what they really felt had you asked? Nope, they tried to blend in, seem passive, and go unnoticed. And of course, they knew they could count on those idiotic tolerance infidels to have their backs. That goes back to the pet snake thing again, don't it? And you guys think everybody else doesn't "get it". It would be funny if it weren't so tragic.
This post was edited on 4/18 8:12 AM by rzrbk7777